- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵廷光主编
- 出 版 社:昆明:云南民族出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7536716206
- 页数:435 页
Preface Huang Huikun 1
序&黄惠焜 1
Theory and Exploration Comprehensive Study on the Trans-border Ethnic Groups between Yunnan and the 1
理论与探索 1
一、关于云南与周边国家跨境民族综合研究&赵廷光 1
Towards the Trans-centennial and Trans-boundary Mutual Prosperity Liu Zhi 12
二、走向跨世纪、跨国界的共同繁荣&刘稚 12
三、云南与东南亚跨境民族的源和流&刘稚 29
Origin and Development of the Trans-border Ethnic Groups between Yunnan and Southeast Asia&Liu Zhi 29
Regional Development of the Southwest Continental Bridge of Asia and the Developmentand Prosperity o 46
四、亚洲西南大陆桥的区位战略与跨境民族的发展繁荣&刘达成 46
Various Issues about the Development of the Ethnic Regions&Zhao Tingguang 56
五、理顺少数民族地区发展思路的若干问题&赵廷光 56
六、论云南跨境民族与周边国家边民的关系&颜恩泉 63
Relationship between the Trans-border Ethnic Groups in Yunnan and the Border Peoplesin the Neighbour 63
Policies and Problems Studies on the Nationl Policies on Ethnic Peoples in the Neighbouring Countrie 75
政策与问题 75
七、云南周边国家民族政策研究&刘稚 75
八、云南周边国家民族问题研究&刘稚 105
Studies on the Ethnic Problems in the Neighbouring Countries with Yunnan&Liu Zhi 105
九、云南跨境民族与跨国界经济现象关系研究&申旭 130
Studies on the Relations between the Trans-border Ethnic Groups in Yunnan and the Trans-boundary Eco 130
十、泰国山民问题及政府对策初探&申旭 169
Preliminary Discussions on the Hill Problems and the Governmental Countermeasuresin Thailand Shen Xu 169
Current Situation of the Ethnic Peoples in the Laos and the Sino-Lao Friendly Relationship Liu Dache 181
十一、老挝民族的现状与中老睦邻友谊&刘达成 181
十二、泰国北部山地民族历史与现状探微&贺志雄 西天锡 187
Studies on the History and Current Situation of the Hill Tribes in Northern Thailand He Zhixiong Xi 187
十三、泰国北部山地民族鸦片替代作物种植&贺志雄 209
Opium-replacement Cultivation of the Hill Tribes in Northern Thailand He Zhixiong 209
Current Situation and Hot Topics On the Relationship between Stability and Development Zhao Tingguan 217
十四、论稳定与发展的关系——在新历史时期处理复杂社会矛盾热点的实践探索&赵廷光 217
现状与热点 217
Open-up of the Southwestern China and the Studies on the Trans-border Ethnic Peoples Liu Dacheng 227
十五、大西南对外开放与跨境民族研究&刘达成 227
十六、云南跨国界经济发展对策的几点思考&申旭 238
Some Thinkings on the Trans-boundary Economic Development Strategies of Yunnan Shen Xu 238
Relationship between the Open-up of the Border Regions of Yunnan and the Economic and Social Develop 251
十七、云南省沿边开放与周边国家跨境民族经济社会发展的相互关系&刘稚 251
Studies on the Current Problems of the Neighbouring Countries Shi Anda 261
十八、邻国现状问题探索——缅甸掸邦东部第二特区(佤族地区)现状及毒品问题&石安达 261
十九、超越边境贸易的实践——兼论德宏州口岸建设&陈真 270
Practices Surpassing the Border Trade Chen Zhen 270
On the Construction of the Border Ports and the Mutual Prosperity of the Trans-boundary Ethnic Peopl 294
二十、论沿边口岸建设与跨国界民族的共同繁荣&李立纲 294
Comparative Studies on the Oral Culture of the Trans-border Ethnic Groups of Yunnan Zhao Jie 313
二十一、云南跨境民族口碑文学对比研究&赵捷 313
On the Culture of the Trans-border Ethnic Groups of Yunnan and Its Studies Shen Xu 332
二十二、论云南跨境民族文化及其研究&申旭 332
二十三、加强国际合作,发展替代经济,铲除毒源&石安达 343
Reinforce International Cooperation to Develop Replacement Economy and EliminateOpium Shi Anda 343
二四、“金四角”区域经贸合作的现状与展望&申旭 353
思索与展望 353
Thinkings and Prospects Current Situation and Future Prospects of the Regional Economic and Trade Co 353
二十五、东方多瑙河的开发与跨境民族的经济发展&马树洪 刘达成 369
Development of the Oriental Danube and the Economic Development of the Trans-border Ethnic Groups Ma 369
Southeast Asia Towards the 21st Century and Its Impact on the Future Open-up of the Southwestern Chi 378
二十六、走向21世纪的东南亚及其对西南开放的影响&马树洪 378
Significance and Implications of the Menghai Model Shi Anda 390
二十七、“勐海模式”的意义和启示&石安达 390
附录 401
(一)跨境民族纵横谈——云南经济广播电台“经广时空”对《云南跨境民族研究》课题组的采访报道 401
(二)出海通道战略与跨境民族研究——课题组咨询研讨会侧记&刘稚 刘达成 整理 408
(三)课题组赴泰国北部山区民族考察的体会与收获&刘达成(执笔) 412
(四)关于配合缅甸佤邦替代毒品原植物种植进行试点课题研究的报告 课题组 416
(五)铲除境外毒源的治本之策——记省禁毒委主任刘选略同志听取省跨境民族研究课题组汇报时的谈话&刘达成 423
(六)缅甸佤族地区经济建设现状及发展替代种植的考察报告&石安达 427
后记 435
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