- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:庞人骐编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:9243·38
- 页数:310 页
Contents 1
Introduction 1
Chapter Ⅰ Substitution 14
[1.1]Alternative use of synonyms 14
[1.2]Slight difference between synonyms 18
[1.3]Modifiers in the making of synonyms 22
[1.4]Contextual synonyms 25
[1.5]The Use of Antonyms 26
[1.6]Specific words 28
[1.7]Some transformational restrictions 30
[1.8]Semantic relation of words 32
[2.1]Content words in three ranks 34
Chapter Ⅱ Rank-shift 34
[2.2]Derivatives and rankshift 36
[2.3]Slight change after rankshift 39
[2.4]Suffixes of demotion 42
[2.5]Suffixes of promotion 50
[2.6]Nouns from verbs and adjectives 57
[2.7]Nominalization of phrasal verbs 60
Chapter Ⅲ Combination 63
[3.1]Combination defined 63
[3.2]Sentence elements 63
[3.3]Interchangeability of clause types 66
[3.4]The most fundamental of clause 71
types 71
[3.5]Ten categories of conjunctives 72
[3.6]Addition 75
[3.7]Contrast 82
[3.8]Concession 85
[3.9]Condition 92
[3.10]Time 98
[3.11]Cause,Purpose and Result 103
[3.12]Comparison and Others 110
[3.13]No relation indicators 113
Chapter Ⅳ Embedment 116
[4.1]Embedment defined 116
[4.2]Postmodification 119
[4.3]Clauses as embedded elements 125
[4.5]Three postposition modifiers 130
[4.4]Multiple Embeddings 130
[4.6]Interchangeability of relative words 134
[4.7]Transformation of relative clauses 136
[4.8]Special relative words 137
[4.9]Apposition 139
[4.10]Decomposition 141
Chapter Ⅴ Condensation 149
[5.1]Condensation defined 149
[5.2]Clauses into phrases 152
[5.3]Nominalization 156
[5.4]Relative clauses condensed 160
[5.5]Independent element 161
[5.6]Special Verbs 163
[6.1]Expansion defined 173
[6.2]Elliptical sentences 173
Chapter Ⅵ Expansion 173
[6.3]Laconism 175
[6.4]Formulaic Utterances 181
[6.5]Signal verbs 184
[6.6]Complex object 186
[6.7]Double predicate 188
[6.8]Nominal Verbs 189
Chapter Ⅶ Transposition 193
[7.1]Thematic prominence 193
[7.2]Partial inversion 195
[7.3]Full inversion 199
[7.4]Loose and periodic sentences 201
[7.5]Exchange of positions 204
[7.6]Position of Agent 207
[7.7]Experiencer and stimulus 209
[7.8]Postponement 211
Chapter Ⅷ Reporting 218
[8.1]Indirect quotation 218
[8.2]Sequence of tenses 220
[8.3]Present tense in indirect quotation 221
[8.4]Other changes in quotation 221
[8.5]Conjunction‘that’ 223
[8.6]Indirect questions 223
[8.7]‘whether’and“if” 224
[8.8]Indirect command or request 225
[8.9]Indirect exclamations 226
[8.10]Reporting Verbs 226
[8.11]free Indirect quotation 234
Chapter Ⅸ Interpretation of Figures 237
[9.1]Interpretation defined 237
[9.2]Simile 238
[9.3]Metaphor 242
[9.4]Complex metaphor 247
[9.5]Nominal Verbs 250
[9.6]Verbs used metaphorically 252
[9.7]Transferred epithet 256
[9.8]Personification 259
[9.9]Proverbs 262
[9.10]Metonymy 266
[9.11]Hyperbole 270
[9.12]Euphemism 274
[9.13]Irony 276
[9.14]Parallelism 278
[9.15]Exclamation and interrogation 280
[9.16]Antithesis 281
[9.17]Oxymoron 283
[9.18]Paradox 286
[9.19]Pun 287
[9.20]Zeugma 288
Chapter Ⅹ Prosification 291
[10.1]Prosification defined 291
[10.2]Rhythm 303
[10.3]Rhyme 305
[10.4]Other poetic peculiarities 305
Afterword 307
Bibliography 309
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