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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:方文编
  • 出 版 社:香港:大光出版社有限公司
  • 出版年份:1978
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:172 页

目录 1

‘Wallk’的意思(I'll never do such a silly thing again) 1

倾盆大雨 全身湿透(A rainy day) 4

‘Grass’和‘grasses’(A rainy night) 6

俚语和逻辑(An embarrassing experience) 8

中学生与数学家(My favourite subject) 10

行文用字 避免重复(The worries of a graduate) 12

被动语态用过去分词(Examinations are paper tigers) 14

‘Waitress’和‘sale?girl’(After I graduated) 16

「不能」与「不应」(A misunderstanding) 18

‘Would’的用法(My schooling) 20

文气要贯串(The profession I should like to follow) 22

眼镜作复数用(My first interview) 24

加重语气的字眼(Pumctuality) 26

‘Step off’和‘step out’(Why I like to read newspapers) 28

相反的用语(Newspaper) 30

一个t 两个t(Diary) 32

‘They’是指谁?(The work of today must be done today) 34

「数」的一致(My gloriousexperience) 36

Mankind指全人类(‘All work and no play makes Jackadull boy’,Do you agree?) 38

A lot比较俚俗(Stamp-collecting) 40

‘Must’和‘have to’(During the summer holidays) 42

「暑假」和「工资」要复数(Meaningful summer holidays) 44

‘Insurance’不能‘buy’(An interview) 46

‘Miles away’表示很远之外(A day’s boating and fishing) 49

打「麻将」的女人Howpeople spend their holidays?) 52

「多谢你」还是「多谢我们」?(On the beach) 54

单数·复数·大写 小写(Spots) 56

「温室」与「孔雀开屏」(A day at the B?ical Gardens) 58

‘mushroom’的意思(A ban on smoking should be enforced) 60

用词要适当(A school teacher) 62

衣服有多种(My experience during a typhoon) 64

‘Adventure’和‘experience’(A terrible experience) 66

弄清动词的时态(A walk in the rain) 68

「观点」和「意见」(My opinion of Hongkong) 70

两种希望(Juvenile delinquency) 72

少年犯罪问题(Juvenile delinquency in Hongkong) 74

「走出厨房」不用‘run’(Should men and women be equal?) 76

「定期地」和「常常地」(Public libraries) 78

‘Wish’之后用‘would’(Is money all powerful?) 80

一些人的想法(Moneycan bringus happiness as well as misery) 82

「助手」与「店员」(A shop assistant) 84

Cannot和can not(Making friends) 86

‘Prefer’巴有比较的意思(Friends) 88

何时才用hyphen?(Someone I love most) 90

文章风格与俚语(My friend—Men-kei) 92

「行近」与「走过」(People I meet every day) 94

「我一定要……」(Youth) 96

Blaze不同braze(Hongkong by night) 98

睡不惯的床(A terrifying experience) 100

‘Abruptly’和‘suddenly’(A brave deed) 102

「布」不同「衣服」(Saving a life) 104

树林与木头(A clever boy) 106

‘Wide’可用作为形容词或副词(In the dark) 108

‘The’和‘a’的用法(A visit to my dentist) 110

父亲人人有(Father) 112

避免重复(Children) 114

Send和take(My brother Frank) 116

‘People’何时加‘s’?(My flat) 118

文要对题(A lovely picture) 120

‘Belongings’和‘luggage’(Moving house) 122

‘House’与‘flat’之别(View from my bedroom window) 124

语文要明确(How I live and work) 126

「不久」是‘before long’(The empty house) 128

单独并一定孤独寂寞(The telephone) 130

「晴朗」与「光亮」(An early morning scene in a street in Hongkong) 132

长龙与早餐(A street in the morning) 134

「鸟瞰」与「全景」(A market in the resettlement estate) 136

乐器用冠词‘the’(A market scene) 138

主词和动词要一致(In front of a department store) 140

可避免与否(Foodstalls) 142

前后矛盾(On board a ferry) 144

巴士装载过重(A bus accident) 146

后面 难得的(A traffic accident) 148

男权社会观念(Man and machines) 150

‘Scene’和‘view’(Camera) 152

Water通常不加‘s’(Water) 154

‘Man’与‘people’(Bees) 156

人与猫(Cats) 158

文意要交代清楚(The sun) 160

中国人的节日(Chinese New Year) 162

People和persons(Summer—there are two side but look at the bright one!) 164

破折号的用法(I like spring) 166

季节不用大写字母(Autumn) 168

‘now’和‘then’(I'm a heroine!) 170
