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光电子器件与微电子光电子系统集成技术论文摘要集  1986-1990
光电子器件与微电子光电子系统集成技术论文摘要集  1986-1990

光电子器件与微电子光电子系统集成技术论文摘要集 1986-1990PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:国家科委高技术计划信息领域办公室编
  • 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
  • 出版年份:1991
  • ISBN:7118008478
  • 页数:244 页
《光电子器件与微电子光电子系统集成技术论文摘要集 1986-1990》目录

一、综述Summae半导体超晶格材料和光电子器件的研究和发展 1

Development of Semiconductor Superlattice Materials and Opto—Electronic Devices表面发射半导体激光器的进展 1


Advances of Surface-Emitting Semiconductor Lasers准分子激光微细加工技术现状与展望 2

Growth of ZnSe-ZnTe Strained-Layer Superlattices by AP-MOCVD on TransparentSubstrate CaF 2

Ti Ions Implanted Optical Waveguides in LiNbO 3

Real-Time Edge-Enhancement Using Self-Pumped Phase Conj ugation in BaTiO 3

The Progress of Spatial Light M odulator Technologies国外光计算的进展 3

Present Status and Future Prospect of Excimer Laser Microprocess空间光调制器技术的进展 3

The Development of Optical Computing in Foriegn Countries光数字计算机的体系结构 4

The Architecture of Optical Digital Computer实时光学逻辑处理 4

Microoptics in Modern Opto-Electronics超大规模集成电路光互连技术的进展 5

Real Time Optical Logic Processing现代光电子学中的微小光学 5

Second Harmonic Generation of Femtosecond Pulses in LiB3O 5

The Development of Optical Interconnect for Very Large Scale Integration全息光互连在超大规模集成电路中的应用 6

Application of Holographic Optical Inteconnect in Very Large Scale Integration*6++二、光通信系统技术Fibre Communication System Technolo gy光交换的现状和未来—1990国际光交换会议评述 7

Photonic Suitching of Today and Tomorrow-Review of 1990 International Topic Meetingon Photonic Switching具有半球面共振腔的InGaAsP/InP面发射激光器阈值电流研究 8

The Threshold Current Density of InGaAsP/InP Surface Emitting Laser Diodes withHemispherical Resonator脊形InGaAsP相位调制器 8

Ridge Waveguide InGaAsP Phase Modulator影响InGaAsP相位调制器相位移效率因素的研究 9

Study on Phase Shifting Efficieacy of InGaAsP Phase M odulatorInGaAsP耗尽边传输光波导调制器的相位移效率理论计算 9

Calculation of Phase Shifting Efficiency in InGaAsP Depletion Edge TranslationLightwave Modulators3dB带宽550MHz的InGaAsP相位调制器 10

InGaAsP Phase Modulator with a Bandwidth of 3dB of 550 MHz140Mb/s相干光纤通信系统与中频跟踪锁定系统 11

1 40Mb/s Coherent Optical Fiber Transmission System and IF Frequency-Tracking Sys-tems两路频分复用相干光纤通信系统 12

Two-Channel Coherent Optical Fiber FDM Transmission System用于稳定频分复用系统中光信号频率间距的时分复用稳频系统 12

Frequency Stabilization of FDM Optical Signals by Time Division Multiplexing采用一种新的稳频方案的两路频分复用相干光纤通信系统 13

Two-Channel Coherent Optical FDM Transmission System with a New Frequency Stabi-lization Scheme140Mb/s两路频分复用相干光纤通信实验系统 14

Two-Channel Coherent Optical FSK Transmission Experiment at 140Mb/s用电负反馈方法压低半导体激光器的FM噪声的新实验结果 15

New Experimental Results of Linewidth Narrowing and FM Noise Reduction ofSemiconductor Laser Diodes by Negative Electrical Feedback一个新的稳定频分复用光源的时分稳频系统 16

The Properties of a GaAs-GaAlAs Traveling-Wave Laser Amplifier腔面倾斜的GaAs-GaAlAs行波型激光放大器 17

A New Scheme for Stabilizing Laser Frequencies in FDM COFC Systems by TDM*16++三、光通信器件Fibre Comm unication DeviceGaAs-GaAlAs行波激光放大器的特性 17

Gain-Switched Property of Traveling-Wave Type Semiconductor Laser Amplifier一种测量GaAs-GaAlAs行波激光放大器增益特性的实验方法 18

A New Experimental Method for Measuring Gain Properties of GaAs-GaAlAsTraveling-Wave Laser Amplifier 18

GaAs-GaAlAs Traveling-Wave Type Laser Amplifier with Tilted Facets行波型半导体激光放大器的增益开关特性 18

1.5μm InGaAsP/InP脊型波导分布反馈激光器 19

The Fabrication Method of Holographic Chirped Gratings电光调谐窄带高反Bragg反射器 20

1.5μm InGaAsP/InP Ridge Waveguide DFB Laser非线性变周期全息光栅的制作 20

On the Tuning Properties of Frequcney Selective Reflector Extended Cavity SemiconductorLasers环型光纤延迟零差光谱分析仪 21

Electro-Optical Tunable Narrow Bandwidth High Reflectivity Bragg Reflector选择性反射器外腔半导体激光器调谐特性分析 21

Time-Delayed Optic Fiber Ring Homodyne Linewidth Analyzer非平面衬底上制备光栅 22

Fabrication of Gratings on Non-Planer Substraten-Inp光栅制备的新技术——无掩膜光电化学腐蚀法 22

New Technique of Fabricating Gratings on n-Inp M askless Photo-Electro-ChemicalEtched Method输出大于130mW的GaAlAs/GaAs锁相列阵激光器及其特性测试 23

A Phase-Locked GaAlAs/GaAs Laser Array with More Than 130mW Output and ItsCharacteristic Measurement 23

1.3μmDCPBH激光器的千兆赫直接调制 24

Picosecond Optical Pulses Generation from a 1.3μm InGaAsP Laser with a Multimode Fi-ber Extended Resonator 24

GHz Direct Modulation of 1.3μm DCPBH Lasers直接调制获得1.3μm半导体激光超短脉冲 24

Ultra-Short Pulses of 1.3μm Semiconductor Lasers by Direct Modulation多模光纤复合腔1.3μm InGaAsP激光器产生皮秒超短光脉冲 24

1.3μm波长单模激光器实用化组件的研制 25

Development of a 1.3μm Single Mode Laser Module吉赫直接调制产生的16ps1.5μm激光脉冲 25

1 6ps Pulses of a 1.5μm Laser Generated by GHz Direct Modnlation 25

1.3μm低阈值掩埋新月型InP-InGaAsP激光器 26

InGaAsP/InP Buried Crescent Laser Emitting at 1.3μm with Low Threshold Current 26

1.3μmInP/InGaAsp多层限制掩埋新月型激光器 27

InP/InGaAsP Multi-Blocking Layer Buried Crescent Laser Emitting at 1.3μm with LowThreshold Current低阈值稳定基横模1.3μmInGaAsP/InP掩埋新月型激光器 27

2.1 GHz Picosecond Optical Pulse Generation from Semiconductor Laser at 1.3μm Wave-length by Direct Modulation1.3μm波长InGaAsP激光器产生的亚微微秒光脉冲的干涉自相关测量 28

