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藏族历史宗教研究  第1辑
藏族历史宗教研究  第1辑

藏族历史宗教研究 第1辑PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈庆英主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京藏学出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7800572927
  • 页数:496 页
《藏族历史宗教研究 第1辑》目录

proface 1

1. A New Study on the 13 Myriarchies(Thirteen khri skor)in dbus gtsang in Yuan Dynasty Zhang Yun 1

Part I(In Chinese) 1

汉文部分 1

1.元代乌思藏十三万户新探 张云 1

2. A Brief History of the Relationship between Mu Tusi Family in Lijiang District and the Karmapa Se 46

2.明代丽江木氏土司与西藏噶玛巴派关系述略 冯智 46

3.清初第五辈达赖喇嘛进京及受封经过 柳陞祺 邓锐龄 71

3. A Discussion of the Fifth Dalai Lama s visit to Beijing and his Conferment of the Title Liu Sheng 71

4. Discussion about Monastery Yonghegong Chen Qingying 116

4.雍和宫杂论 陈庆英 116

5. The Philosopher Tsongkhapa and His Opinions about TIKA Wang Yao and Chu Junjie 143

5.作为哲学家的宗喀巴和宗喀巴的中观哲学 王尧 褚俊杰 143

6. The Dharma Kings in Gyangtse and the Founding of dpal vkhor chos sde Xiong Wenbin 162

6.江孜法王与白居寺的创立 熊文彬 162

7. A Brief Discussion of the Influence of the Sanseritic Culture in Ancient India upon Traditional T 201

7.略论古印度梵语文化对藏族传统文化的影响 桑德 201

8. A Tentative Discussion of the Forming of Organizations in Lamaist Monasteries and Their Historica 234

8.试论藏传佛教寺院组织的形成及其历史地位与作用 廉湘民 234

9. Tibetology and Lamaism in Italy tshe ring thar 266

9.意大利的藏学研究及藏传佛教 才让太 266

1. On the Relief Sculpture and Inscriptions on the Precipice near Temple rnam snang gtsug in Yushu P 283

Part Ⅱ(In Tibetan) 283

1.论玉树贝沟大日如来庙吐蕃摩崖造像及石刻 德格才让 283

藏文部分 283

2.藏传因明学的产生、发展及主要典籍 吉美桑珠 329

2. The Origins and Developments of Tibetan Logic and the Main Books about It vjigs med bsam grub 329

3.浅析拉布寺的产生与发展过程 洛周 376

3. A Brief History of Monastery Lab blo bzang blo gros 376

4.论达垅噶举派的源流及其传承世系 郑堆 448

4. On the Origins and Developments of shag lung bkav brgyud sect of Lamaism and Its Genealogy dgra v 448

英文摘要 490

Summaries in Egnlish 490

后记 496

Postscript 496
