英语子句 语法和惯用法PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄子文编
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:9017·1410
- 页数:263 页
Introduction 1
Part One:Kinds of Clauses 5
Chapter Ⅰ:The Coordinate Clause 5
(A)Coordinators 5
(B)Conjuncts 12
(C)Omission of coordinator in absence of conjunct 15
(D)Relative clause to serve as coordinate clause 17
(E)Ellipsis in coordinate clause 17
Chapter Ⅱ:The Relative Clause 21
ⅰ.The Relative Pronoun 21
ⅱ.Attributives and the Defining Relative Clause 23
(A)Attributives 23
(B)Attributives replaceable by relative clauses 24
ⅲ.Omission of Relative Pronoun 26
(A)Omission of relative pronoun as object 26
(B)Omission of relative pronoun as subject or predicative 27
ⅳ.The Preferred Relative Pronoun in a Given Case 28
(A)When antecedent is personal and pronoun is subject 28
(B)When verb in relative clause is"be" 29
(C)If personal antecedent is not personallyidentifiable by name 29
(D)When phrases intervene between antecedent and relative pronoun 30
(E)When subject of relative clause is rather complex 30
(F)When personal pronoun is subject of relative clause 30
(G)After"those,"whether pronoun or adjective 30
(H)After an adjective in the superlative degree 30
(I)After most indefinite pronouns 31
(J)In the emphatic mechanism"It is…" 31
(K)When personal and impersonal antecedents share one rela tive 31
(L)Personal relative for pet animal 31
(M)Non-personal relat ive for human babies 32
(N)Relative pronoun for ship always non-per-sonal 32
(O)When antecedent is a collective noun 32
ⅴ.Special Relative Pronouns 33
(A)"What"(also"whatever") 33
(B)"Whoever"and"whichever" 34
(C)"As"following"such"or"as"or"the same" 34
(D)"Than"following"more"premodifying a noun 35
(E)"But"meaning"who not"or"which not" 37
ⅵ.The Non-Defining Relative Clause 38
(A)Nature of non-defining relative clause 38
(B)Contrasts between non-defini ng and defining relative clauses 39
(C)Points to note about non-defining relative clauses 41
(D)Clause as antecedent to"which"or"as" 41
(E)"As"relative versus"as"conjunctive 44
ⅶ.The Relative Clause and the Non-Finite Postmodifier 45
(A)Correspondence between defining relative clause and non-finite postmodifier 45
(B)Correspondence between non-defining relative clause and non-finite postmodifier 49
ⅷ.The Relative Adjective 51
(A)"What" 51
(B)"Which" 51
ⅸ.The Relative Phrase 54
(A)The infinitive phrase containing a relative pronoun as object 54
(B)The gerund having a relative pronoun as object 54
(C)The simple prepositional phrase containing a relative pronoun as object 54
(D)The complex prepositional phrase with a relative pronoun as object 56
(E)The non-personal possessive relative phrase 56
(F)The simple prepositional phrase containing a relative adjective and a noun 58
ⅹ.The Relative Adverb 58
(A)Classes of relative adverbs 58
Defining and non-defining relative clauses introduced by relative adverbs 62
ⅹⅰ.The Compound Relative Adverb 62
ⅹⅱ.The Special Relative Adverb"The" 64
ⅹⅲ.Relative or Interrogative? 66
ⅹⅳ.The Rule of Proximity 69
(A)Priority of relative pronoun 69
(B)Repetition of antecedent 70
Chapter Ⅲ:The Object Clause 72
ⅰ.Direct Narration and Indirect Narration 72
(A)Direct speech and indirect speech 72
(B)Direct question and indirect question 80
ⅱ.The Object Clause 85
(A)Objects to verbs 86
(B)Objects to prepositions 91
Chapter Ⅳ:Noun Clauses Other than the Object Clause 95
(A)The subject clause 95
(B)The predicative clause 96
(C)The appositive clause 97
(D)The noun clause as object compement 101
Chapter Ⅴ:The Temporal Clause 102
(A)Temporal subordinators 102
(B)Some general remarks about temporal clauses 109
Chapter Ⅵ:The Causal Clause 113
(A)"Because":when and how used 113
(B)"As":when and how used 113
(C)"Because,""as"and"since"compared 114
(D)"For"and"because" 114
(E)Non-defining relative clause as causal clause 115
(F)Participial phrase replacing causal clause 115
(G)Predicative adjective or noun positioned at beginning of sentence 116
(H)Prepositional phrase replacing causal clause 116
(I)Negative before"because"clause 117
(J)Wrong use of"because"clause as noun clause 118
(K)Occasional ellipsis in causal clause 118
Chapter Ⅶ:The Manner Clause 120
(A) Manner subordinators 120
(B)"Like"as manner subordinator 122
(C)Special expressions 122
(D)Ellipsis after"as" or "as if" 123