1.3μm InGaAsP/InP Buried Crescent Semiconductor Lasers with Low Threshold Currentand Stable Fundamental Transverse M ode用1.3μm半导体激光器直接调制产生2.1GHz超短光脉冲 28

Interferometric A utocorrelation Measurements of Subpicosecond Optical Pulses from1.3μm Wavelength InGaAsP Diode LaserInP-InGaAsP BC激光器高速调制特性的研究 29

Characterization of High Speed M odulation of an InP-InGaAsP Semiconductor Laser用1.3μmGaInAsP/InP激光器产生的超短光脉冲及其强度自相关测量 29

Ultrashort Optical Pulses from 1.3μm GaInAsP/InP Lasers and Intensity AutocorrelationMeasurement高速调制半导体激光器的研究 30

Semiconductor Laser for High Speed Modulation光纤通信用PLZT光开关 30

Fiber Ring Resonator with Ultrahigh Finesse精细度1260的光纤环形谐振腔 31

PLZT Electro-Optic Switch for Fibre-Optic Communication超高细度光纤环形谐振腔 31

分辨率<10kHz的扫描光纤环形干涉仪谱宽测量技术 32

Rare-Earth-Doped All-Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers可调谐掺Nd3+光纤环形激光器 33

Mearsurement of the Spectral Width Using a Fiber Ring Interferometer with the Resolu-tion of<10kHz稀土掺杂全光纤激光器与放大器 33

Tunable Nd3+-Doped Fiber Ring Laser可调谐掺Er3+/Yb3+光纤环形激光器 34

Tunable Er3+/Yb3+-Doped Fiber Ring Laser掺Er3+/Yb3+全光纤环形激光器的波长调谐 35

A Tunable Er3+/Yb3+-Doped All-Fiber Ring Laser with Wavelength Tuning Range of>70nm光纤环形激光器 36

Wavelength Tuning of the Er3+/Yb3+-Doper Fiber Ring Laser调谐范围>70nm的Er3+/Yb3+掺杂全光纤环形激光器 36

Fiber Ring Lasers制作InP光栅的全息光刻法 37

Spectra Character and Its Analysis of DFB Lasers 38

1.55μn GaInAsP/InP DFB-DC-PBH激光器 38

1.55μm GaInAsP/InP DFB-DC-PBH Laser Diode 38

The Fabrication of InP Holographic GratingDFB激光器光谱特性及其分析 38

1.55μm分布反馈激光器 39

1.55μm Distributed Feedback Lasers国产GaAlAs激光器的超高频调制特性 39

Ultra-High Frequency Modulation Characteristics of Domestic GaAlAs Lasers半导体激光器脉冲调制理论分析 40

Theoretical Analysis of Pulse Modulation of Semiconductor Lasers高重复率半导体超短脉冲激光的产生和测量 40

Study of Asymmetrical Pulse Oscillation in AlGaAs DH Lasers高重复率半导体激光脉冲晃动的研究 41

Generation and Measurements of Ultrashort Laser Pulses at High Repeat RateDH-GaAlAs激光器的非对称脉冲振荡研究 41

Study of the Jitter of Semiconductor Laser Pulses at High Repeat Rate超高速半导体激光二极管组件 42

Ultra-high Speed Semiconduter Laser Diode Modules采用激光二极管作光源的光电子取样系统 43

High Speed Optoelectronic Sampling System with LD Sources超高速长波长PIN探测器 43

High Speed InGaAs PIN-PD 43

1.55μm分布反馈激光器 44

Spectra Character and Its Analysis of D FB Lasers制作InP光栅的全息光刻法 45

1.5 5μm Distributed Feedback LasersDFB激光器光谱特性及其分析 45

Femtosecond pulses measurement with LBO飞秒激光超高速电光采样 46

The Fabrication of InP Holographic Grating用LBO测量飞秒超短光脉冲 46

Femtosecond Laser Used in Ultrafast Electro-Optic Sampling一种用皮秒激光脉冲实现高分辨率光学探测的方法 48

A New Method for ps-Pulse Optical Probe with High ResolutionLiB3O5晶体的飞秒脉冲倍频 48

SHG Method for Measuring Low-Repetition Rate fs Ultrashort Pulse半导体异质结定向耦合器的设计 49

Design of Semiconductor Hetero-Structure Directional Coupler 49

二次谐波法测量低重复率飞秒超短脉冲 49

四、光电子集成器件Optoelectronic System Integration DevicePHRCL-BH LD/LPEC-MESFETs OEIC光发射机结构及工艺特点 51

Structure and Process Advantages of PHRCL-BH LD/LPEC-MESFETs OEIC Trans-mitter宽沟道SI-GaAs衬底上适于光发射机制作的BH激光器 51

A Buried-Heterostructure Laser on Etched-groove Sl-GaAs Substrate for the Fabricationof a Transmitter离子交换法平面微透镜列阵及其最佳折射率分布 52

The Ion-exchanged Planar Microlens Array and Its Optimum Index Distribution两种离子交换型变折射率微透镜 52

Two Gradient-Index Planar Microlens Arrays平面微透镜折射率分布的表达 53

The Index Expression of Planar Microlens平面微透镜阵列的制作 53

Two Gradient-Index Planar Microlens Arrays塑料自聚焦复合透镜面列阵研究 54

Fabrication of Planar Microlens Array两种离子交换型变折射率微透镜 54

Preparation of the Plastic Gradient-Index Sphere Lens大数值孔径自聚焦复合透镜面列阵研究 55

A Study on Self-Focusing Planar Microlens Array with Large NA球对称折射率分布及其光程 56

Spherical Gradients and the Optical Length两种离子交换型微透镜阵列 56

Two Ion-Exechanged Microlens Arrays从自聚焦透镜的发展到自聚焦复合透镜面列阵的研制 57

Development of Gradient Index Lens and Research of Gradient Planar Microlens Array两种变折射率平面微透镜阵列 57

Two Gragient-Index Planar Microlens Array变折射率棒折射率分布的干涉法无损自动测量 58

Automatic and Nondestructive Measurment of the Index Distribution of Gridient-IndexRods by a Interference Method变折射率光学研究中的几个问题 59

Some Problems on Gradient Index Optical Study变折射率透镜研究和发展现状 59

A Review on the Research and Development of Gradiend Index Lens单片4门集成PLZT尾纤光开关 59

Single Chip PLZT 4-Gate Optical Switch with Pigtails用于InP/InGaAs(P)的低温开管Zn扩散法 60

Low Temperature Open Tube Zn Diffusion in InP/InGaAs(P)单片集成光发射器频率特性分析 61

Analysis for the Frequency Characteristics of a Monolithically Integrated Light Transmit-ter用Mn作有源层将双集电区的HBT和边发射LED在准平面上集成 61

Quasi-Planar Intergration of an InGaAsP/InP Double Collection Region HBT and anEdge-Emitting LED with M n Doped Active LayerGRINSCH-AQW激光器波导特性的数值分析 62

Numerial Analyses of Waveguiding Properties for GRINSCH-SQW Lasers超薄异质结构材料MOCVD生长系统的设计与研制 62

A MOCVD System for Growing Ultra-thin Hetero-structure Material半导体激光器高速GaAs驱动电路 63

