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中华文史论丛  1985年第3辑  总第35辑
中华文史论丛  1985年第3辑  总第35辑

中华文史论丛 1985年第3辑 总第35辑PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:朱东润等主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海古籍出版社
  • 出版年份:1985
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:313 页
《中华文史论丛 1985年第3辑 总第35辑》目录

Chinese Plant Nomenclature and Its History Joseph Needham 1

汉语植物命名法及其沿革 [英] 李约瑟 1

殷代兵制述略 赵光贤 25

A Brief Account of Yin Dynasty s Military System Zhao Guang-xian 25

檀弓释滞 徐仁甫 36

唐拨川郡王事迹考 王尧 37

A Study on the Deeds of Prince Bochuan of the Tang Dynasty Wang Yao 37

郑和下西洋史事新证 郑鹤声 郑一钧 51

New Evidences of the Historical Facts about Zheng He s Sea Voyages Zheng He-sheng Zheng Yi-jun 51

现存最早的简本《水浒传》 马幼垣 73

The Earliest Extant Concise Edition of Shui Hu Zhuan (Heroes of the Marshes) Ma You-yuan 73

吴敬梓的父亲是谁 刘世德 123

Who Was Wu Jing-zi s Father Liu Shi-de 123

“?”字考释 史式 148

《三遂平妖传》原本考辨 欧阳健 149

A Textual Criticism of the Original Edition of Sansui Pingyao Zhuan Ouyang Jian 149

《宋诗纪事》一误(上、下) 朱杰人 166

隋历校记 荣孟源 167

A Check-up on the Sui-dynasty s Calendar Days Rong Meng-yuan 167

唐代的关津制度 张邻 周殿杰 185

The Disposition of Outposts of the Tax Office in the Tang Dynasty Zhang Lin Zhou Dian-jie 185

东汉粟谷平价斛百钱 周国林 211

The Ordinary Price of Millet in the Eastern Han Dynasty-One Hundred Cash Coin per Ten Decalitre Zhou 211

The Essay on Tonal Pattern and Rhyme Scheme in Wen Xin Diao Long vs.Kumā 215

《文心雕龙·声律篇》与鸠摩罗什《通韵》 饶宗颐 215

Discriminating Those Tang-dynasty Buddhist Monks Poems as Seen Elsewhere in Various Collections of 237

唐代僧诗重出甄辨 佟培基 237

Verifying Dai Ming-shi s Poem Composed at the Time of His Execution He Guan-biao 257

戴名世临刑诗辨伪 何冠彪 257

Concerning the Missing Manuscript of Tianbao Yishi Zhu Gongdiao (Modes of Ancient Chinese Music Foun 261

关于《天宝遗事诸官调》的辑轶 隋树森 261

英语Shantung一名沿革 马泰来 276

Four Items of Textual Criticism of Different Scripts in Different Editions of Xi Xiang Ji(The Wester 277

《西厢记》异文四考 蒋星煜 277

关于高文秀为元代东平府学生员问题 邓绍基 291

Concerning the Question of Whether Gao Wen-xiu of the Yuan Dynasty Had Once Entered the Dongping Pre 291

The Chronicle of Shen Jing s Life Xu Shuo-fang 301

沈璟年谱 徐朔方 301

范祥卒年考 郭正忠 800
