1.Text:Mother 1
Table of Contents 1
Phonetics:Emphasis for Contrast 12
Grammar:Sentences of Unreal Condition 12
Word Study:choose,fill,carry scatter,light 12
Exercises 12
2.Text:Search for Ancestor 12
Exercises 24
3.Text:Search for Ancestor(Continued) 24
Word Study:search,describe,point,occur 24
Grammar:Modal Verbs 24
Grammar:Gerunds 36
Word Study:find,move,see,agree,send 36
Exercises 36
4.Text: The Dog Must Die! 36
5.Text:The Necklace 48
Exercises 48
Word Study:serve,deserve,meet,enjoy,depend 48
Phonetics:Emphasis for Intensity 48
Grammar:Infinitive Phrases 48
Phonetics:Broken Tunes 60
Grammar:Use of Would and Could 60
Word Study:wear,cost,tell,wipe,long 60
Exercises 60
6.Text:The Necklace(Continued) 60
Exercises 72
7.Text:The Calendar 72
Grammar:Sentences of Unreal Condition 72
Word Study:catch,lead,consider,dismiss,worth 72
Phonetics:Broken Tunes 72
Phonetics:Intonation of Parentheses 84
Grammar:Participial Phrases 84
Word Study:fit,mix,throw,suggest,bear 84
Exercises 84
Inter-Lesson(Ⅰ) 84
The Red Storm (A Dialogue) 84
8.Text:Interpreting for the President at Teheran 88
Revision Exercises 88
Grammar:1.The Perfect Infinitive 100
2.Use of Would 100
Word Study:concern,propose,hold,convey 100
Exercises 100
9.Text:Dinners and Negotiations 100
10.Text:The Glorious Whitewasher 113
Exercises 113
Word Study:refer,favour,press,care 113
Grammar:The What-clause 113
Phonetics:Rising Intonation(with implication) 126
Grammar:1.Participial Phrases 126
2.Sentences of Unreal Condition 126
Word Study:appear,regard,compare,notice,suit 126
Exercises 126
11.Text:Reminiscences of Marx 126
The Song of Youth (A Dialogue) 138
Inter-Lesson(Ⅱ) 138
Exercises 138
Grammar:Use of Would 138
Word Study:load,exhaust,consult,absorb,make 138
Revision Exercises 143
12.Text:Homeland for My Soul 143
Grammar:Conjunctions and Conjunctive Phrases 156
Word Study:view,engage,acquaint,cover 156
Exercises 156
13.Text:Homeland for My Soul(Continued) 156
Exercises 167
14.Text:Why Is the Native Language Learnt So Well? 167
Word Study:slip,die,look,receive 167
Grammar:The Passive Voice 167
Grammar:Prepositions 177
Word Study:drink,overlook,plunge,accompany 177
Exercises 177
15.Text:Pennies and People 177
Grammar:Prepositions 191
Word Study:reserve,blow,ignore,put 191
16.Text:The Long Quest 191
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