Optical Walsh-Hadamard Transform for Orders 32 and 64

The Calculation of Optical Confinement Characteristics of Modified GRINSCH-SQWWaveguides用于InP光电子集成器件的湿法腐蚀研究 64

High Speed GaAs Driving Circuit for Semiconductor Lasers改善GRINSCH-SQW波导光限制特性的计算 64

Study on Wet Etching Technique for InP Based Optoelectronic DevicesInP光发射OEIC中激光管的设计和研制 65

Design and Fabrication of Laser Diode for InP OEIC Transmitter用于高速系统的单片集成InGaAs光接收模块 65

Monolithically Integrated Planar InGaA s PIN-JFET Optical Receiver光学互连用GaAs单片集成光接收器的设计及工艺研究 66

Monolithically Integrated InGaAs Optical Receiver Module for High Speed Systems平面型InGaAsPIN-JFET单片集成光接收器研究 66

Study on GaAs Monolithically Integrated Receiver for Optical Interconnection准平面高增益InGaAsP/InP(N-P-N)异质结双极晶体管 67

Quasi-Planar High Gain InGaAsP/InP(N-P-N)Heterostructure Bipolar TransistorInGaAsP/InP NPN异质结双极晶体管研究 68

A Analysis and Fabrication of InGaAsP/InP H BTZn扩散异质结双极晶体管 68

Fabrication of InGaAsP/InP H BT with Zn-DiffusionBe离子注入InGaAs PINFET单片集成 69

InGaAs PINJFET Research with Be-ion Implantation异质结双极晶体管的计算机分析和优化设计 70

HBT Characteristics Analysis and Optimization Design by Computer 70

五、光纤导波光学器件Optical Wave Guide Devices1.5μm x-切y-向Ti:LiNbO3条形波导相位调制器 71

1.5μm x-cut and y-direction Ti:LiNbO3Strip Waveguide Phase Modulator1.5μm Ti:LiNbO3电光波导强度调制器 71

1.5μm Ti:LiNbO3Electrooptic Waveguide Intensity ModulatorZ-切Ti:LiNbO3平面波导模式数量的色散特性 72

Dispersion Formulae of Total Number of M odes for the z-Cut Ti:LiNbO 3 PlanarWaveguidesZ-切Ti:LiNbO3平面波导模式数量的色散特性 73

Dispersion Formulae of Total Number of M odes for th eZ-cut Ti:LiNbO3PlanarWaveguides1.5μmx切y向Ti:LiNbO3条形波导相位调制器 73

1.5μmx-cut and y-Direction Ti:LiNbO3Stripe Waveguide Phase Modulator1.5μmTi:LiNbO3电光波导强度调制器 74

1.5μmTi:LiNbO3Electrooptic Waveguide Intensity Modulator一个简单光电集成回路的计算机辅助分析 74

Computer Aided Analysis of a Simple Optoelectroic Integrated Circuit适用于GaAs光发射机单片集成的宽接触BH激光器的研制 75

An Overview of Wide-Band Electrooptical Guided-Wave Analog-to-Digital Converters电光导波模数(A/D)转换器集成光路的研制 76

Fabrication of a Broad Contact BH Laser for Monolithic Integration宽带电光导波模数转换器概述 76

Electro-Optic Analog-to-Digital Conversion Using Channel Waveguide Fabry-PerotModulator Array1.3~1.6μm全硅光波导和全硅电光调制光开关的研制 77

Study of All-Silicon Waveguide and Electro-Optical Switch for 1.3~1.6μm wavelengthYIG波导中非共线光—静磁波相互作用 78

Noncollinear Magneto-Optical Interaction between Optical Waves and MagnetostaticWaves in YIG Waveguide用于磁—光波导特性研究的近红外平面光波导耦合系统 78

Infrared PIanar Optical Waveguide Coupling System for Magneto-Optical WaveguideCharacteristic Research静磁正向体波—光相互作用的实验研究 79

Experimental Research on Optical Guided-Wave Interaction with Magnetostatic For-ward Volume Waves(MSFVW)静磁波在任意磁化方向有限宽YIG薄膜静磁波色散特性 80

Ti:LiNbO31×4 Integrated-Optical SwitchInP-InGaAsP异质结构定向耦合器设计 81

A Ti:LiNbO32×2 optical switch/Modulator钛扩散Ti:NiNbO31×4集成光开关 81

Dispersion Characteristics of Magnetostatic Wave in YIG with Magnetized in ArbitraryDirections500MHz Ti:LiNbO32×2光开关/调制器 81

The Analysis of Transmission Characteristics of Loaded Strip Waveguide加载条形波导定向耦合器耦合长度的分析 82

Design of InP-InGaAsP Heterostructure Directional Couplor加载条形波导传输特性的分析 82

The Analysis of Coupling Length of Directional Coupler with Loaded Strip Waveguide声光布拉格衍射偏转器的设计制作 83

Design and Fabrication of Acoustooptic Bragg Diffraction Deflector声光布拉格衍射偏转器的设计和制作 84

Design and fabrication of acoustooptical Bragg diffraction deflector玻璃光纤放大器特性 84

The Specific Property of Glass Fibre Amplifier掺钕单模光纤激光器 85

Nd-Doped Single-Mode Fibre Laser定向耦合器光波导开关阵列研究 86

Research on Directional Coupler Optical Waveguide Switch ArrayLiNbO3光波导开关阵列的损耗分析 87

Analyses for the loss of LiNbO3Optical Waveguide Switch Array扩Ti:LiNbO3光波导开关阵列的设计与制作 87

Design and Fabrication for Optical Waveguide Switch Array with Ti diffusedLiNbO3SubstrateLiNbO3中Ti/Mg双扩散隐埋波导的研制 88

Research on Buried Optical Waveguide with Ti/Mg Double Diffusion Methodon LiNbO3SubstrateBOA型偏振无关光开关 89

A Novel BOA Type Polarization Independent Optical Switch高速LiNbO3电光相位调制器 90

High Speed LiNbO3Electrooptical Phase Modulator光交换机用开关阵的研究 90

Study of switch Array for Photonic Exchange System影响GaAs-GaAlAs相位调制器的相位移效率因素的研究 91

Study on Phase Shift Efficiency of GaAs-GaAlAs Modulator波导损耗测量的一种新技术 91

A New Technique for Waveguide Loss Measurement半导体相位调制器调制带宽的测试 92

Bandwidth Measurement of Semicondactor Phase Modulator相干选行法测试半导体调制器的相位移效率 92

Evaluation of Phase Shift Efficiency for Semiconductor Phase Modulators by Interferenceand TV Line-Selection影响半导体相位调制器带宽因素的研究 93

Study on Factors Affecting the Bandwidth of Semiconductor Phase Modulator掩埋式梯折型玻璃光波导研究 94

Study on the Buried Gradient Index Glass Waveguide真星型光纤耦合器 94

True Star Fibre-Optic Coupler宽带声光布拉格偏转器的研制 95

Design and fabrication of wide Bandwidth Acoustooptic Bragg Diffraction DeflectorGaAs波导相位调制器的研制 95

