欧洲与世界 中国欧洲学会第五届年会论文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:裘元伦,沈雁南主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7500422067
- 页数:310 页
前言页 1
Foreword 1
Speech by Professor Ruxin, deputy Chairman of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 1
Europe and the World (Collection of the fifth Annual Conference, Chinese Association of European Studies) 1
前言 1
中国社会科学院副院长汝信教授的致辞 1
中国对外友协副会长陈昊苏同志的讲话 3
Speech by Chen Haosu, vice president of The Chinese People Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries 3
Speech by Shen Rongfa, Chairman of Wujiang Municipal Committee of Jiangsu Province, The Communist Party of China 7
中共吴江市委书记沈荣法同志的讲话 7
荷兰驻沪总领事宝鼎先生的致辞 11
Speech by Mr. Dominique V.F.L Dauduin, Consular of Netherland to Shanghai 11
欧洲需要进一步联合,欧洲需要加速度改革(中国欧洲学会会长裘元伦同志的主题报告) 14
Europe Needs United Farther and Speed up the reform (by Qiu Yuanlun, Chairman of the Chinese Association of European Studies) 14
欧盟未来全球战略地位的三项决定因素 裘元伦 17
Three decisive factors of EU future strategic statues in the world Qiu Yuanlun 17
欧洲联盟的坎坷历程及其前景 伍贻康 31
The rough road and prospect of the European Union Wu Yikang 31
欧洲经济共同体产生的历史渊源和条件 吴弦 41
Historical origins and conditions of EEC establishment Wu Xian 41
Deepening and enlarging: European integration at the turning point Dai Bingran 49
深化与扩大:欧洲一体化处于发展的转折关头 戴炳然 49
European Monetary Union—a possible model for world monetary union Zhou Xinmin 58
欧洲货币联盟——世界货币联盟的一个可能的模式 周新民 58
EURO and International Monetary System Li Shuren 66
欧元与国际货币体系 李述仁 66
The development and prospect of the Single European Currency Feng Zhongping 73
欧洲统一货币的进展及其前景 冯仲平 73
欧洲货币联盟最后阶段的如期启动及其影响 朱乃新 80
The launching of the third stage of the European Monetary Union and its impact Zhu Naixin 80
European economic and monetary union and new world economic competition Shi Xueguang 88
欧洲经货联盟与世界经济竞争新格局 施学光 88
A comparison of double-track monetary system and Single European Currehcy Yu Yuanzhou 94
货币二重化与欧洲单一货币方案的比较 余元洲 94
欧盟共同农业政策的演进及其启示 马红霞 100
The evolution and enlightment of European common agriculture policy Ma Hongxia 100
High technology and industrial adjustments in the west Europe Yuan Guimian 108
西欧高技术及其产业调整重组举措 苑贵绵 108
New external economic strategy of EU post cold-war Li Yuping 116
冷战后欧盟对外经济新战略构想 李玉平 116
European Treaty and east-west European economic relations in 90s Zhu Xiaozhong 124
“欧洲协定”与90年代东西欧经济关系 朱晓中 124
On the characteristics of EU countries in absorbing foreign direct investments Hu Ronghua 131
略论欧盟主要国家吸收外国直接投资的若干特征 胡荣花 131
欧洲经济发展趋势与欧洲一体化前景 李朝高 139
The development trends of European economy and prospect of European integration Chen Chaogao 139
从文明史的观点看欧洲——兼为“罗马条约”四十年作 陈乐民 145
View Europe from the points of the history of civilization—for the 40th anniversary of Rome Treaty Chen Lemin 145
欧洲一体化与欧盟社会结构 吴国庆 151
European integration and social structure of EU Wu Guoqing 151
欧洲一体化的重要任务——文化欧洲建设 马胜利 158
Building a Cultural Europe—an important task of European integration Ma Shengli 158
Innovation and Inheritance: a comparative study on EU and the Commonwealth of Independent States Zhu Jianan 166
创新与继承——欧盟和独联体的比较 朱健安 166
罗马条约以来的欧洲安全和防务合作 王振华 174
European security and defense cooperation since Rome Treaty Wang Zhenghua 174
On the relations between Britain and European integration Wang He 181
论英国与欧洲一体化的关系 王鹤 181
The relations between France and Germany Pan Qichang 192
法德关系浅析 潘琪昌 192
Swiss bank industry and European Union Ren Dingqiu 199
瑞士银行业与欧盟 任丁秋 199
The relations between European and United States post cold-war Hu Ning 205
试析冷战后的欧美关系 胡宁 205
Post cold-war European-American relations and its influences Shi Huiyie 212
欧美关系近期走向及其对世界的影响 施辉业 212
About east-wards enlargement of NATO Zhou Rongyao 218
关于北约东扩的思考 周荣耀 218
The foundation and prospect of Asian-European cooperation Yang Zugong 225
亚欧合作的基础与前景 杨祖功 225
European integration and multipolarization of the world Li Shuxun 232
欧洲一体化与世界多极化 李树勋 232
The dilemma of French social security system Zhou Hong 242
法国社会保障制度困境的评析 周弘 242
Agricultural development in the post-war Italy Luo Hongbuo 249
浅析西欧政党分析模式的演变 张小劲 249
The evolution of analysis model on western European parties Zhang Xiaojing 261
战后意大利农业的发展及其对我们的启示 罗红波 261
China and Europe: towards the future Song Xinning 268
中国与欧洲:面向未来 宋新宁 268
EU s Anti-dumping law and China s exportation to Europe Wang Xiaoye 278
欧盟反倾销法与我国对欧盟的出口贸易 王晓晔 278
Direct investment of EU countries to China and its features Xue Yanping 285
欧洲联盟国家对华直接投资的现状与特点 薛彦平 285
The economic and trade relations between China and EU Li Shoushen 291
中国—欧盟经贸关系的几点思考 李守身 291
China-Europe economic and trade relations and its prospect Shi Yu 298
中国与欧盟经贸关系现状及前景 时雨 298
A new era in China-Europe economic and trade relations Wang Shaoxi, Wu Xuemei 303
开创中欧经贸关系新纪元 王绍西 陈雪梅 303
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