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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杨知勇著
  • 出 版 社:昆明:云南教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:7541505765
  • 页数:327 页

Proface 1

Charpter One The South-West Nationalities Cultural Ecology 1

Introduction Traditional Value-Orientation and the life-death Outlook in China 1

导论 中国传统价值取向与生死观 1

第一章 西南民族的文化生态 1

Ⅰ The Special Confinement by Natural Fault 3

一、“自然断层”形成的特殊封闭 3

二、多民族文化的移入与山川间阻构成的特殊性 4

Ⅱ The Peculiarity out of The Multinational Culture Transplanting and the Separating by Mounts and R 4

Ⅲ The Coexistence of Manifold Socio-economic Structure 16

三、多种形态并存的社会经济结构 16

Ⅳ The Sacred Realm with the Coexistence of Various Religions 17

四、多种宗教并存的神圣领域 17

Ⅴ The Standpoit of The Clan Met No Serious Challenges; The Patriarchal Clan s Blood Tradition Still 22

五、血族集团的立足点没有受过严重挑战,氏族宗法血亲传统遗风仍保持强固力量 22

Ⅵ The Aged Culture Became The Basic Trait of the Traditional Society 26

六、“老年文化”成为传统社会的基本特质 26

Ⅰ Something Transforming into Life ——The Origin of the Reproduction Cult 29

Charpter Two Primitive Research in the Origin of Life 29

第二章 生命起源的原始探索 29

一、自然的神化与自然生人——生殖文化的滥觞 29

二、奇异的结合与奇异的生——母系氏族社会的生育观 45

Ⅱ Marvellous Combination and Marvellous Birth——The Birth Outlook in the Matrianchal Society 45

Ⅲ The Lingering Sound of Man Produced by Nature and the Echo of Man Borne by Egg 56

三、自然生人的余响和卵生观念的回音 56

第三章 庄严的玄秘——生殖崇拜、巫术交感和性象图案 63

Charpter Three Solemn Mystery——Reproduction Cult Sympathetic Magic and Sexual Symbols 63

一、最根本的本能和冲动,种族的绝对义务 64

Ⅰ The Fundamental Instinct and Impulse, and the Racial Absolute Duty 64

二、女阴崇拜、母系权威与女神崇拜 67

ⅡFemale Genital Cult. Matriarchal Authority and Goddess Worship 67

三、女阴崇拜的三种表现形式及其深层内涵 77

Ⅲ The Three Manifestations and the Inner Meaning of the Female Genital Cult 77

Ⅳ Transformation from Sympathetic to Sexual Production 101

四、从感生到性生的转折 101

五、男根崇拜的三种表现形式及其深层内涵 102

Ⅴ The Three Manifestations and the Inner Meaning of the Male Genital cult 102

Ⅵ Male Genital Cult and Ancestor Worship 124

六、男根崇拜与祖先崇拜 124

Ⅶ Sex Act Cult. Sympathetic Magic and the Combination of Both Sexes 134

七、性行为崇拜、巫术交感与阴阳合德 134

Ⅷ Religious Belief Social Life and the Source of Confucian Filial Piety 153

八、宗教信仰、社会生活和儒家的“孝”的本原 153

Charpter Four Behaviours Out of Two Wishes Interweaving and Conflicting in Two Realms 159

Ⅰ Special Manifestation of Birth-seeking and Life-protecting Wishes 159

第四章 两种心情、两个领域产生的行为形成的交织和冲突 159

一、求育护生心愿的特殊表现 159

二、恐惧心理的自我平衡 164

Ⅱ Self-control of Psychological Fear 164

Ⅲ Behaviours Interweaving and Conflicting in Sacred and Secular Realms 171

三、神圣领域行为和现实领域行为的交织和冲突 171

Charpter Five The Replacement of pattiarchal Principle for Matriarchal Principle 175

Ⅰ The Meaning phenomena in Primitive Mythology 175

第五章 父系原则对母系原则的取代 175

一、原始神话中存在的一些颇有意味的现象 175

Ⅱ Special Customs about ?irth and Heritage in the Patriarchal Family 179

二、父系权威家庭在生育和继承制方面形成的独特习俗 179

Ⅲ Ancestry and God Land with Same Origin; Female and Male Genitals Cult 183

三、祖、社同源与阴阳性器崇拜 183

Charpter Six The Duality of the God-Ghost Concept, and the Nature of Funeral Sacrificial Rites 187

