- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马龙海编著
- 出 版 社:北京:经济日报出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7801270851
- 页数:280 页
Unit One Introduction 1
1.Importance of Business Communication 1
2.Essential of Business Communication 1
3.Layout of Business Letter 4
4.Elements of Business Letter 8
5.Envelope Addressing 17
Unit Two Inviting and Arranging Business Trip 24
1.Formal inviting to International Fair 24
2.Inviting to China Guangzhou Fair 26
3.Confirming an invition 27
4.Making Appointments to South East Asia 29
5.Arranging a visit for GM 30
6.Confirming trip to Hong Kong 31
Unit Three Establishing Business Relations 38
1.Self-introduction by an exporter 39
2.Self-introduction of a textiles corporation 40
3.On recommendation of U.S.Embassy 41
4.Request for setting up relations 42
5.Transferring business relations 44
Unit Four Credit Inquiry 51
1.Inquiring a bank for credit standing 52
2.Inquiring trade referrence for a company's position 55
3.Enquiring customer for information 56
4.Enquiring agency for financial standing 58
Unit Five Enquiry and Reply 63
1.General enquiry for textil machines 64
2.First enquiry to the importer 66
3.Specific enquiry for Bedsheets andPrinted Shirting 68
4.Individual enquiry for a job 69
5.Enquiring about agents in foreign country 70
Unit Six Quotation,Offer and Counter-Offer 78
1.Quotation of office machines 79
2.Quotation of Acrylic Sweater 80
3.Firm offer for colour TV 81
4.Firm offer for shoes 82
5.Non-firm offer for blanket 83
6.Non-firm offer for green beans 84
7.Counter-offer for price of shoes 85
8.Counter-offer for groundnut kernels 86
9.Seller's counter-counter-offer 86
Unit Seven Orders and Conclusion of Business 93
1.Placing and confirming an order 94
2.Order letter with an order sheet 95
3.Order to seller's quotation 97
4.Order of acknowledgement 98
5.Order of covering letter 99
6.Partial acceptance 99
7.Seller's rejection of an order 100
8.Repeat order for radio 101
9.Sending a sales confirmation by a seller 102
10.Conclusion of business 103
Unit Eight Telegrams 111
1.The telegraphic language 111
2.The layout of telegram 112
3.Chargeablewords of telegram 113
4.Basic principles of telegram drafting 114
5.Specimens of telegrams 118
Unit Nine Telexes 130
1.The layout of a telex 131
2.The comparision of telexes and telegrams 132
3.Basic principles in drafting telexes 133
4.Specimens of telexes 138
Unit Ten Payment 151
1.Reminding a customer of an unpaid invoice 152
2.Request for extension of credit 153
3.Urge to rush L/C 154
4.Ask for D/P terms 155
5.Accept D/P terms 157
6.Request for amendment of L/C 157
7.Request for establishment of L/C in advance 158
8.Ask for extension of L/C 159
9.Ask to amend L/C for the changed price 160
10.Explain the deferred payment 161
Unit Eleven Insurance 171
1.Apply for insurance 172
3.Explain terms of average 173
2.Inquire for insurance rate 173
4.Advise goods covered 174
5.Accept the insurance 175
6.Request to change the average 176
7.Surveyor's report and insurance claim 177
8.Request to amend insurance clause 178
9.Offer insurance rate 178
Unit Twelve Transport 187
1.Packing requirements 188
2.Chartering a ship 189
3.Urging shipment 191
4.Sending shipping advice and documents 192
5.Shipping instructions 193
6.Explain deferred delivery 194
8.Advising shipment and requesting observance of contrast 195
7.Enquiry formultimodal transport 195
Unit Thirteen Complaints and Apologies 204
1.Complain about poor packing 205
2.Complain about deferred shipment 206
3.Complain about being short of delivery 207
4.Complain about missing goods 208
5.Direct complaint of after-sale service 208
6.Strong complaint of non-delivery 209
7.Reply to complaint 210
8.Apologise for the late delivery 211
9.Apologise for the errors of the order 212
10.Apologise for the delay of shipment 213
Unit Fourteen Claim,Dispute and Arbitration 219
1.Claim for wrong goods 220
2.Claim for poor packing 221
3.Claim for inferior quality 222
4.Claim for damaged goods 223
5.Adjustment of wrong shipment 223
6.Adjustment of missing goods 224
7.Refuse to accept the claim 225
8.Agree to submit to arbitration 226
9.Apply for arbitration 226
10.About the arbitral award 227
11.Strong request for claim 228
Unit Fifteen Application,Resume And Memorandom 236
1.Application and Resume 236
2.Memorandurn 249
Appendix Ⅰ Some Common Abbreviation and Combinations Used in Telegrams 264
Appendix Ⅱ Some Abbreviations Commonly Used in Telex 268
Appendix Ⅲ Abbreviations of Countries &Cities Used in Telex 273
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