GaAs Waveguide Phase Modulator单模脊型波导模场分布的近拟计算 96

Approximate calculation for Field Distribution of Single-Mode Rib WaveguideGaAs Mach-Zehnder干涉型电光波导调制器的分析与设计 96

Symmetric Directional Coupler Optical Switch in GaAs低损耗Y-分支GaAs/GaAlAs异质结波导相位调制器的研究 97

Analysis and Design for GaAs Mach-Zehnder InterferentialElectro-Optic WaveguideModulatorGaAs对称定向耦合光开关 97

Low-loss Y-branch Phase Modulator of GaAs/GaAlAs Heterostructure一种结构新颖的AlGaAs/GaAsOEIC光发射机 98

A Novel AlGaAs/GaAs OEIC Transmitter光波导二维近场分布的测量系统 99

System for Measuring Z-dimension Feild Distribution in Optical Waveguide With NearFeild Method单模光纤与Ti:LiNbO3单模平面波导端面耦合的研究 99

Study of End-Fire Coupling of Single Mode Fiber to Ti:LiNbO3Single Mode WaveguideTi离子注入LiNbO3光波导 100

二次多项式折射率分布平面光波导的模式 100

Study of Optical Waveguides with 50×20mm2and Multiple Diffusion导波声光Bragg调制器的研制 101

Modes in Planar Optical Waveguide with Index Profile of Second Order Polynomial大面积Ti:LiNbO3光波导与多次扩散研究 101

Study of Guided-Wave Acoustooptic Bragg Modulators硼离子注入石英玻璃光波导 102

Optical Waveguides of Fused Quartz by Boron-Ion Implantation非线性导波光栅的研究 102

The Research of Nonlinear Guided-wave Gratings掺半导体玻璃(SDG)波导的导波功率限制 103

Power Limit of Guided Wave on Semiconductor-Doped Glass Waveguide在离子交换波导中的非线性棱镜耦合和功率限制 104

N onlinear Prism Coupling and Power Limiting in Ion-Exchanged Waveguides波导中的热非线性吸收和功率限制 105

Thermal Nonlinear Absorption and Power Limiting in Waveguides六、光计算算法及器件Optical Computing Algorithm and Related Device四种相关的分辨本领比较 106

Comparison of Discrimination Capabilities of Four Types of Correlation非相干光实现的二维复数离散傅里叶变换及其等效4f系统 106

Rotation and Scale Sensitivities of One-Dimensional Differentiation Correlation基于SBN:Ce电控光束耦合的光致折变空间光调制 107

Incoherent Optical Implementation of 2-D Complex Discrete Fourier Tran sform andEquivalent 4-f System一维微分相关的旋转和尺度敏感性 107

Photorefractive Spatial Light Modulation by Electrocontrolled Beam Coupling in SBN:CeCrystals用光电系统实现偏振编码的局部细胞逻辑 108

Optoelectronic Implementation of Local Cellular Logic with Polarization Coding采用正交投影和成像系统实现并行多矩阵乘法 108

Parallel Multiple Matrix Multiplication Using an Orthogonal Shadow-Casting and Im-aging System光学多通投影相关矩阵—矢量乘法器 109

Optical Matrix-Vector Multiplication Using Multichannel Shadow-Casting Correlator利用在SBN:Ce晶体中电控光耦合的光致折变空间光调制 109

Correlation Algorithm and Architecture for Optical Complex Discrete Fourier Transfor-mation用波带片的尺度容限可调谐多通道尺度不变模式识别系统 110

Band-Tunable Multichannel Scale Invariant Pattern Recognition System with Zone Plates平行模糊逻辑及光学实现 110

Photo Refractive Spatial Light Modulation by Electrocontrolled Beam Coupling in SBN:Ce Crystals光学复数离散傅里叶变换的相关算法和结构 110

Optical Implementation of Parallel Fuzzy Logic平移,旋转和尺度不变的光学关联存储 111

Shift-,Rotation-,and Scale-Invariant Optical Associative Memory采用非相干正交成像系统的光学三矩阵乘法 111

Optical Triple Matrix Multiplication Using Incoherent Orthogonal Image System光学图形模糊逻辑 112

Optical Pattern Fuzzy Logic实时编码二值仅位相滤波器 112

Real Time Binary Phase-Only Filter EncodingSBN:Ce晶体中的电控光耦合和双稳性 112

Electrocontrolled Beam Coupling and Bistable Behavior in SBN:Ce Crystals光致折变SBN:Ce晶体中的光束耦合 113

Multibeam Coupling in Photorefractive SBN:Ce一种新奇的光学多通道尺度容限可调的傅里叶变换系统:实验 113

A Novel Optical Multichannel Scale-Range-Tunable Fourier Transforming System:The-ory光电混合处理数学形态学 114

Optical Multichannel Scale-Range-Tunable Fourier-Transforming System:Experiment一种新奇的光学多通道尺度容限可调的傅里叶变换系统:理论 114

Optoelectronic Implementation of Mathematical Morphology基于紧凑编码的三阶互连像平方关联的光电二维神经网络 115

Optical Implementation of a 2-D Neural Net with a Third-Order Interconnection for Im-age Quadratic Associative Memory Based on a Compact-Encoding Method构成多矩阵乘法器的原理 115

Principle for Making Up Optical Multiple Matrix Multiplier采用轮廓仅位相滤波的模式识别 116

Pattern Recognition with a Phase-Only Matched Filter Made from Outline Features自异关联存储的同时实现:Hopfield模型的改进 116

Simultaneous Realization of Auto-&Hetero-AM:a Modifcation of Hopfield Model非相干光实现的二维复数离散傅里叶变换系统 117

Incoherent Optical Implementation of 2-D Complex Discrete Fourier Transform三阶互连平方关联的光电混合神经网络 117

Controllable Real-Time Simple Spatial Filter Based on Selectively Erasing inPhotorefractive Two-Beam Coupling从轮廓特征中提取的仅位相滤波器相关 118

Opto-Electronic Implementation of a Neural Network with a Third-OrderInterconnection for Quadratic Associative Memory基于光致折变晶体中双光束耦合的选择性擦除机制的实时可控空间滤波器 118

Correlation with a Phase-Only Matched Filter Made from Outline Feature轮廓特征中提取的仅位相滤波器的分辨本领 119

Discrimination Capability of a Phase-Only Matched Filter Made from Outline Features两维关联存储的两维Hopfield模型的光学实现 119

Optical Logical Operation and Moire Patteen多通道光学相关器实现快速并行复数离散傅里叶变换 120

Optical Implementation of the 2-D Hopfield Model for a 2-D Associative Memory光逻辑运算与莫尔条纹 120

Fast Parallel Complex Discrete Fourier Transforms Using a Multichannel OpticalCorrelatorGaAs-GaAlAs异质结脊型波导阶跃Δβ定向耦合器 121

GaAs-GaAlAs Heterostructure Rib Waveguide stepped△βDirectional CouplerGaAs-GaAlAs异质结波导Mach-Zehnder干涉调制器 121

GaAs-GaAlAs Heterostructure Rib Waveguide Mach-Zehnder InterferometricModulator二维Mellin变换的实现 122

Realization of Two-dimensional Mellin Transform用全息掩膜实现二维线性变换 122

Performing a 2-Dimensional Linear Transform with a Holographic Mask用于计算叠加积分的光电混合系统 123

