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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:段鼎周著
  • 出 版 社:昆明:云南民族出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:753671646X
  • 页数:309 页
标签:白子 探源

前言 1

Preface 1

争鸣篇·走出迷茫 4

A Chapter of contention·Get out of the Labyrinth 4

一、前人的苦苦求索 4

An Arduous Exploring Done by the Forefathers 4

二、是司马迁说错了还是后人读错了 9

Did Si Maoqian Say Wrong or the Later Generations Read wrong? 9

A. Something about Tong Shi 10

(一)先说“桐师” 10

(二)再说“嵩昆明” 14

B. Something about Xi Kunming 14

C. Something about Punctuation 16

(三)末说标点 16

The Connections of Bo and Bai 17

三、头绪纷繁的?与白 17

A. A Trace of Bo People s Migration 18

(一)?人南徙的踪迹 18

(二)“滇?”不是滇国的?人 28

B. Dianbo is not the Bo People of the Dian Kingdom 28

(三)关于“?道” 30

C. Something about Bodao 30

D. Something about Manbo 32

(四)关于“蛮? 32

E. The Bo People Moved into Erhai Region during the Jin Dynasty or not 34

(五)? 人是否在两晋迁入?海地区 34

Doubts about the Migration of Xicuan Baiman 35

四、“西?白蛮”西迁的疑问 35

一、天造地设的地理环境 42

A. A Place Situated on both Plateau and Mountain Valley 42

A Chapter of Surroundings. The Favorable Geographical Position Brought about the Development to Erha 42

环境篇·地利人和 42

The Geographical Conditions Created by Nature 42

(一)既处高原,又临纵谷 42

(二)“扇子骨水系”的展开地段 43

B. A Section Extend of the River System Called the Ribs of a Fan 43

(三)不完全封闭的坝子 46

C. A Flatland not complete sealed 46

Historical Arena of the Various Cultural Exchange 50

二、各种文化交流的历史舞台 50

(一)氐羌和濮越文化碰撞的火花 51

A. The Cultural Exchange between Diqiang and Puyue 51

(二)下方之夷 56

B. A Tribe Lived in the Low-land 56

三、民族走廊的形成 58

The Forming of the National Corridor 58

(一)追宗溯源自北方 59

A. The Origin was Traced to the North 59

B. The Inference of Climate Changes 65

(二)气候变迁的推断 65

C. The Confirmation of Archaeology 69

(三)考古学的证实 69

The Bond of South-western Silk-road 77

四、西南丝路的枢纽 77

A. The Three Contributions of Ancient Communication 78

(一)古代交通的三大贡献 78

B. The Time of South-western Silk-road Opened 85

(二)西南丝路何时通 85

(三)走出坝子和深谷 87

C. Go away from Flatland and Mountain Valley 87

一、杨?的预见 95

The Prediction of Yangkun 95

A Chapter of the Origin·The Son of Erhai 95

起源篇·?海之子 95

A Tribe Lived in the West Coast of Erhai 109

A. Goldfish and Jade Snail 109

(一)金鱼和玉螺 109

二、堃海西岸的部落 109

B. The Kingdom of Yeyu 123

(二)叶榆国 123

A Tribe Lived in the East Coast of Erhai 129

三、?海东岸的部落 129

四、?海之南的白子国 134

The Kingdom of Bai People Established in the South of Erhai 134

A. The Identification Get from the Historical Facts 135

(一)史实辨正 135

(二)白子国的名号问题 138

B. Something about the Name of the Kingdom of Bai People 138

The Inspiration from Folk Literature 141

五、民间文学的启示 141

形成篇·盛唐出世 153

一、方国瑜的真知灼见 153

(一)“西洱河风土记”史料 153

The Penetrating Judgment of Fang Guoyu 153

A Chapter of Forming·The Bai Nationality Formed in Tan Dynsty 153

A. The Historical Materials Excerp from the Book Named On the Local Conditions and Customs of Xi 153

(二)乌蛮、白蛮的解释 157

B. The Explanation for Wuman and Baiman 157

(一)初唐的河蛮 158

二、河蛮 158

A. Heman Lived in the Early Years of the Tang Dynasty 158

Heman (The Name of A Tribe) 158

(二)中唐的河蛮 160

B. Heman Lived in the Middle Years of the Tang Dynasty 160

三、恢弘的接纳功能 166

The Great Function of Admission 166

(一)南诏以前 167

A. Before the kingdom of Nanzhao Established 167

B. During the Nanzhao Period 172

(二)南诏时期 172

(三)不可抗拒的融合 175

C. The Irresistible Mix 175

四、南诏王室白蛮化 181

The Course of the Nanzhao Royal Family Became Bai Nationality 181

A. The Nanzhao Royal Family was formerly Wuman 183

(一)南诏王室原系乌蛮 183

B. The Course of the Nanzhao Royal Family Became Bai Nationality 186

(二)南诏王室白蛮化的过程 186

A. The Period Called Dabai Minguo in Erhai Region 193

五、白族形成的标志 193

(一)大封民国 193

The Symbol of the Forming of the Bai Nationality 193

B. Hedan and Shijian 197

(二)“河赕”和“十睑” 197

六、白族的认同意识 201

The Identical Consciousness of th Bai Nationality 201

A. The Identification of the Language 204

(一)语言认同 204

B. The Characteristics of the Traditional Culture 221

(二)传统文化特征 221

一、走出苍洱 245

发展篇·沧桑巨变 245

Moving away From the Erhai Region 245

A Chapter of Development·The Great Changes Happened in the Long Historical Time 245

A. The Discrimination of the Name of the Bai Nationality 246

(一)族称的甄别 246

B. A Large Number of People Moved out 249

(二)大量外迁 249

C. The Descendants of the Kingdom of Bai people 265

(三)白子国之裔 265

A Group Inhabited a Same Region for a Long Time 271

二、持久不散的聚居 271

A. The Forming and Development of the Economy of Erhai Region 272

(一)洱海区域经济的形成和发展 272

B. The National Quality is Steadily Improved 283

(二)民族素质的不断提高 283

The Bai Nationality of The Modern Times 296

A. A Conscious Member of the Chinese Nation 296

(一)中华民族自觉的一员 296

三、近现代的白族 296

B. The Bai Nationality Autonomous Prefecture Fresh with Youthful Vigor 300

(二)焕发青春的白州 300

C. The Bai People can be Found All of the Country 302

(三)遍及全国 302

Postscript 309

后记 309
