- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵俊英编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1988
- ISBN:7040008343
- 页数:464 页
1 Noun 1
1.1 Countable and Uncountable Nouns 1
1.2 Number of Noun 2
Mixed Type(1.1—1.2) 4
1.3 The Possessive Case of Noun 5
1.4 Syntactic Function of Noun 6
2 Pronoun 7
2.1 Kinds of Pronouns 7
2.2 Personal Pronouns 9
2.3 Possessive Pronouns 10
2.4 Reflexive and Emphasizing Pronouns 11
2.5 Indefinite Pronouns 13
2.6 Reciprocal and Demonstrative Pronouns 17
Mixed Type on Pronouns 18
3 Pro-forms 21
4 The Numeral 25
4.1 Syntactic Function of the Numeral 25
4.2 Expressions of Time and Formulas 27
4.3 Multiple 27
4.4 Dimensions and Properties 29
5 Article 30
6 Adjective and Adverb 36
6.1 Syntactic Function ofAdjective andAdverb 36
6.2 Syntactic Function of Adjective Phrase 38
6.3 Comparatives and Superlatives 39
6.4 Positions of Adverb 46
7 Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases 47
7.1 Syntactic Function of Prepositional Phrase 47
7.2 Idiomatic Use of Prepositions 49
7.2.1 about 49
7.2.2 according to 50
7.2.3 on account of 50
7.2.4 along 50
7.2.5 among 50
7.2.6 around 50
7.2.7 at 51
7.2.8 for 51
7.2.9 from 52
7.2.10 in 53
7.2.11 into 54
7.2.12 of 54
7.2.13 off 55
7.2.14 on 55
7.2.15 over 56
7.2.16 to 56
7.2.17 with 58
7.2.18 against 60
7.2.19 beyond 60
7.2.20 within 60
7.3 Prepositions Indicating Place,Direction or Movement 60
7.4 Prepositions Indicating State 62
7.5 Prepositions Indicating Time 62
7.6 Prepositions Indicating Manner and Method 63
7.7 Prepositions Indicating Exception 64
7.8 Prepositions Indicating Concession 65
7.9 Prepositions Indicating Cause or Reason 66
Mixed Types on Prepositions 66
8 Verb Classes 79
8.1 Verb Classes 79
8.2 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs 82
8.3 Auxiliary Verb and Modal Verb 83
Mixed Exercise on Auxiliary Verbs 83
8.3.1 Auxiliary Verb"Be" 84
8.3.2 Auxiliary Verb"Have" 85
Mixed Exercise on Modal Verbs 87
8.3.3 "Used to"and"Would Rather" 89
8.3.4 Must,Mustn't,Needn't,Have to 90
8.3.5 "Must+Perfective"and"Should+Perfective" 91
Mixed Type on"Modal Verb+Have+V-ed"Form 92
8.4 Semiauxiliaries 93
8.4.1 Be able to+inf 93
8.4.2 Appear to/Seem to/Happen to/Chance to/Be likely to/Be certainto/Be sureto/+inf 93
8.5 Dynamic and Stative Verbs 94
8.6 Phrasal Verbs 95
9 Tenses 100
9.1 The Simple Present Tense 100
9.2 The Present Continuous Tense 101
9.3 The Simple Past Tense 103
9.4 The Past Continuous Tense 106
9.5 The Simple Future Tense 107
9.6 The Future Continuous Tense 110
9.7 The Present Perfect Tense 113
9.8 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense 116
9.9 The Past Perfect Tense 117
9.10 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense 119
9.11 The Future PerfectTense 120
9.12 The Future Perfect Continuous Tense 121
9.13 The Past Future Indefinite Tense 123
Mixed Exercises on Tenses 123
10 Passive Voice 134
11 The Subjunctive Mood 140
12 Verb Complementation 148
12.1 Vi.+n.as Adverbial of Distance,Duration,Weight,Cost,etc 148
12.2 Link-v.+n./adj./adv./prep.phr./to v./v-ed/v-ing/pron./num./clause 149
12.3 Vt.+n./pron./num./to v./how (when,where,etc.)+to v./gerund/adj./clause 151
12.4 Vt.+Indirect obj.+Direct obj 152
12.5 Vt.+Double obj 153
12.6 Vt.+n.(or pron.)+prep.+n./pron./gerund 153
12.7 Vt.+obj.+Objective Complement 155
12.7.1 Vt.+obj.+n./adj./adv./prep.-phr./gerund 155
12.7.2 Vt.+obj.+as-phrase 156
12.7.3 Vt.+obj.+to v./v-ed/v-ing 156
12.7.4 Vt.+it+adj./n./prep.-phr.+to v./gerund/clause 157
13 The Infinitive 158
14 The Gerund 168
15 The Participle 171
The Mixed Exercises on Verbals 176
16 Sentence Elements 186
16.1 The Subject 186
16.2 The Object 187
16.3 The Predicative 187
16.4 Subjective Complement and Objective Complement 187
