- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:翁燕珩主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7810138219
- 页数:142 页
Contents 1
Parliament 1
1 What is Parliament? 1
2 What does an MP do? 5
3 The House of Lords 9
4 A day in the life of an MP 12
5 Making a new law 17
6 Elections 23
The British Royal Family 26
1 1952—1953 26
2 What does the Queen do? 29
3 A busy life 32
4 Prince Charles 35
5 Other people in the Royal Family 39
6 After work and away from London 42
Key to the Exercises 45
The World Cup 49
1 The start 49
2 The World Cup 1930—1938 52
3 FIFA 56
4 The best teams in the world 59
5 A World Cup final 63
6 Living a World Cup 66
7 World Cup stars 71
8 The World Cup 1950—now 74
Muhammad Ali 77
1 'The Greatest' 77
2 The Beginning 81
3 Ali and the War 87
4 'The Champ'comes back 92
Key to the Exercises 96
A Radio Station 99
1 What is Radio Brighton? 99
2 The music and news programme 104
3 The people at Radio Brighton 108
4 A Phone-in 113
5 A day with the news reporter 116
A Doctor's Day 120
1 Interview:A Day in the Life of a Doctor 120
2 The Surgery 122
3 Visiting Time 124
4 The Clinic 127
5 No Rest For a Doctor 129
6 Sarah Goes Visiting 134
Key to the Exercises 140
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