- 电子书积分:31 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王佐良等主编
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:1983
- ISBN:9017·1221
- 页数:1252 页
目录 1
序 王佐良 1
选注者 1
1 English and Scottish Popular Ballads 刘世沐 1
2 Edmund Spenser 24
Amoretti 王佐良 24
Prothalamium 王佐良 26
3 Christopher Marlowe Doctor Faustus* 杨周翰 40
4 William Shakespeare Songs from the Plays 李赋宁 74
Sonnets 王佐良 91
The Merchant of Venice* 张振先 96
Julius C?sar* 张振先 115
Hamlet* 李赋宁 128
Macbeth* 李赋宁 138
5 Ben Jonson 158
Song to Celia 杨周翰 158
To the Memory of...Mr.William Shakespeare 杨周翰 159
Volpone* 杨周翰 161
6 The English Bible 张谷若 191
Essays 王佐良 218
7 Francis Bacon 218
Song(Go and catch a folling star) 杨周翰 236
8 John Donne 236
The Canonization 杨周翰 237
A Valediction:Of Weeping 杨周翰 239
A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning 杨周翰 240
Holy Sonnet Ⅶ(At the round earth's imagined corners,blow) 杨周翰 241
9 Andrew Marvell 251
To His Coy Mistress 周珏良 251
The Garden 周珏良 252
To Mr.Cyriack Skinner upon His Blindness 杜秉洲 264
10 John Milton 264
Paradise Lost* 杜秉洲 265
Areopagitica* 许国璋 273
11 John Bunyan 286
The Pilgrim's Progress* 杨周翰 286
12 John Dryden 297
An Essay of Dramatic Poesy* 杜秉洲 297
Preface to Fables* 杜秉洲 299
Alexander's Feast 戴镏龄 307
Absalom and Achitophel* 戴镏龄 313
13 Daniel Defoe 320
Robinson Crusoe* 夏祖煃 320
14 Jonathan Swift 346
Gulliver's Travels* 梅仁毅 346
A Modest Proposal 王佐良 361
15 William Congreve 380
The Way of the World* 李赋宁 380
Sunday in the Country 许国璋 394
16 Joseph Addison 394
17 John Gay 400
The Beggar's Opera* 梅仁毅 400
18 Alexander Pope 430
An Essay on Criticism* 王佐良 430
Epistle to Dr.Arbuthnot* 王佐良 433
19 Samuel Johnson 442
Letter to Lord Chesterfield 李赋宁 442
Preface to A Dictionary of the English Language* 李赋宁 444
The Lives of the Poets* 李赋宁 454
Clarissa Harlowe* 吴景荣 473
20 Samuel Richardson 473
21 Henry Fielding 500
Joseph Andrews* 刘承沛 500
22 Laurence Sterne 521
A Sentimental Journey* 杨周翰 521
23 Thomas Gray 533
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 杨周翰 533
24 Oliver Goldsmith A Visit to Westminster Abbey 杨周翰 547
25 Richard Brinsley Sheridan 557
The School for Scandal* 杨周翰 557
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire* 许国璋 578
26 Edward Gib-bon 578
27 William Blake Songs of Innocence 王佐良 607
Songs of Experience 王佐良 608
London 611
And Did Those Feet in Ancient Time 王佐良 611
[The Price of Experience] 王佐良 611
28 Robert Burns 622
For A’That An’A’That 王佐良 622
Scots Wha Hae 王佐良 624
Auld Lang Syne 王佐良 625
A Red,Red Rose 王佐良 625
Mary Morison 王佐良 626
Tam O'Shanter 徐序 627
29 William Wordsworth 648
We Are Seven 吴千之 648
The Tables Turned 吴千之 651
Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey 张隆溪 652
My Heart Leaps Up 张隆溪 657
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 张隆溪 658
The Prelude 张隆溪 659
[France] 660
Sonnets 张隆溪 660
30 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 673
The Rime of the Anc?ent Mariner 张隆溪 673
Kubla Khan 张隆溪 697
31 Jane Austen 710
Pride and Prejudice* 周珏良 710
32 Sir Walter Scott 729
Ivanhoe* 丁往道 729
A Bachelor's Complaint of the Behaviour of Married People 丁往道 760
33 Charles Lamb 760
Preface to the Last Essays 徐燕谋 767
34 William Hazlitt 778
On the Ignorance of the Learned 吴千之 778
35 George Gordon,Lord Byron Don Juan 796
[The Isles of Greece] 王佐良 796
[Haidée's Death] 徐序 800
36 Percy Bysshe Shelley 825
Ozymandias 周珏良 825
Song to the Men of England 周珏良 826
England in 1819 周珏良 827
Ode to the West Wind 周珏良 828
A Lament 周珏良 831
To — 周珏良 831
37 John Keats 841
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 周珏良 841
On the Grasshopper and Cricket 周珏良 842
When I Have Fears 周珏良 842
Bright Star 周珏良 843
Ode to a Nightingale 周珏良 843
To Autumn 周珏良 846
Rural Rides* 王佐良 857
38 William Cobbett 857
39 Alfred,Lord Tennyson 884
Break,Break,Break 殷宝书 884
The Brook 殷宝书 885
Ulysses 殷宝书 892
Tithonus 殷宝书 895
40 Robert Browning 905
My Last Duchess 王佐良 905
Parting at Morning 王佐良 907
Meeting at Night 王佐良 907
Home-Thoughts,from Abroad 王佐良 908
The Lost Leader 王佐良 908
The Italian in England 王佐良 909
41 Charles Dickens David Copperfield* 吴千之 923
42 William Makepeace Thackeray Vanity Fair* 刘承沛 958
43 Lewis Carroll Through the Looking-Glass* 张谷若 978
44 William Morris News from Nowhere* 夏祖煃 992
45 Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest* 章含之 1032
46 Thomas Hardy The Return of the Native* 张谷若 1049
47 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion* 王佐良 1080
48 William Butler Yeats The Lake Isle of Innisfree 周珏良 1102
When You Are Old 周珏良 1103
The Wild Swans at Coole 周珏良 1103
An Irish Airman Foresees His Death 周珏良 1104
Easter,1916 周珏良 1105
The Second Coming 周珏良 1107
Sailing to Byzantium 周珏良 1108
49 Lytton Strachey Dr.Arnold* 戴镏龄 1120
Gibbon* 戴镏龄 1126
50 Virginia Woolf Mrs.Dalloway* 赵萝蕤 1137
Defoe 赵萝蕤 1147
51 James Joyce A Little Cloud 王佐良 1164
Ulysses* 王佐良 1178
52 D.H.Lawrence 1199
Sons and Lovers* 王家湘 1199
53 T.S.Eliot 1219
The Waste Land* 赵萝蕤 1219
The Metaphysical Poets 赵萝蕤 1225
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