16.5 Indirect Speech 190
16.6 The Predicate 194
16.7 Concord Between Subject and Predicate Verb 196
16.8 The Attribute 199
16.9 The Adverbial 201
16.10 Appositive 202
16.11 Sentence Adverbials 204
17 Kinds of Sentences—Classified by Use 205
17.1 The Declarative Sentence 205
17.1.1 Subj.+vi 205
17.1.2 Subject+Phrasal v.(or Take/Have)+It+that-clause 206
17.1.3 There be+su bj 207
17.2 The Interrogative Sentence 209
17.2.1 Kinds of Interrogative Sentences 209
17.2.3 General Question 211
17.2.3 Special Question 211
17.2.4 Alternative Question 212
17.2.5 Tag-question 212
17.3 The Imperative Sentence 215
17.4 The Exclamatory Sentence 215
18 Types of Sentences—Classified by Structure 216
18.1 Types of Sentences 216
18.2 Coordination 219
19 The Noun Clause 220
20 The Attributive Clause 224
21 D iscontinuous Modification 232
22 The Adverbial Clause 233
22.1 Clauses of Time 233
22.2 Clauses of Manner 234
22.3 Clauses of Condition 234
22.4 Clauses of Cause 235
22.5 Clauses ofResult 235
22.6 Clauses of Concession 236
22.7 Clauses of Comparison 237
Mixed Types on Adverbial Clauses 237
Mixed Exercises on Subordinate Clauses 245
23 Sentence Transformatiom 253
24 Ellipsis 260
25 Inversion 263
26 Emphasis 266
27 The Negative Forms 268
28 The Uses of"It" 272
29 The Uses of"That" 273
30 The Uses of"As" 277
31 The Uses of"Such" 281
1 The Uses of"Some and Any" 288
2 Expressions of Times 295
3 Directions for Comparative Construction 306
3.1 "One/Ones,That/Those" in Substitution for Noun in Comparative Construction 306
3.2 The Uses of"To"in Comparative Construction 306
3.3 Adjectives and Adverbs That Can Not Be Used in Comparative Construction 306
3.4 The Uses of"The"Before Adjectives 307
4 Idiomatic Use of Prepositions 317
4.1 Prepositions Indicating Place or Position 317
4.2 Prepositions Relating to Time 321
4.3 Prepositions Indicating Direction or Movement 326
4.4 Prepositions Used as an Expression ofManner or Instrument 328
4.5 Prepositions Indicating Cause and Reason 331
4.6 Prepositions Indicating Concession 334
4.7 Prepositions Used as an Expression ofAccompaniment 335
4.8 Prepositions Indicating Possession 336
4.9 Prepositions Indicating Exception 336
4.10 Prepositions Indicating Condition 338
4.11 Prepositions Indicating Comparison 339
5 Dynamic and Stative Verbs 344
6 Auxiliary Verb and Modal Verb 347
6.1 Auxiliary Verb"Be+Infinitive" 347
6.2 The Uses of Auxiliary Verb"Do" 347
6.3 The Uses of"Can"and"Beable to" 348
6.4 The Uses of"Must"and"Have to" 349
6.5 The Uses of"Used to"and"Would" 349
6.6 The Uses of"Modal v.+Have+Past Participle" 349
7 Forms of Phrasal Verbs 351
8 Tense 359
8.1 Verbs That Can Not Be Used in the Continuous Tense 359
8.2 Verbs That Can Not Be Used in the Present Perfect Tense 361
9 Passive Voice 365
9.1 Types of Passive Voice 365
9.2 Some Other Forms of Expressing Passive Meaning 369
9.3 Sentences That Can Not Be Changed into the Passive Voice 370
10 Kinds of Link-verbs 374
11 Infinitive Without"To" 384
12 The Differences Between the Gerund and the Verbal Noun 388
13 The Uses of Participles 392
13.1 Directions for Participles 392
13.2 "With+n./pron.+v-ing/v-ed/prep.phr./adj./adv."Construction 394
13.3 "There Being+n."Construction 394
14 The Differences Among Participle,Gerund,and Infinitive 398
15 Directions for Indirect Speech 411
16 Kinds of the Predicate 413
17 Expressions of Appositive 417
18 Kinds of Compound Conjunctions 424
19 Noun Clause 428
19.1 Conjunctions Introducing Noun Clauses 428
19.2 Noun Clauses Using"It"as the Formal Subject 428
19.3 The Uses of"Whether"and"If" 429
20 The Attributive Clause 434
20.1 Choice of Relative Pronouns 434
20.2 Ellipsis of Relative Pronouns 435
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