A Hybrid Optical-Digital System for Computing Superposition Integral用于提取图像不变矩的光电混合系统 123

A Hybrid Optical-Digital System for Extracting Invariant Moments of Images高序光学变换 124

Study on Optical Transformation in High Sequence 124

32和64序的光学沃尔什-哈特曼变换 124

2-Dimensional Optical Walsh-Hadamard TransfornGaAs/GaAlAs单量子阱电光吸收和光调制 125

二维光学沃尔什-哈特曼变换 125

Technigue for Fabricating Diffraction Gratings on InP and InGaAsP Crystals低阈值InP/InGaAsP PBH双区共腔双稳激光器 126

Electroabsorption and Light modulation in GaAs/GaAlAs Single Quantum Well Struc-tureInP和InGaAsP晶体上衍射光栅的刻制技术 126

InP/InGaAsP PBH Common-Cavity Two-Sections Bistable Lasers with Low ThresholdCurrentZnS-ZnSe应变层超晶格远红外反射谱研究 127

The Study of Far-Infrared Reflectivity Spectra of ZnS-ZnSe Strained-Layer SuperlatticesZnSe-ZnS多量子阱光学双稳态器件 128

ZnSe-ZnS Multiple Quantum Well Optical Bistable DeviceZnSe-ZnTe应变层超晶格的原子层外延生长 128

Atomic Layer Epitaxy of ZnSe-ZnTe Strained-Layer SuperlatticesZnSe-ZnS及ZnSe-ZnTe超晶格的MBE生长及特性 129

MBE Growth and Characterization of ZnSe-Zns and ZnTe-ZnSe Superlattices宽禁带Ⅱ-Ⅵ族半导体超晶格折射率测量及吸收研究 129

Determination of Refractive Index and Study of Absorption in Wide Gap Ⅱ-ⅣSemiconductor Superlattices波导型 ZnSe-ZnS超晶格光双稳器件的制作 130

The Fabrication of Rib Waveguide Type ZnSe-ZnS SLS Optical Bistable DeviceZnSe-ZnTe应变层超晶格远红外反射谱 131

F ar-Infrared Reflectivity Spectra of ZnSe-ZnTe Strained-Layer Superlattices波导型及F-P腔型ZnSe/ZnS、ZnSe/ZnTe量子阱BOD结构 131

ZnSe/ZnS ZnSe/ZnTe Quantum Well Bistable Optical Devices(BOD)Structureswith Waveguide and Fabary-Perot ResonatorⅡ-Ⅵ/Ⅲ-Ⅴ应力层超晶格材料与器件 132

Ⅱ-Ⅵ/Ⅲ-Ⅴ Strained-Layer Superlattice Materials and DevicesZnSe-ZnTe和ZnS-ZnSe应变层超晶格声子模与晶格应变的光谱研究 132

The Study of Phonons and Lattice Strains in ZnSe-ZnTe and ZnS-ZnSe Strained-LayerSuperlattices by Raman and Far-Infrared Reflectivity Spectra共腔双稳态半导体激光器的实验研究 133

Experimental Results for a CCTS Bistable DH LaserP型衬底掩埋新月条形InGaAsP激光器的高频响应 133

High-Frequency Response of P-Substrate Buried Crescent InGaAsP Lasers双稳激光器的瞬态响应和光放大特性 134

The Transient Response and Optical Amplification in a Bistable Double Heterojunction(DH)Laser双区共腔双稳激光器(CCTS)的动态特性 135

The Dynamic Characteristics in a Common Cavity wi th Two Sections Bistable Laser半导体双稳态激光器在光注入下的实验研究 135

Experimental Results for a CCTS Bistable DH Laser under Optical InjectionInGaAsP/InP CCTS双稳态激光器的纵模及偏振特性 136

Polarization and Longitudinal Mode Characteristics of InGaAsP/InP CCTS BistableLaserGaAs/GaAlAs半导体淬灭型光学双稳现象的实验研究 136

ExperimentalInvestigation on Optical Bistable Phenomena Caused by Laser QuenchingEffect in GaAs/GaAlAs Semiconductor LasersCCTS结构GaAs/A1GaAs单量子阱双稳态激光器 137

GaAs/AlGaAs Single Quantum Well(SQW)Bistable Laser with CCTS Structure双区共腔双稳激光器超短光脉冲输出特性分析 137

Analysis of Ultra-N arrow Light Pulse Characteristics in a Semiconductor Laser withCommon Cavity Two Sections StructureGaAs/GaAlAs光双稳激光器稳态及动态特性的实验研究 137

Experimental Investigation of Static and Dynamic Characteristics in a GaAs/GaAIAsCommon Cavity Two Sections(CCTS)Bistable Laser双区共腔双稳态激光器电注入下特性的计算机模拟 138

Computer Simulation for Characteristics of a CCTS Bistable DH Laser at Optical Injection单腔双接触结构激光器双稳特性研究 139

Computer Simulation for Characteristics of a CCTS Bistable DH Laser at Electric Injec-tion双区共腔双稳态激光器在光注入下的计算机模拟 139

Exciton Absorption Spectra of M QW StructuresGaAs/GaAlAs量子限制Stark效应及自电光双稳现象的实验研究 140

Investigation of Bistable Characteristics of a Semiconductor Laser with Single Cavityand Double Con tactsGaAs/GaAlAs多量子阱激子吸收谱 140

Experimental Investigation on GaAs/GaAlAs Quantum Confined Stark Effect and SelfElectro-optic Bistabe EffectGaAs/GaAlAs多量子阱自电光效应光学双稳态 141

Optical Bistability in a GaAs/GaAlAs Multi-Quantum Well(MQW)Self-ElectroopticEffect Device(SEED)BILED/BILD组合回路的光学逻辑运算 141

Optical Logic Implementation in Composite BILED/BILD Circuits光电子混合多值逻辑 142

Optoelectronic M ultiple-Valued Logic Implementation由光电子回路构成的可编程光学阈值逻辑 143

Programmable Optical Threshold Logic Implementation with an Optoelectronic Circuit光电子可编程阈值逻辑和模糊逻辑 143

Optoelectronic Implementation of Programmable Threshold Logic and Fuzzy Logic用于并行和时序处理的光电逻辑回路 144

Optoelectronic Logic Circuit for Parallel and Sequential Processing由光电子混合双稳态回路构成的可编程二进制光学阈值逻辑 145

Programmable Binary Optical Threshold Logic Implementation viaan OptoelectronicBistableCircuit由组合双稳态发光二极管回路构成的光学多值逻辑 145

Optical Multiple-Valued Logic Using Composite Bistable Emitting Diode Circuits由激光二极管或发光二极管混合双稳态回路构成的光学全加器与多值逻辑门 146

Optical Full Adder and Multiple-Valued Logic Gates Using Bistable Laser Diode or LightEmitting Diode Circuits电光导波Mach-Zehnder干涉调制器的研制近况 147

Current Informations on the Fabrication of Guided-Wave Mach-Zehnder ModulatorsTi:LiNbO3条波导Fabry-Perot二位模数转换器 147

