英国校园散文小品精粹 汉英对照 汉英助学读本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:叶步青主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国国际广播出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7507807258
- 页数:261 页
父亲的领结(My Father's Bowtie )Clare Hollomon 2
美丽的景色(A Beautiful View )Clare Hollomon 4
现在的农村(The Countr yside Today )Clare Hollomon 6
做梦(Dreaming)Clare Hollomon 10
鬼的故事(Dreaming)Clare Hollomon 12
到日本的最初几个小时(The First Few Hours in Japan) Peter McAlenan 14
隆冬景色(Midwinter Landscape)Peter McAlenan 18
我的秘密(My Secret)Peter McAlenan 20
穿过海德公园(Going Through Hyde Park )Flora MacFad yen 24
不敢说话(We Don't Dare Say a Word )Flora MacFad yen 28
交友不易(Making Frieds Is Not So Easy)Joanne Smith 30
吉普赛姑娘(Gypsy Girl )Joanne Smith 32
撞车(Crash)Joanne Smith 34
沉没(Sinking)Joanne Smith 38
兄弟姊妹(Brothers and Sisters )Ceri McNicol 40
度假(Holidays)Ceri McNicol 42
儿童故事(Children's Stories)Ceri McNicol 44
飞鱼的秘密(The Mystery of The Flying Fish )Danieal Nietsch 48
迎接新年(Greeting the New Year)Danieal Nietsch 50
在西伯利亚的列车上(The Trans —Siberian Journey)Nicola Everitt 52
在图书馆(In the Library) Jennifer Young 56
服饰与时髦(Clothes and Fashion) Jennifer Young 58
外貌(Appearance)Jennifer Young 60
环境的问题(The Enuironmental Problem) Jennifer Young 62
体育运动的意义(The Meaning of Sport)Jennifer Young 66
节食、健康与仪表(Food)Jennifer Young 68
学习与放假(Stud ying and Holidays )Jennifer Young 72
学生的家(Home)Katy Shreeue 72
度假前的准备(Holiday Preparations)Katy Shreeue 74
当四年级的学生(Life as a Fourth Year Student)Russell Fralict 78
起床(Getting Up)Matthew Crabbe 80
早上起来(Getting Up in the Morning) Annu Walling 82
英国人学外语(The British and Foreign Languages)Annu Walling 84
包饺子(Making jiaozi)Annu Walling 86
英国的皇家制度(Is the Royal Family an Anachronism?)Annu Walling 88
醒来(Waking Up)Jane Pierini 90
赤裸裸的乘客(A Stark Naked Passenger)Jane Pierini 92
浪漫的雪景(Romantic Scenery)Jane Pierini 96
台湾的治安问题(Social Order Problems in Taiwan)Harriet Clompus 98
吃素(Vegetarianism)Harriet Clompus 104
夜市(Night Market)Harriet Clompus 106
我是中文系的一只苍蝇(I an a Chinese Department Fly)Jo Skilton 108
我为什么这么瘦?(Being Thin)Colin Rogers 110
人沟(The Human Gap )Amanda Ling 112
令人难堪的狗(Embarrassing Dogs )Amanda Ling 114
写文章的灵感(Inspiration)Amanda Ling 116
市场景象(The Market Atmosphere) Jane Blackhust 118
为什么人们喜欢看足球呢?(Why Do People Enjoy Watching Football) Jane Blackhust 120
足球流氓(Footabll Hooligans)Robin Howlett 124
农场中的树林(The Wood on the Farm)Gillian Warwick 128
当英语老师(Being an English Teacher in China)Gillian Warwick 130
公众对英国司法的信任(Public Confidence in British Justice)Gillian Warwick 132
古典音乐的新潮流(New Trends in Classical Music)Mark Allison 136
撒切尔夫人的遗产是什么?(What is Mrs.Thatcher's Legacy?)Mark Allison 138
海湾战争(The Gulf War)Mark Allison 140
寻找朋友(Searching for a Friend )Mark Allison 144
我们的女房东(Our Landlady)Clarie Urry 146
我是英国人吗?(Am I British?)Amy Li 150
我的感受(My Impressions)Julie Lee 152
一封回信(Answering a Letter)Mier Duong 156
天坛(The Temple of )Alex Rooth 158
病从口入(Illness Finds is Way In by the Mouth)Frances Rice 160
打电话还是写信(Making Phone—Calls Or Writing Letters)Frances Rice 162
在苏格兰度假(My Holidays in Scotland )Frances Rice 164
爬山(Climbing Mountains)Karede Vilder 168
利兹的公共汽车司机(Leeds Bus Drivers)Karede Vilder 170
高等教育(Higher Education)Karede Vilder 172
来到英国的避难者(Settling in Britain)Diane Lintott 174
大海的鸽(The Dove )Diane Lintott 176
我的童年(My Childhood)Diane Lintott 178
帮助老人做事(Helping the Elderly)Priscilla Allen 180
奶奶(Grand mother)Priscilla Allen 182
桑给收尔之梦(Dreams of Zanzibar)Guy Cur Drury 186
清晨(Early Mouning)Teresa John 188
小洞不补,大洞吃苦(A Stitch in Time Saves Nine)Teresa John 190
赌博(The Card Game)Teresa John 192
妹妹的“英雄行为”(My Little Sister's Escapades)Samantha Tarbuck 196
在图书馆学习(Studyin in the Library)Samantha Turbuck 200
自剖(Self-Analysis)Chan Sau Wan 202
旅游遇风雪(The Game )Holger Kowitz 204
游戏(The Game)Holger Kowitz 206
德国的野生动物(Germany's Wildlife)Holger Kowitz 210
中国人和西方人的禁忌区域(Taboo Zones of Chinese and Westerner)Angus Pearson 212
自己需要的生活环境(The Enuironment One Needs)Angus Pearson 216
学生喝酒的问题(Students and the Question of Alcohol)Miranda Selby 218
“自己动手做”的建议(Some Suggestions for DIY)Miranda Selby 220
城市的初醒(The Awakening fo a City )Christin Shenouda 222
老师的任务(A Teacher's Tasks)Christin Shenouda 226
我的父亲(My Father)Christin Shenouda 228
参加葬礼(Funeral Rites) Edwina Fenwick 232
健身(Bod ybuilding)Max Worthy 234
时装(Fashion)Max Worthy 236
童年的回忆(Childhood Memories)Catherine Griffiths 238
买止咳药(Buying Cough Medicine)Catherine Griffiths 240
开车(Driving)Catherine Griffiths 242
白人牙医(The White Dentist)Alison Mather 244
母亲、奶奶和时兴(Mother,Grandmother and Fashion) Alison Mather 246
买新娘礼服(Buying a Wedding Dress) Meryl Ann Welliams 248
认汉字(Reading Chinese Charcters)Meryl Ann Williams 252
秋天的公园(Autumnal Park)Meryl Ann Williams 254
洗碗(Washing Up)Joshua Green 256
“伟大理想”的破灭(A Great Dream Shattered)Joshua Green 258
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