- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:上海外语电教馆听录整理
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1981
- ISBN:7218·020
- 页数:259 页
目录 1
1.Walter and Connie at Home 1
2.Walter and Connie in a Shop 6
3.Walter and Connie Moving Furniture 13
4.Walter and Connie Selling Books 18
5.Walter and Connie in the Country 23
6.Walter and Connie at the Seaside 29
7.Connie and the Burglars 34
8.Walter and Connie Painting a House 40
9.Walter and the Parcel 45
10.Walter and Connie in the Restaurant 50
11.Walter and Connie in a Factory 56
12.Walter and Connie in a Garage 63
13.Walter and Connie on the Farm 69
14.Walter and Connie as Cooks 75
15.Walter and Connie as Baby-Sitters 82
16.Walter and Connie at the Office 89
17.Walter the Business Man 96
18.Walter and Connie at the Changing of the Guard 103
19.Walter in Hospital 109
20.Walter and Connie as Detectives 116
21.Walte r and Connie Selling Cars 124
22.Walter and Connie at the Races 132
23.Connie in the Air 138
24.Walter in a Motor-Cycle Race 144
25.Walte r in Court 149
26.Walte r and Connie as Guides to London 155
27.Connie’s Sewing Party 161
28.Walter as a Music Teacher 169
29.Connie’s Birthday Present 177
30.Walter and Connie in the Library 185
31.Walter as a Photographer 192
32.Walter as a Newspaper Reporter 199
33.Walter and Connie Find a Masterpiece 206
34.Walte r and Connie at the Museum 213
35.Walter and Connie on the Stage 220
36.Walter Plays Football 228
37.Walter and Connie and the Old Lady 237
38.Walter Writes a Story 245
39.Walte r and Connie go to a Party 252
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