ContentsUnit 1 Ⅰ.Scientific Reading:Welding 1
Ⅱ.Access to Scientific English 2
Ⅲ.Semi-Scientific Word Study 5
(1)Negligible,Considerable,Substantial(2)Melt,Molten,Smelt(3)Property(4)Bring about,Produce,Cause,Give rise to(5)Critical(6)ConduciveⅣ.Practical Usage of Some Patterns 6
(1)Maximum and Minimum(2)ContentsⅤ.Supplementary Readings and Exercises 7
Reading 1 Air BearingsReading 2 Ozone Depletion and CancerUnit 2 Ⅰ.Scientific Reading:Centrifugal Governors 14
Ⅱ.Access to Scientific English 15
Ⅲ.Semi-Scientific Word Study 17
(1)Contact(2)House,Accommodate(3)Resist,Withstand(4)AdvantageⅣ.Practical Usage of Some Patterns 17
(1)The use of will,can and may(2)ClassificationⅤ.Supplementary Readings and Exercises 18
Reading 1 The Birth of StarsReading 2 Landing on VenusUnit 3 Ⅰ.Scientific Reading:The Petrol Engine 26
Ⅱ.Access to Scientific English 27
Ⅲ.Semi-Scientific Word Study 29
(1)Adopt(2)Apply(3)Exploit,Utilize,Employ(4)Efficiency(5)Attain,AchieveⅣ.Practical Usage of Some Patterns 30
(1)Methods(2)ShouldⅤ.Supplementary Readings and Exercises 31
Reading 1 The Costs of SafetyReading 2 Technology for TunnellersUnit 4 Ⅰ.Scientific Reading:The Jet Engine 40
Ⅱ.Access to Scientific English 41
Ⅲ.Semi-Scientific Word Study 42
(1)Admit,Introduce(2)Speed,Rate(3)Capacity(4)Evolve(5)Generate(6)DevelopⅣ.Practical Usage of Some Patterns 43
(1)Purpose(2)Requirements and NecessityⅤ.Supplementary Readings and Exercises 44
Reading 1 Agronomy in GuatemalaReading 2 Patents and InventionsUnit 5 Ⅰ.Scientific Reading:Radioactivity 52
Ⅱ.Access to Scientific English 53
Ⅲ.Semi-Scientific Word Study 55
(1)Produce,Product,Production(2)Consume,Consumption(3)Inject(4)Eliminate,Get rid of(5)Devise,Device,Instrument,ApparatusⅣ.Practical Usage of Some Patterns 56
(1)Explanation of cause(2)Problems,Difficulties and SolutionⅤ.Supplementary Readings and Exercises 56
Reading 1 FireballsReading 2 Genes in ActionUnit 6 Ⅰ.Scientific Reading:Chain Reaction 63
Ⅱ.Access to Scientific English 64
Ⅲ.Semi-Scientific Word Study 69
(1)Tend,Apt,Inclined(2)Impinge on,Encounter(3)Deflect,Refract,Reflect(4)Diverge,Converge(5)Induce,Aspirate(6)Expel,Exhaust,Eject,Discharge(7)Propagate,DistributeⅣ.Practical Usage of Some Patterns 70
Ratio and ProportionⅤ.Supplementary Readings and Exercises 71
Reading 1 The Schoolroom in the SkyReading 2 Brightening up the DashboardUnit 7 Ⅰ.Scientific Reading:Conductors and Conductivity 78
Ⅱ.Access to Scientific English 79
Ⅲ.Semi-Scientific Word Study 84
(1)Supply,Provide,Fit(2)Equip,Install(3)Allow for,Compensate for(4)Work,Function,Operate,Run(5)Control,RegulateⅣ.Practical Usage of Some Patterns 85
(1)Results(2)ContrastⅤ.Supplementary Readings and Exercises 86
Reading 1 Solar PhysicsReading 2 The Brain Under StressUnit 8 Ⅰ.Scientific Reading:Liquid Pumps 93
Ⅱ.Access to Scientific English 94
Ⅲ.Semi-Scientific Word Study 97
(1)Perform(2)Limit,Restrict,Impair,Impose(3)Effective(4)Factor(5)Stable,Stabilize(6)MaintainⅣ.Practical Usage of Some Patterns 99
(1)It is+adj.+to(2)It(is)+adj.+thatⅤ.Supplementary Readings and Exercises 100
Reading 1 Automating TransportReading 2 Homes for RefugeesUnit 9 Ⅰ.Scientific Reading:Road Foundations 107
Ⅱ.Access to Scientific English 109
Ⅲ.Semi-Scientific Word Study 112
(1)Dispose of(2)Affect(v);Effect(n)(3)Deteriorate,Improve(4)Potential(5)Pipe,Tube,Rod(6)Erode,CorrodeⅣ.Practical Usage of Some Patterns 113
Measurement and CalculationsⅤ.Supplementary Readings and Exercises 114
Reading 1 Mycology and Food StorageReading 2 Do Tranquilizers Cause Birth Defects?Unit 10 Ⅰ.Scientific Reading:Suspension Bridges 123
Ⅱ.Access to Scientific English 124
Ⅲ.Semi-Scientific Word Study 127
(1)Value,Evaluate(2)Subject,Subjected,Submit,Undergo,Suffer(3)Proceed,Procedure,Process(4)Agree,Accord,Conform,Comply,Consistent(5)Modify(6)TransformⅣ.Practical Usage of Some Patterns 129
(1)In that...(points of view,etc.)(2)Consider,NeglectⅤ.Supplementary Readings and Exercises 129
Reading 1 The Biological ClockReading 2 An End to Soil ProblemsKey to Supplementary Readings and Exercises 138
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