第六章 神鬼观念的两重性与丧葬祭仪的实质 187

Ⅰ The Duality of the God-Ghost Concept 189

一、鬼魂观念的两重性 189

二、丧葬祭仪的内涵与功能 197

Ⅱ The Content and the Function of the Funeral Sacrificial Rites 197

Ⅲ The Chinese Religious Value-Orientation and Its Leading Effect upon the Funeral Sacrificial Rites 203

三、我国宗教价值取向对丧葬祭仪的导引作用 203

Ⅰ The Creative Relationship between Life and Death 205

Charpter Seven Natural and Harmonious Signs of Life and Death 205

第七章 生与死的自然和谐的信号 205

一、生与死的创造性关系 205

Ⅱ The Pursuit for Eternity and the Maintenance of Mythes 211

二、永生的追求与神话的依托 211

三、生命——体性原则带来的信号 215

Ⅲ Signs out of the Life Unity Primiple 215

四、不间断的统一性原则带来的信号 224

Ⅳ Signs out of Continuous Unity Primiple 224

Charpter Eight Strong Ties between the Living and the Dead——Thinking of the Ancestory and Kinsfolk 231

一、念祖怀亲的有形表现 231

第八章 生者与死者间的坚韧的结——念祖怀亲 231

Ⅰ The Visible Expression of It 231

Ⅱ The Invisible Expression of It 239

二、念祖怀亲的无形表现 239

三、“事死为事生” 247

Ⅲ Offering Sacrifices to the Dead for the Living 247

Charpter Nine The Adhesive of Chinese Aged Culture 253

第九章 中国“老年文化”的粘结剂 253

一、中国“老年文化”的特点 254

Ⅰ The Characteristics of Chinese Aged Culture 254

二、丧葬祭仪的负效应——把现在带入过去 267

Ⅱ Negative Effect in the Funeral Sacificial Rites ——Bringing the Present to the Past 267

三、木石崇拜中的敬祖观念 271

Ⅲ Ancestor Worship in the Plant-Stone Cult 271

Charpter Ten The Life-death Outlook and the Family of South-West Nationalities 279

Ⅰ The Expression and Formation of Chinese Familism 279

第十章 西南民族的生死观与家族主义 279

一、中国家族主义的主要表现及其形成原因 279

二、西南民族家族主义的主要特点 288

Ⅱ The General Traits of the Familism in South-West Nationalities 288

三、婚礼符号的潜在意义 289

Ⅲ Implied Meaning in the Wedding Symbols 289

四、生与命相连,命与族相连 294

Ⅳ The predestinate Relation between Life and Destiny, and between Destiny and Clan 294

五、接气继宗、点主、取福禄水和传簸箕圈 296

Ⅴ Maintaining the Spirit and Roots of the Family, Identifying the Blood, Getting the Good Fortune W 296

六、舅权的再次确认 299

Ⅵ Reaffirming the Power of Mother s Brother 299

七、加粗家族“金耕链” 302

Ⅶ Improving the Familism s Gold Tillage Implements 302

Ⅷ In Memory of Ancestry, and the Decoration of the House 305

八、念祖感情与房屋装饰 305

九、血族复仇与英雄品质 306

Ⅸ Clan Revenge and Heroic Qualities 306

一、生与死联结的悲剧中的命运感 311

第十一章 想象力最强烈的印象表露 311

Charpter Eleven Most Impressive Manifestation of Imagination 311

Ⅰ The Tragic Destiny Sense Linking Life With Death 311

二、死者的魂与情决定生者的行为 312

Ⅱ The Living s Behaviour Guided by the Dead s Spirit and Emotion 312

三、借鬼魂表达未尽之情和难泯之恨 314

Ⅲ The Expression of the Affection and Resentment through the Idea of Ghost-spirit 314

参考书目 323

Conclusion 323

后记 327

Postscript 327
