通晓英语之桥 3PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陆家齐,孟庆文主编;杨绍伟编译
- 出 版 社:天津:天津科技翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7543303477
- 页数:261 页
Text 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
StructurePast tense of regular verbs like to call 4
Lesson 4
Past tense of regular verbs ending in—e 5
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Past tense of verbs ending in—y 7
Lesson 8
Auxiliary did 8
ConversationAt the tour desk 10
ReadingThe tour guide 11
Lesson Review 13
Text 25
StructurePast tense of regular verbs like to walk 29
Past tense of verbs like to stop 31
Past tense of to be 32
Contractions weren't and wasn't 34
ConversationIn the office 37
ReadingThe new secretary 38
Lesson Review 41
Text 55
StructurePast tense of verbs like to want 60
Past tense of to run,to begin,to swim,to have,to sit,to say 61
Contraction didn't 65
ConversationThe lifeguard 67
ReadingThe picnic 68
Lesson Review 70
Text 85
StructurePast tense of to leave,to fall,to feel,to meet 89
Past tense of to go,to spend,to send,to read 93
Comparison of adjectives 96
Preposition of 100
ConversationVacations 101
ReadingWeather forecasters 103
Lesson Review 105
Text 124
StructurePast tense of to choose,to tell,to sell 128
Somebody,anybody,nobody(someone,anyone,no one) 131
Past tense of to speak,to write,to ride 135
ConversationRenting a car 138
Reading“Anybody can drive this car ” 139
Lesson Review 142
Text 158
StructurePast tense of to come,to make,to give,to eat 162
Past tense of to bring,to think,to buy 165
This one,that one 168
Regular adverbs 169
ConversationIn the camera store 171
ReadingAt the museum 172
Lesson Review 175
Text 190
StruturePast tense of to shoot,to get,to lose 195
Past tense of to fly,to blow,to know 197
Comparison of adjectives with more and most 200
Past tense of to see 202
Too+adjective+to 203
Convers ationAt the newsstand 204
ReadingNewspapers 206
Lesson Review 208
Text 225
StructurePast tense of to stand,to understand,to take 229
Past tense of to put,to fit,to hurt,to cost 231
Past tense of to hear,to find 234
Comparison of adjectivesGood,better,best 236
Bad,worse,worst 236
A lot of,many,more,most 237
Convers ationTaxi ! 239
ReadingNo cabs in the rain 241
Lesson Review 243
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