- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:常耀信编注
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1981
- ISBN:7560002978
- 页数:189 页
目录 1
前言 1
1.The Beginning of the World 1
2.The Olympian Gods 3
3.Prometheus 5
4.Pandora 7
5.The Four Ages 9
希腊罗马神名对照表 11
6.The Flood 11
7.Zeus and Hera(Jupiter and Juno) 12
8.Io 15
9.Callisto 16
10.Baucis and Philemon 17
11.Athena 19
12.Apollo 21
13.Daphne 24
14.Marpessa 25
15.Niobe 27
16.Phaeton 29
17.Alcestis 31
18.Artemis(Diana) 33
19.Arethusa 35
20.Actaeon 36
21.Endymion 37
22.Orion 39
23.Cephalos and Procris 40
24.Hermes(Mercury) 42
25.Ares(Mars) 44
26.Aphrodite(Venus) 45
27.Venus and Adonis 47
28.Pygmalion 49
29.Hero and Leander 49
30.Thisbe 51
31.Eros(Cupid) 53
32.Cupid and Psyche 54
33.Poseidon(Neptune) 59
34.Nereus and Proteus 62
35.Demeter and Persephone(Proserpina) 63
36.Dionysus(Bacchus) 66
37.King Midas 67
38.Ariadne 69
39.Pan 71
40.The Muses 73
41.The Lower World 74
42.Orpheus and Eurydice 77
43.Tantalus 79
44.Sisyphus 80
45.Ixion 81
46.Eumenides 83
47.The Golden Fleece 84
48.Jason 85
49.Medea 88
50.Oedipus 90
51.The Seven Against Thebes 93
52.Tiresias 96
53.The Trojan War 97
54.The Apple of Discord 101
55.Paris and Oenone 103
56.Helen and Menelaus 104
57.Agamemnon 107
58.Electra and Orestes 110
59.Laodamia 113
60.Hecuba 114
61.Hector and Andromache 115
62.Cassandra 118
63.Ajax(The Great) 119
64.Philoctetes 120
65.Palladium 121
66.Odysseus 122
67.Lotus-Eaters 127
68.The Cyclopes 128
69.Circe 130
70.The Sirens 132
71.Penelope 133
72.Aeneas 135
73.Hypermnestra 141
74.Acrisius 143
75.Perseus and Andromeda 146
76.Heracles(Hercules) 148
77.Theseus 158
78.Achilles 162
79.Daedalus and Icarus 166
80.Castor and Pollux 167
81.Bellerophon 168
82.The Calydonian Boar Hunt 170
83.Atalanta's Race 173
84.Erechtheus 175
85.Philomela 176
86.Echo and Narcissus 178
索引 181
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