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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李清升著
  • 出 版 社:昆明:云南民族出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7536716419
  • 页数:196 页

前言 1

1. The mystery of Sayyid Ajall s genealogy 1

Chapter Ⅰ. The mystery of Sayyid Ajall s family 1

第一节 谱牒之谜 1

第一章 家世之谜 1

第二节 史志之谜 9

2. The mystery ■ ■ historical records of Sayyid Ajall 9

第二章 仕途万里 17

第一节 初宦内蒙 17

1. Early offical career in inner - Mongolia 17

Chapter Ⅱ. Sayyid Ajall s Offical Careers in China 17

第二节 尽职燕京 20

2. Offical records in Yanjing (Beijing) 20

第三节 主政陕川 28

3. On the governing of Shanxi and Sichuan provinces 28

第三章 抚治云南 35

Chaprer Ⅲ . Sayyid Ajall s Remarkable Achievements in GoverningYunnan 35

1. Establishing Yunnan province 35

第一节 建立行省 35

2. Building “Hydraulic Engineering Projects” 51

第二节 兴修水利 51

3. Developing local economy 68

第三节 发展经济 68

4. Setting up the “Confucian Educational System” 80

第四节 兴儒办学 80

5. Bringing peace and stability to Yunnan 89

第五节 安抚内外 89

6. Devoting his life to Yunnan 105

第六节 尽职而终 105

7. The mystery of Sayyid Ajall s mausoleum 112

第七节 墓地之谜 112

1. His memorial ceremony and his posthumous honorary title 127

Chapter Ⅳ . The Yunnan People cherish Sayyid Ajall s Memory 127

第四章 古今同悼 127

第一节 封赠祭祀 127

2. Memorial poems and essays to him 141

第二节 诗文题咏 141

第三节 风范永存 158

3. His morality and accomplishments cherished in Yunnan 159

1. Succession of his post by his sons and grandsons 166

Appendix Ⅰ. A Survey of Sayyid Ajll s Descendants 166

附录一:后裔概况 166

一、子孙簪缨 166

2. The eminent descendants of Sayyid Ajall 170

二、历代名贤 170

3. His descendants hometown today 184

三、后裔故里 184

Appendix Ⅱ. A special proposal for establishing Sayyid Ajall s memorial hall、association and recon 189

附录二:关于建立赛典赤·赡思丁纪念馆、学术研究会以及恢复重建忠爱坊的建议 189

Postscript 194

后记 194
