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英语交谈  美国英语听说教程  译注版
英语交谈  美国英语听说教程  译注版

英语交谈 美国英语听说教程 译注版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)理查兹(Richards,Jack C),(美)拜辛纳(Bycina,David)编著;艾 群等译注
  • 出 版 社:牛津大学出版社;外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7560005403
  • 页数:120 页
图书介绍:编辑推荐:本书具有以下特点: 1、不以语法或情景为纲,而以交谈功能(即说话所欲达到目的)为组织全书材料的主线;一种交谈功能可以调动若干典型的词汇、语法,也可适用于多种生活情景。 2、书中语言是地道的现代美国口语,充分体现了它在用词、语法、发音诸方面的特色。 3、文字、图象、录音巧妙结合,更辅以参考译文,可以加深对语言的领会和吸收;广泛利用两两结对的方式进行多样化的听说练习,可以增进技能的掌握。 4
《英语交谈 美国英语听说教程 译注版》目录

UNIT 1 Nice to meet you. 1

1.Introducing yourself 2

2.Asking for repetition 2

3.Asking someone'S occupation 2

4.Asking for more information(1) 3

5.Asking for more information(2) 4

6.Conversational openings 5

7.Introducing yourself—more formally 6

8. ?this 7

UNIT 2 We'll have to fill out some forms. 9

1.?mes 10

2.Addresses 10

3.Telephone numbers 10

4.?upations 11

5.Asking personal questions—more pomely 12

6.Oa?ng information 13

Listen to this 14

UNIT 3 So.tell me about your family. 15

1.Do you have any brothers or sisters? 16

2.How old are they? 17

3.What do tney do? 17

4.Are you married? 18

5.Do you have any children? 18

6.Getting information about someone'S family 19

Listen to this 20

UNIT 4 Hurry up.We're late. 23

1.Askina where things are 24

2.ASKing where things are—more politely 25

3.AsKing where things are—outside 26

4 Teiling time 28

5.Starting and finishing times 28

6.Opening and closing times 29

Listen to this 30

UNIT 5 Variations 31

(Review of Units 1,2,3 and 4) 31

Listen to this 36

UNIT 6 Are you doing anything tonight? 41

1.Intormal invitations:accepting 42

2.Informal invitations:declining 42

3.Beginning an invitation 43

4.Suggesting another time 44

5.Setting the time and place 44

7.Setting another time—more formally 45

6.More formal invitations:accepting and declining 45

8.Setting the time and the place—more formally 46

Listen to this 47

UNIT 7 Which way is the post office? 49

1.Asking directions:responding negatively 50

2.Asking more politely:responding negatively. 50

3.Asking more politely:responding positively. 50

4.Giving simple directions 51

5.Giving longer directions(1) 52

6.Giving longer directions(2) 53

7.Confirming and correcting 53

Listen to this 54

UNIT 8 Do you like jazz? 55

1.Likes and dislikes (1) 56

2.Likes and disiikes (2) 56

3.Agreeing with someone's likes 57

4.Agreeing with someone's dislikes 58

5.Disagreeing with someone's likes 58

6.Disagreeing with someone's dislikes 58

7.What kind of______do you like? 59

8.Favorites 59

9 Preferences 60

Listen to this 61

UNIT 9 And what did you do then? 63

1.Talking about personal history 64

2.Clarifying information 64

3.Being specific 65

4.Length of time 66

5.What next? 66

Listen to this 68

UNIT 10 Variations 69

(Review of Units 6,7,8 and 9) 69

Listen to this 73

UNIT 11 And what would you like? 75

In a restaurant: 76

1.Expressing wants among friends family 76

2.Spoaking to a waiter/waitress 77

3.Specifying wants 78

4.Asking about wants 78

5.Asking about other wants 79

6.Offering service 79

At someone's house for dinner. 80

7.Offering and accepting food 80

Listen to this 81

UNIT 12 How have you been? 83

1.Greetings 84

2.Asking about others 84

3.Gossiping 85

4.Reacting 85

5.Ending a conversation(1) 86

6.Ending a conversation(2) 86

7.Greeting people—more formally 87

8.Ending a conversation—more formally 87

Listen to this 88

UNIT 13 What did the person look like? 91

1.Describing people(1) 92

2.Describing people(2) 92

3.Asking about age 93

4.Describing hair and eyes 94

5.Describing clothing 96

6.Describing things 97

Listen to this 98

UNIT 14 Have you ever been to Japan? 99

1.Past experiences 100

2.Asking for a description or opinion(1) 100

3.Asking for a description or opinion(2) 101

4.Comparing(1) 102

5.Things to see 102

6.Comparing(2) 103

7.Comparing(3) 103

Listen to this 104

UNIT 15 Variations 107

(Review of Units 11,12,13 and 14) 107

Listen tothis 112