Chapter Ⅷ:The Conditional Clause 124
(A)Conditional clause introduced by"if":indi-cative and subjunctive compared 124
(B) Conditional clauses introduced by"suppose"and"supposing" 127
(C)Condition introduced by"provided(that)" and negative condition by"unless" 128
(D)Condi tion expressed by imperative mood followed by "and"clause 130
(E)Condition expressed by verbless clause fol-lowed by"and"clause 131
(F)Relative clause as conditional clau e 131
(G)Participial phrase in lieu of conditional clause 132
(H)Condition expressed by"in case" 132
(I)Prepositional phrases in lieu of conditional clauses 132
Chapter Ⅸ:The Purpose Clause 135
Chapter Ⅹ:The Result Clause 138
Chapter Ⅺ:The Concessive Clause 148
(A)Concessive clause introduced by"though"or"although" 148
(B)Concessive clause introduced by"e e ? if,""even though"or"if" 149
(C)When predicative positioned initially,"though"replaceable by"as" 150
(D)Question words ending in-ever are also used to introduce concessive clauses 151
(E)"No matter"or"it doesn't matter"+the question word itself to express concession 152
(F)Alternative concessive clause introduced by"whether" 153
(G)Concessive clause introduced by"while" 154
(H)Some fixed expressions 154
(I)Concession expressed by certain preposi-tions 154
Chapter Ⅻ:The Comparative Clause 156
(A)Ways of expressing comparison 156
(B)"Than"differently parsed 163
(C)Incomplete,inconsistent or illogical com-parisons 164
(D)Comparative element and comparative clause 166
(E)Missing element in comparative clause 167
Chapter ⅩⅢ:The Proportional Clause 170
(A)Overt proportion 170
(B)Covert proportion 171
(C)Proportion expressed by correlative i?ems"the...the" 171
Chapter:ⅩⅣ:The Comment Clause 172
(A) Definition and nature of comment clause 172
(B)Comment clause versus main clause 173
(C)Comment clause in interrogative sentence 173
(D)Relative clause as comment clause 175
(E)Elaborate comment clauses 176
Chapter ⅩⅤ:The Focal Clause 178
(A)Sentence:ordinary form versus emphatic form 178
(B)Applicability of adverbials as foci 179
(C)The connective used after focal clause 181
Closing Remarks on Part One 184
Part Two: Coordination and Subordination of IdeasPreliminary Remarks 185
Chapter ⅩⅥ:Combination of Simple Sentences by Coordination 188
Exercise (18 sets of sentences) 190
Chapter ⅩⅦ:Combination of Two Simple Sentences by a Relatives 193
Exercise (15 sets of sentences) 194
Chapter ⅩⅧ:Subordination of One of Two Simple Sentences into a Noun Clause 196
Exercise(23 sets of sentences) 197
Chapter ⅩⅨ:Subordination of One of Two Simple Sentences into an Adverbial Clause 199
Exercise(29 sets of sentences) 201
Chapter ⅩⅩ:Coordi nation and Subordination Occurring in the Same Sentence 204
Exercise(27 sets of sentences) 206
Chapter:ⅩⅪ:Subordination of One of Two Simple Sentences into a Phrase 210
Exercise(a)—by using participles(12 sets of sentences) 212
Exercise(b)—by using absolute phrases(12 sets of sentences) 213
Exercise(c)—by using prepositions with nouns or gerunds (19 sets of sentences) 214
Exercise(d)—by using infinitives(14 sets of sentences) 215
Exercise(e)—by using nouns or phrases in apposition (5 sets of sentences) 216
Exercise(f)—by using adverbs or adverbial phrases (18 sets of sentences) 217
Exercise(g)—by miscellaneous methods(43 sets of sentences) 218
Exercise(h)—by subordinating in as many ways as possible (9 sets of sentences) 221
Chapter ⅩⅫ:Coordination Versus Subordination 223
Exercise For (a)—10 sentences 224
Exercise For (b)—9 sentences 225
Exercise For (c)—10 sentences 225
Exercise For (d)—10 sentences 226
Chapter ⅩⅩⅢ:Complicated Subordination 227
Exercise(a)—Combine into one complex sen-tence (13 sets of sentences) 229
Exercise(b)—Rewrite to show proper subor-dination and coordination (8 sen-tences) 231
Exercise(c)—Rewrite by using subordination as far as possible (4 paragraphs or sentence groups) 233
Appendices 235
Appendix 235
1—Key to Exercise in Chapter ⅩⅥ 235
2—Key to Exercise in Chapter ⅩⅦ 237
3—Key to Exercise in Chapter ⅩⅧ 238
4—Key to Exercise in Chapter ⅩⅨ 240
5—Key to Exercise in Chapter ⅩⅩ 242
6—Keys to Exercises in Chapter ⅩⅪ(Exercises[a]to[h]) 245
7—Keys to Exercises in Chapter ⅩⅫ(Exercises for[a]to[d]) 256
8—Keys to Exercises in Chapter ⅩⅩⅢ(Exercises[a]to[c]) 258
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