Two-Bit Analog-to-Digital Conversion Using Ti:LiNbO Channal WaveguideFabry-Perot Modulator ArrayMach-Zehnder条波导两位电光模数转换器 148

Optical Bistabilities in ZnSe/ZnS Multiple Quantum Wells at Low Temperature硅晶体中的二次混合与相干放大 149

Prototype of an Integrated-Optics Two-Digit Analog-to-Digital Converter UsingMach-Zehnder Modulator Array低温度ZnSe/ZnS多量子阱光学双稳态 149

Two Wave Mixing and Coherent Amplification in Si Crystalsns与ps激光脉冲在硅晶体中的相干放大 150

Coherent Amplification fo ns and ps Pulse in Si CrystalsBSO晶体生长和PROM的制备研究 150

Study on Crystal Growth of BSO and Fabrication of PROM光双稳器件皮秒响应机制研究 151

Research on Mechanisms of ps Response for the Optical Bistability Devices一种利用光学符号代换法则实现并行光学多值运算的方法 151

A Method of Parallel Optical Multiple-Value Operation Based on Symbolic SubstitutionRuleBSO-PROM的光学逻辑功能及其应用 152

Optical Logic Operation of BSO-PROM and Its Applications光学脉动进位多比特全加(减)器 153

Optical Ripple Carry Multi-Bit Full-Adder(Subtractor)三输入二输出光学并行逻辑处理系统 153

Triple-In Double-Out Optical Parallel Logic Processing System多光束分光光栅的优化设计 154

Optimization of Grating Multi-Beamsplitters光学符号代换法则(OSSR)的应用研究 154

The Application of Optical Symbolic Substitution Rule光学计算中的真值表查找法 155

Pure Optical Parallel Four Bit Multiplier等光强分束器的设计与制造 156

Truth-Table Look-Up Method Used in Optical Computing全光并行四比特乘法器 156

Optimization and Fabrication of Grating Beamsplitter体全息及互连元件的实验研究 157

Experimental Research on Volume Holograms and Interconnection Devices真值表查找法光学处理器中的表量压缩研究 158

Table-Reduction in Truth-Table Look-Up Optical ProcessingBi12SiO20晶体用于光并行逻辑运算时输出质量及写入灵敏度的分析 159

Analysis on Output Quality and Write-In Sensitivity for Bi12SiO20Optical Parallel LogicOperation System光学符号代换矩阵乘法器 159

Matrix Multiplier Based on Optical Symbolic Substitution具有多逻辑功能的ZnS光学双稳态器件的研究 160

Research of Multi-Logical Optical Bistale ZnS Devices一种实现二进制加法符号替换规律的光逻辑系统 160

A Simple Optical Logic System to Implement Symbolic Subtitution Rules of Binary Addi-tion新奇轮廓映射方法 161

Novel Contour-Mapping Methods上海光学精密机械研究所在光致折变晶体应用于光学信息处理方面的研究工作 162

Applications of Photorefractive Crystals to Optical Information Processing at SIOFM光栅编码多通道光致折变非相干光到相干光转换 162

Grating-Encoded Multichannel Photorefractive Incoherent-to-Coherent Optical Conver-sion形态学操作在符号替换和Hough变换中的应用 163

Morphological Operations for Symbolic Substitution and Hough TransformInP/InGaAsP EMBH CCTS双稳激光器的设计与制备 163

Design and Fabrication on InP/InGaAsP EMBH CCTS Bistable Lasers利用BaTiO3晶体中自泵浦位相共轭的实时边缘增强 164

利用渥拉斯顿棱镜实现光学全混洗 165

Qptical Perfect Shuffle Using Wollaston Prisms利用光折晶体BSO实现双位相共轭镜 165

Double Phase-Conjugate Mirror Using Photorefractive BSO Crystal在KNSBN、Pr:KNSBN和Cu:SBN晶体中的光学位相共轭 166

Optical Phase Conjugation in KNSBN Fe-Doped KNSBN and Cu-Doped SBN Crystal利用光折晶体KNSBN和液晶电光关实现实时关联存储 166

Real-Time Associative Memory with Photorefractive KNSBN and Liquid Crystal OpticalSwitches实时全息光学存储 167

Real-time Holographic Optical Storage利用Cu:SBN晶体的外环腔自泵浦位相共轭 167

Self-Pumped Conjugate Mirror with External Ring Cavity in Cu:SBN Crystal利用Fe:LiNbO3晶体实现相干光波耦合放大和弱图像增强 168

The Coupling Amplification of Coherent Optical Wave and Enhancement of Weak Imageswith Fe:LiNbO3Crystal用互补向量修正阈值的光电混合联想存储器模型 168

Light-Induced Scattering in Fe-Doped Photorefractive LiNbO3Crystals近邻局域互联神经网络 169

Optical Electric Hybrid Associative Memory Model with Threshold Modification U singComplementary Vectr光折晶体Fe:LiNbO3中的光致散射效应 169

Near Neighboring Neurons Interconnected Neural Network利用光折变晶体和液晶电光开关实现实时联想存储 170

Performance of Real Time Associative Memory Using a Photorefractive and Liquid Crys-tal Electrooptic Switches光折变二波混频中的位相研究和光波畸变的消除 171

Observation of Optical Wave Phase and Wave-Front Correction in PhotorefractiveTwo-Wave Mixing用于光开关和光计算的多层量子阱 171

Multiple Quantum Well Structure in Optical Switching and Optical Computing平面微透镜阵列的多重图像变换及应用 172

The Multiple Image Transformation of Planar Microlens and Its Applications自聚焦平面微透镜阵列的折射率分布与工艺条件 172

The Index Distribution and Fabricating Condition of Gradient Index Planar Microlens Ar-ray自聚焦平面微透镜成像特性分析 173

The Imaging Property of Self-Focusing Planar Microlens Array掺半导体玻璃(SDG)的光学非线性 173

Optical Nonlinearity of Semiconductor Doped Glass(SDG)无像差波导短程透镜的研制 174

Study of Waveguide Geodesic Lenses with Aberration-Free光学矩阵乘法器的实验研究 175

Experimental Study on Optical Matrix Multiplier一种制作用于在VLSI中光互连的全息光学元件的新方法 175

A New Method of Recording Holographic Elements Applied to Optical Interconnect inVLSI高效率多重像全息光学元件 176

Efficient M ultiple-image H olographic Optical Element关于几个主要实验参量的讨论 176

Theoretical Analysis on the Efficiency of MultiPle-Beam Holographic Interconnect Ele-ment 177

Some Experimental Parameters in Holographic Interconnect Elements多光束全息互连元件效率的理论分析 177

七、新型材料、器件和工艺技术Advanced Materials,Devices and Processing Techniques双区半导体激光器的稳定性理论 178

A Theory on Stability of Double-Section Semiconductor Lasers准分子激光诱导湿刻GaAs 178

Excimer Laser Induced Aqueous Etching GaAs锁相激光列阵自成像孔径装填的装填因子研究 179

Study of Fill Factor in Self-Imaging Aperture Filling of Phase-Locked Arrays锁相激光列阵的自成像补偿法孔径装填 179

Aperture Filling of a Phase-Locked Laser Array by Phase Correction with Self-ImagingLau共振腔和列阵激光锁相 180

