干旱区地理学集刊 第4号PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国科学院新疆地理研究所编辑
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7030046404
- 页数:192 页
新疆地表水资源开发对局地环境影响的一些特征 李新 王建军 1
Some Characteristics of the Local Environment Influence by Surface Water Resources Developing in Xinjiang Li Xin et al 7
塔里木河两岸生态环境演化的原因与监测方案探讨 李彦 黄小宁 8
A Probe into the Cause and Mornitor Program of Ecological Environ-ment Evolution in the Tarim river Basin Li Yan et al 16
荒漠陆面蒸发与显热输送 李彦 黄妙芬 周宏飞 17
Land Surface Evaporation and Heat Flux Transportation in Desert Li Yan et al 23
代表性与可比性是蒸发测站建设的两个关键问题 王积强 24
Representativeness and Comparability:Two Key problems for the Construction of a Evaporation Observative Station WangJiqiang 27
吐鲁番盆地的干旱环境与人类生产活动 王树基 28
Arid Environment and Human Production Activity in Turpan Basin Wang Shuji 34
新疆库米什盆地第四纪沉积特征及古地理环境 阎顺 许英勤 王传峰 35
A Study on Quaternary Sediment and paleogeography Environment in Kumux Basin,Xinjiang Yan Shun et al 40
乌鲁木齐仓房沟第四纪古土壤的初步研究 唐肖宇 41
A Preliminary Study on Quaternary Paleosol in Cangfanggou,Urumqi Tang Xiaoyu 46
塔克拉玛干沙漠外动力作用御下及碎屑运移过程 穆桂金 何青 47
The Characteristics of Exogenetic Action and the Migration of the particles in the Taklimakan Desert Mu Guijin et al 56
天山西部中山带雪水当量研究——以巩乃斯河谷为例 仇家琪 徐俊荣 58
A Study on Snowcover Water Equivalent in the Middle Mountain Belt of the West area of the Tianshan Mts., with an Example from Kunes River Velley Qiu Jiaqi et al 64
天山北坡中段河流融雪洪水特征初探 周宏飞 分家琪 66
A Preliminary Study on Snowmelt Flood Characteristics of River in the Middle Area of the North Slope of the Tianshan Mountaios Zhou Hongfei et al 74
天山北坡春季融雪洪水灾害分析 陈亚宁 实禄建中 颜新 75
A Hazardous Analysis of the Snowmelt Flood in Spring on the North Slope of the Tianshan Mountains Chen Yanjing et al 89
巩乃斯河上游径流变化影响因素分析 魏文寿 马维林 王存牛 91
An Analysis on Influent Factors of runoff Varjation at the Upper Reaches of the Kunes Rivr Wei Wenshou et al 97
天山积雪雪崩研究站的地面风气候特征 徐俊荣 仇家琪 98
The Climatic characteristics of Surface Wind in Tianshan Snowcover and Avalanche Research Station Xu Junrong et al 103
塔里木盆地城镇类型及发展模式 张小雷 104
Town Type Delimitation and Developing model Study in Tarim Ba-sin Zhang Xiaolei 111
新疆城镇及其发展初探 倪天麒 112
A preliminary Approach on the Town and Its Development in Xin-jiang Ni Tianqi 117
新疆奎屯-乌苏-独山子区域城镇发展与建设 海热提·吐尔逊 118
Town Development and Construction in Kuytun-Usu-Dushanzi Re-gion Hairet·Turson 124
塔里木盆地北部地区石化联合企业基地的选择及加工业布局探讨 李会平 125
A Kiscussion on the Petrochmical Industry Basement Option of the Northern Tarim Basin and Its Industry Location Li Huiping 129
石河子垦共绿洲经济发展的初步研究 左恒治 130
A Preliminary Study on Oasis Economy Developing in Shihezi Recla-mation Region Zuo Hengzhi 143
准噶尔盆地及其周边地区旅游资源的利用与保护 牛达奎 144
Utilization and Protection of Tourist Resources in the Junggar Basin and its Surroun Ding Reagions Niu Dakui 155
新疆民俗旅游资源及其开发对策 阚耀平 156
Folk Tourist Resources and Development Countermeasure in Xinjiang Kan Yaoping 162
玛纳斯河流域土地类型及利用的生态设计 赵成义 163
Land Types and Their utilization Ecological Design in the Manas River Basin Zhao Chengyi 172
哈密市土地利用中存在的问题及解决对策 王和根 173
The problem and Countermeasure of Landuse in Hami City Wang Hegen 179
立体地理信息采集及分析系统应用软件设计的原理与方法 刘琳 180
Principle and Method of SGIOAS Software Design Liu lin 186
利用像片平面图转绘专题图的条件与效果 张苏华 187
The Conditions and Effect of Monographic Mapping by Image plane Zhang Suhua 192
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