

神话与法制 西南民族法文化研究 research of national legal culture on southwest ChinaPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:师蒂著
- 出 版 社:昆明:云南教育出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7541505986
- 页数:257 页
第一章 西南民族法文化的静态分析 1
西南研究论(总序) 1
Chapter I. The analyses in static state on the law-culture of the nationalities in southwest China 1
I.People below the altar——religion and law-culture 1
I.Annotions on a number of conceptions 1
一、神坛下的人们——宗教与法文化 1
Introdution 1
一、若干概念的诠释 1
绪论 1
II.The meaning of the researches on the law-culture of the nationalities in southwest China 3
二、研究西南民族法文化的意义 3
三、处于萌芽期的西南民族法文化研究 5
III.The initiative researches on the law-culture of the nationalities in southwest China 5
四、西南民族法文化的研究角度 6
IV.The researching angles of the law-culture of the nationalities in southwest China 6
II.Code of conduct that evokes people to think deeply——morality and law-culture 22
二、引人思索的行为规范——道德与法文化 22
三、历史长河上的“立交桥”——政治与法文化 40
III. Over pass over the river of history——politics and law-culture 40
四、兼容并蓄的体系——经济与法文化 50
IV.System including things of diversification——economy and law-culture 50
五、通往“天堂”之路——习俗与法文化 76
V.The way to heaven ——customs and law-culture 76
一、他们是儿童吗——西南民族法体系雏形特征 96
第二章 西南民族法体系雏形 96
I.Are they children——the characteristics of the initiative legal system of the nationalities in so 96
Chapter II. The initiative legal system of the nationalities in southwest China 96
II.Historical review——the formation of the initiative legal system of the nationalities in southwe 115
二、历史的回顾——西南民族法体系雏形的构成 115
Chapter III.The analyses in dynamic state to the law-culture of the nationalities in southwest China 131
I.The appearance of important persons ——the emergence and development of authority 131
一、“大人物”的出现——权的产生与发展 131
第三章 西南民族法文化的动态分析 131
II.To exchange at the cost of blood——the evolution from consanguinity s revenge to compensation of 136
二、以血的代价换取——从血亲复仇到赎金赔偿的演变 136
III.An eternal topic to discuss——the evolution of marriage relationships of the nationalities in s 140
三、一个永恒的论题——西南民族婚姻关系的演变 140
IV.To observe the evolution and development from the complicated and variant relationships of succes 166
四、从复杂多异的继承关系中看其演变发展 166
五、诉讼、判决及其演变 171
V.Litigation,court decision and their evolution 177
VI.The appearance,formation and development of the chieftian system of the nationalities in southwes 180
六、西南民族土司制度的产生、形成及其发展 180
Chapter IV. The complete comparison in all aspects of the law-culture of the nationalities in south 197
第四章 西南民族法文化之纵横比较 197
I.The comparison between the deification contents in law-culture 198
一、法文化中的“神化”内容之比较 198
II.The comparison between the laws of the nationalities in southwest China 204
二、西南民族“法”之比较 204
III.The comparison of the law-culture between the transregional nationalities between southwest Chin 212
三、中国西南与东南亚跨境民族的法文化之比较 212
Chapter V. The prospect of the law-culture of the nationalities in southwest China 227
I.The reality that can not be optimized——the phenomena of backward stagnancy and development in ad 227
一、不可乐观的现实——西南民族法文化中的滞后现象与超前现象 227
第五章 西南民族法文化之展望 227
II.The evolutionary process of the management system of the nationalities in China 236
二、中国民族管理制度沿革 236
III.The survey of the laws since the founding of the People s Republic of China 239
三、建国后的民族法概况 239
IV.The comparison of the legislatons for nationalities 241
四、民族立法比较 241
V.The prospect to law-culture——the awakening of the nationalities in southwest China 246
五、法文化之展望——西南民族的觉醒 246
The List of References 253
主要参考文献 253
Epilogue 256
后记 256
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