Lau Cavity and Phase Locking of Laser Arrays任意平面物体的取向和角速度的相关检测 180

Correlation Detection of an Arbitrary Planar Object's Orientation and Angular SpeedGaAs-GaAlAs质子轰击条型激光器与光纤耦合效率的研究 181

Studies on The Coupling Efficiency Between GaAs-GaAlAs Laser with Proton Bombard-ment Strip Structure And Optical Fiber大功率衍射极限GaAs-GaAlAs锁相激光器列阵 181

High Power Diffraction Limited Phase-Locked GaAs-GaAlAs Semiconductor Laser Ar-ray激光二极管锁相列阵模式和远场分布的研究 182

The Study of the Mode and Far-Field Pattern of Diode Laser Phased ArraysInP/InGaAsP[011]与[01?]晶向的简便判别 183

Optical and Electrical Properties of GaAs Layer on Si Substrate硅上GaAs薄膜的Raman光谱研究 184

Simple Discrimination between Orientations[011]and[01?] of InP/InGaAsP硅上MBE法生长的GaAs材料的电子和光学性质 184

Raman Spectrocopy Investigation of GaAs Film Grown on Si Substrate电荷DLTS方法及其对MBE生长硅上砷化镓层深能级的研究 185

Charge DLTS Method and Study on Deep Level in GaAs Layer on Si SubstrateMBE生长硅上砷化镓MESFET 186

MESFETs Fabricated on MBE-Grown GaAs/Si硅上AlGaAs/GaAs单异质结LED的研制及特性 186

Fabricated and Characteristics of SHLED of AlGaAs/GaAs on SiSi上选区分子束外延GaAs(SAMBE)及Si-GaAs兼容工艺研究 187

SAM BE GaAs/Si and Studies of Si-GaAs Compatible Technology二极管激光器泵浦的固体激光器 188

Diode Laser-Pumped Solid State Laser大功率半导体激光锁相列阵的实验研究 188

Experimental Study of High-Power Phase-Locked Semiconductor Laser Arrays泵浦用808nm锁相列阵半导体激光器 189

808nm Phase-Locked Semiconductor Laser Array for PumpingGa1-xAlxAs/GaAs激光器锁相列阵结温和热阻的实验研究 190

A Experimental Study of Junction Temperature and Thermal Resistance ofGa1-xAlxAs/GaAs Laser Phase-Locked ArraysGaAlAs/GaAs激光锁相列阵器件的热特性研究 190

A Study of Thermal Characteristics of GaAlAs/GaAs Laser Phase-Locked arrays人工金刚石热沉的锁相列阵激光器的热特性研究 191

A Study of Thermal Characteristics of Semiconductor Laser Phase-Locked arrays withDiamond Film Heatsink“大功率半导体激光锁相列阵”研究工作取得初步进展 191

1.3μm光纤外腔主动锁模激光器的实验研究 192

The Progress of Phase-Locked Semiconductor Laser Arrays 192

Initial Progress of Research Work on“High Power Phase-Locked Semicondnctor LaserArrays”锁相列阵半导体激光器的进展 192

Experimental Study of 1.3μm Active Mode-Locked Lasers with a Fiber Extended Cavity半导体激光器中纵向载流子烧孔引起的非对称增益 193

Asymmetric Gain Induced by Longitudinal Spatial Carrier Burning in Semiconductor Las-er双区共腔(CCTS)双稳激光器的计算机模拟 193

Computer Simulations for a Common-Cavity Two Section(CCTS)Bistable Laser光学多层介质膜与多量子阱集成器件 194

Integrated Devices with Optical Dielectric Layers and Multiple Quantum WellsGaAs/GaAlAs pnpn负阻激光器中的光开关、光双稳特性 195

Optical Bistability and Switching Characteristics of a GaAs/GaAlAs pnpn Negative Re-sistance Laser光触发GaAs/GaAlAs异质结负阻激光器 195

Light-activated GaAs/GaAlAs Heterostructure Negative Resistance Lasers阶梯衬底内条形可见光半导体激光器及其列阵 195

Terraced Substrate Inner Stripe Visible Semiconductor Laser and Its Arrays混合抛物面反射二维面发射可见光半导体激光器 196

Hybrid Parabolic Reflector Two Dimensional Surface Emitting Visible SemiconductorLaser中国的激光安全防护 196

Laser Sefety in China准分子激光对Al、Au刻蚀的技术研究 197

Technological Research on Induced Etching of Al,Au with Excimer LaserInP材料准分子激光APD刻蚀特性 198

Ch aracteristic of APD Etching InP by Excimer Laser高灵敏度的ps光电取样系统 198

A High Sensitive Picosecond Optoelectronic Sampling System声光锁模Ar+激光器的最新研制结果 199

The Latest Developing Results on Acousto-Optical M ode-Locked Argon Ion Laser利用ps和光电导取样技术测量超快光电探测器的响应时间和联接件的色散展宽 200

Measurement of the Response Time of Ultrafast Photoelectric Detectors and DispersiveBroadening Effect of Connector with Picosecond Photoconductive Sampling Techniques一种新型的超短脉冲相关测量仪 201

A New Model Autocorrelator for Measuring Ultra-Short PulsesSOSps光导开关研制 202

Study of ps Photoconductive Switch on Silicon-On-Sapphire films(SOS)用棱镜耦合器测量石榴石液相外延薄膜的折射率和厚度 203

Refractive Index and Thickness Measurement of Garnet Liquid Phase Epitaxy Film byPrism Coupler窄线宽低光损耗高掺Bi石榴石薄膜外延生长 203

Epitaxial Growth of Highly Bi-Substituted Garnet Film with Narrow FMR Linewidth andLow Optical Absorption Loss高Bi含量的RIG的外延生长 204

Epitaxial Growth of Highly Bi Substituted RIGFe离子价态对磁光薄膜光吸收谱的影响 205

Influences of Fe Ion Valences on Optical Absorption Spectra of Magneto-Optical Films磁性石榴石薄膜的液相外延生长模型 205

LPE Growth Model of Magnetic Garnet FilmYIG薄膜中静磁模式和交换模式铁磁共振测量和理论分析 206

The FMR Measurement and Theoretical Analysis on Magnetostatic and Exchange Modesin YIG Film(La,Ga):YIG单晶薄膜的铁磁共振研究 207

A Study on Ferromagnetic Resonance for(La,Ga):YIG Single Crystal Film多层YIG/GGG薄膜的外延生长技术 207

Liquid Phase Epitaxy Technique for Multiple YIG/GGG FilmRRH/VLP-CVD生长的GexSi1-x/Si应变层超晶格结构性质 208

The Structure of GexSi1-x/Si Strained Layer Superlattices and HeterostructuresSi/Ge异质结构界面的XPS和AES分析 209

Structural Properties of GexSi 1-x/Si Strained Layer Superlattices Grown byRRH/VLP-CVDGexSi1-x/Si应变层超晶格与异质结构 209

