- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王高生编著
- 出 版 社:北京:对外贸易教育出版社
- 出版年份:1989
- ISBN:7810003194
- 页数:271 页
1.A General Outline 1
1.Morphology and syntax 1
2.Parts of speech 1
3.Members of the sentence 1
2.Word Formation 5
1.Conversion 5
2.Derivation 6
3.Compounding 8
4.Other means 9
3.Nouns 11
1.Class 11
2.Number 12
3.Case 17
1.The indefinite article 22
4.Articles 22
2.The definite article 24
3.The absence of the articles 27
5.Pronouns 30
1.Personal pronouns 30
2.Possessive pronouns 32
3.Ref lexive pronouns 33
4.Reciprocal pronouns 34
5.Demonstratiove pronouns 34
6.Interrogative pronouns 35
7.Rel ative pronouns 36
8.Conjunctive pronouns 37
9.Indefinite pronouns 37
6.Numerals 45
1.Cardianl numerals 45
3.Fractional numerals 47
2.Ordinal numerals 47
4.Ways of expressing time 48
7.Adjectives and Adverbs 50
1.Adjectives 50
2.Adverbs 52
3.Comparison of adverbs and adjectives 57
4.Constructions with comparisons 60
8.Prepositionson 61
1.Prepositional phrases 64
2.The basic uses of some prepositions of ten used 64
9.Conjunctions and I nterjections 82
1.Coordinate and subordinate conjunctions 82
2.Interjections often used 87
10.Verbs(Ⅰ)General 88
1.Class 88
1.Interjections 1 90
3.The principal parts of a verb 91
2.Finites and Nonfinites of a verb 91
11.Verbs(Ⅱ)Tense 94
1.The simple tenses 94
2.The perfect tenses 101
3.The continuouns tenses 105
4.The perfect continuous tenses 109
5.The sequence of tenses 111
12.Verbs(Ⅲ)Voice 114
1.The basic uses of the passive 115
2.Some special construetions of the passive 116
3.The difference between the passive and the l ink V.+P 117
13.Verbs(Ⅳ)Auxiliary Verbs 118
1.Be 120
2.Have 121
3.Do 124
5.Shoul would 126
4.Shall will 126
1.Can could 127
14.Verbs(Ⅴ)Modal Verbs 127
2.May might 131
3.Must 132
4.Used to 134
5.Ought to 134
6.Dare 135
7.Need 136
8.Shall should 137
9.Will would 138
10.Moda l verbs foll owed by perfect infinitive 139
15.Non-Finites 141
1.The infinitive 141
2.The participle 149
3.The gerund 157
16.Mood 165
2.The imperative mood 166
1.The indicative mood 166
3.The subjunctive mood 167
17.Members of the Sentence 175
1.The subject 175
2.The predicate 176
3.The predicative 177
4.The object 179
5.The attribute 182
6.The appositive 185
7.The adverbial 186
18.Independent Elements 190
2.Di rect address 190
3.Paenthesis 191
1.The impersonal It 192
19.The Special Uses of It 192
2.The expl etive It 193
3.The emphat ic It 195
20.The Agreement Between Subject and Predicate Verb 196
21.Kinds of Sentences 202
1.The declarative sentence 202
2.The interrogative sentence 203
3.The imperative sentence 210
4.The exclamatory sentence 211
22.Types of Sentences 213
1.The simple sentence 213
2.The compound sentence 215
3.The complex sentence 216
Ⅰ The adverbial clause 217
Ⅱ The adjective clause 221
Ⅲ The noun clause 227
23.Direct and Indirect peech 229
1.Indirect statements 229
2.Indirect questions 232
3.Indirect commands 233
24.Ellipsis 235
1.Ellipsis in simple sentences 235
2.Ellipsis in compound sentences 236
3.Ellipsis in complex sentences 237
25.Inversion 240
1.Kind 240
2.Use 240
26.Punctuation Marks Appendix 245
1.List of Irregular Verbs 253
2.Index 259
3.Bibl iography 268
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