XPS and AES Analysis of the Interface of Si/Ge Heterostructures锗硅超晶格研究 210

Study of GexSi1-x/Si Superlattices用非腐蚀性气体对InP进行了干法腐蚀 211

Dry Etching of InP with Non-Corrosive Gases反应离子刻蚀中断面轮廓的形成 212

Formation of Profile in Reactive Ion EtchingInGaAsP微细结构的反应离子刻蚀 213

Reactive Ion Etching of Microstructure for InGaAsPGaAs深孔的反应离子刻蚀 214

Reactive Ion Etching of GaAs Via Holes薄层Ⅲ~Ⅴ族半导体材料的精细干法腐蚀 214

Dry Etching for Thin Layers ofⅢ-Ⅴ Compounds氩离子在反应离子腐蚀Ⅲ-Ⅴ族材料中的作用 215

The Roles of Argon Ion in RIE of Ⅲ-Ⅴ CompoundsGaAs精细刻蚀的断面轮廓控制 216

Profile Control in Micro-Etching of GaAsKKH溶液对InGaAsP-InP材料的选择腐蚀特性 217

The Selective Etching Characteristics of KKH Solution for InGaAsP-InP Materials有机金属化学气相沉积 218

Theoretical Analysis of Er Doped Fibre-Optic Optical Amplifier光纤放大器分析的线性模型法 219

Metalorganic Chemical Vapour Depasition(MOCVD)掺铒[Er]光纤光放大器的理论分析 219

A Linear M odel Method Analyzing Optical Fibre Amplifier严格无阻塞PLZT空分矩阵光开关 220

Strict Nonblocking PLZT Space-Division Matrix Optical Switch新型偏振无关PLZT光开关 220

A Novel Polarization Independent PLZT Optical Switch宽谱PLZT光开关 221

Wide Spectrum PLZT Optical SwitchZnSe-ZnS应变超晶格的光学特性 222

Optical Properties of ZnSe-ZnS Strained Superlattices常压MOCVD透明衬底CaF2上生长ZnSe1-x—Sx外延膜 222

Growth of ZnSe1-xSxEpilayers on Transparent Substrate CaF2by MOCVD at AtmosphericPressureZnSe1-xSx-ZnSe应变超晶格结构光致发光的线型研究 223

Study of Excitonic Lineshape of ZnSe1-xSx-ZnSe Strained-Layer SuperlatticesZnSe-ZnS超晶格中的激子束缚能和光致发光 223

Photoluminescence and Binding Energies of Wannier Excitons in ZnSe-ZnS Superlattices常压MOCVD法在透明衬底CaF2上生长高质量ZnSe单晶薄膜 224

Growth of High-Quality ZnSe Single Crystal Epilayers on Transparent Substrate CaF2byMOCVD at Atomspheric PressureZnSe-ZnS应变超晶格的激子发射和吸收 225

Excitonic Emission and Absorption of ZnSe-ZnS Strined Layer Superlattices关于ZnSe/ZnS超晶格的P型传导机理的探讨 226

Approach to the Conduction Mechanism of Znse/ZnS Superlattices on SemiinsutalingSubstrate GaAs(100)应变超晶格的(110)退沟道效应研究 226

Study of the(110)Dechannelling Effects of Strained-Layer SuperlatticesZnSe/ZnS应变超晶格的吸收光谱及其子能级计算 227

基于X射线衍射的应变超晶格的两套准超格子 228

Absorption spectra and Subband Calculation of ZnSe/ZnS Strained-Layer Superlattices在透明衬底CaF2上常压MOCVD生长ZnSe-ZnTe应变超晶格 228

Two Quasi-Superlattices of Strained-Layer Superlattices for X-Ray Diffraction常压MOCVD法生长ZnSe/ZnSxSe1-x应变层超晶格 229

On Growth of ZnSe/ZnSxSe1-xStrained-Layen Superlattices by AP-MOCVDMOCVD法生长高质量硫化锌单晶薄膜 229

High Quality Zinc Sulfide Epitaxial Layers Grown by Metalorganic Chemical VapourDepositionZnSxTe1-x合金的MOCVD生长。 230

On the Growth of ZnSexTe1-Alloy by MOCVDZnSe/ZnSxSe1-x应变层超晶格的光学非线性吸收 230

Optical Nonlinear Absorption of ZnSe/ZnSxSe1-xStrained-Layer SuperlatticesZnTe单晶薄膜和ZnTe/ZnSe应变超晶格的常压MOCVD法制备 231

Preparation of ZnTe Single Crystal Films and ZnTe/ZnSe Strained-Layer Superlatticesby AP-MOCVD宽禁带Ⅱ-Ⅳ族材料及其超晶格的MOCVD法生长及特性研究 232

Growth and Characterization of Wide-Gap Ⅱ-Ⅳ Compounds and Their SuperlatticesGrown by MOCVD窄阱宽ZnSe/ZnS SLS的常压MOCVD法制备及鉴定 232

Preparation and Characterization of Narrow Well ZnSe-ZnS SLS by MOCVD at Atmos-pheric PressureZnSe/ZnS多量子阱激子光学双稳性 233

Excitonic Optical Bistability in ZnSe/ZnS Multiple Quantum Wells高失配度ZnSe1-xSx-ZnSe应变超晶格结构的应力分析和结构参数的计算 234

High Mismatch ZnSe1-xSx-ZnSe SLS'Interfacial Strain and Structure ParameterZnZe薄膜瞬态光学非线性测量 234

The Transient Optical Nonlinearity in ZnSe Thin Film高激发密度下ZnSe-ZnS应变超晶格的发光 235

Photoluminescence of ZnSe-ZnS STRAINED-LAYER Superlattice Under HighExcitationsVPE生长CdS外延膜的光学性质与光学双稳态 235

Optical Property and Bistability of CdS Epilayers Phase EpitaxyZnSe-ZnS/GaAs多量子阱的色散光双稳 236

Dispersive Optical Bistability in ZnSe-ZnS/GaAs Multiple Quantum WellsZnSe—ZnS应变层超晶格中D-A对发光 237

D-A Pair Luminescence in ZnSe-ZnS Strained Layer SuperlatticeO+注入InP的实验研究 238

Experimental Investigation on O+Implantation of InPInP材料UV激光直接刻蚀研究 238

Investigation of UV Laser Direct Etching on InP Material准分子激光直接刻蚀InP半导体材料 239

Etching of Semiconductor InP by Direct Excimer Laser晶体APD断键弛豫的经典讨论 239

Ablative Photodecomposition of Cry stals:Classical Discussion About Bond Breaking Re-laxation准分子激光刻蚀金属薄膜的边缘质量研究 240

A Study for Edge Quality of Excimer Laser Etching Metal Thin Film离子交换引起的折射率与体积变化 241

The Refraction and Volume Variation Caused by Ion-Exchange平面微透镜阵列用于波前的自动检测 241

Automatical Wavefront Detection Using Planar Micro-Lens Array用顶覆层法在YIG/GGG磁光波导上制作平面波导透镜 242

Faberacte the Plane Wave-Guide Lens on YIG/GGG Magnetooptical Wave-guide byTop Layer集成光学声光频谱分析仪中光学信号的数据采集与处理 242

Focus Properties of Aspheric Geodesic Lenses短程透镜设计方法的比较 243

体全息光栅平均介电常数和电导率的变化对其衍射效率的影响 243

Data Sampling and Processing Technique of Optical Signals in IOSA非球面短程透镜的焦点特性 243

Fiber Ring Resonator with Finesse of 1260
