灾异志 雪灾篇PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:西藏自治区,历史档案馆,社会科学院,农牧科学院,气象局,中国科学院,地理研究所
- 出 版 社:拉萨:西藏人民出版社
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:11170·31
- 页数:180 页
The snow damage in Nyalam area in Wood-Monkey year of the fourteenth cycle(Raojiong) in Tibctan cale 1
A report on some people and livestocks died in a heavy snow from the trible chief in Nyalam area to 1
聂拉木头人百姓就人畜死于雪底事呈噶厦文 1
藏历第十四绕炯木猴年(公元1824年)聂拉木地区雪灾 1
contents 1
The snow damage in Nacang area in Fire-Pig year of the fourteenth cycle(Raojiong)in Tibetan calendar 3
A report to Tibetan Gaxia government for deducting corvee because of the snow damage in Nacang area 3
那仓百姓因牲畜遭雪灾请减免差税事呈噶厦文 3
藏历第十四绕炯火猪年(公元1827年)那仓地区雪灾 3
堆地二噶本因阿里卓学德萨部遭雪灾事呈摄政文 6
The snow damage in Ali area in Fire-Pig year of the fourteenth cycle(Raojiong)in Tibetan calendar(18 6
A report by two heads (Gaben) in Duidi to the prince regent because of the heavy snow in Zhuoxue Des 6
藏历第十四绕炯火猪年(公元1827年)阿里地区雪灾 6
萨噶头人孜仲格桑央培等为卓雪区牲畜死绝事呈噶厦文 8
藏历第十四绕炯火猪年(公元1827年)萨噶地区雪灾 8
The snow damage in Saga area in Fire-Pig year of the fourteenth cycle(Raojiong)in Tibetan calendar(1 8
A report by leaders,Zizhong,Gesang and YangpEi,to Tibetan Gaxia government about all of livestocks d 8
米本基加巴就那曲地区大雪救济百姓糌粑事呈噶厦文 10
藏历第十四绕炯土鼠年(公元1828年)那曲地区雪灾 10
A report by an officer Miben Jijiaba to Tibetan Gaxia government on relief food(Zanba)to local peopl 10
The snow damage in Nagqu area in Land-Rat year of the fourteenth cycle(Raojiong)in Tibetan calendar( 10
摄政策门林就那曲地方大雪灾运救济牧民糌粑之路票 12
The road ticket signed by the prince regent Cemenlin on relief food(Zanba) to the herdsmen hit by a 12
噶厦就那曲地区遭受特大雪灾欧多寺牲畜死绝事给欧多寺的令稿 13
A draft of the order sent from Tibetan Gaxia goverment to the Ouduo Temple where all livestocks had 13
噶厦为雪后救灾事饬那曲头人令 14
An order to the chief in Nagqu from Tibetan Gaxia goverment on relief after the snow damage 14
钦差驻藏大臣惠显、兴科为赈济那曲遭雪灾百姓咨摄政策门林文 15
A document on relieving the people in snow damage area between top officers to Tibet,Huixian and Xin 15
那曲代理头人为雪灾匪患遭损事呈噶厦文及噶厦之批复 17
A reoprt on damage of snow and bandits from the acting chief in Ali area,and the response from Tibet 17
那曲马场头人就土鼠年大雪灾政府马匹损失严重为支派马匹和贷马金事呈噶厦文及批示 19
A report by the chief of the horse farm in Nagqu on lossing horses in the heavy snow and sending hor 19
The report which described all livestocks had died in a snow slide and that local people could not s 20
那曲百姓为土鼠年雪崩牲畜殆尽无力支差事呈摄政策门林文 20
噶厦就那曲、安多地区土鼠年雪灾牲畜死亡事之批复稿 24
The responsing draft by Tibetan Gaxia government on a lot of livestocks died in the snow damage over 24
藏历第十四绕炯土鼠年(公元1828年)纳木错地方雪灾 26
纳木错措色地方调查员吉堆巴就雪崩后牲畜存亡事所呈调查报告 26
The snow damage around the Nam Lake in Land-Rat year of the fourteenth cycle (Raojiong) in Tibetan c 26
A surveying report on the number of livestocks in Cuose area after a snow slide by the local surveyo 26
纳木错地区遭大雪灾牲畜调查清册 28
A list of the livestocks after a terrible snowstorm around the Nam Lake 28
A list of the livestocks after a snow damage in the Northern Langru area reported by surveyor Jiduib 36
藏历第十四绕炯土鼠年(公元1828年)朗如北部地区雪灾 36
调查员吉堆巴关于郎如北部地区遭受雪灾后牲畜存亡一事的清单 36
The snow damage in the Northern Langru area in Land-Rat year of the fourteenth cycle (Raojiong) in T 36
藏历第十四绕炯土鼠年(公元1828年)朗如南部地区雪灾 52
The snow damage in the Southern Langru area in Land-Rat year of the fourteenth cycle (Raojiong) in T 52
A list of the livestocks after a snow damage in the Southern Langru area reported by surveyor Jiduib 52
调查员吉堆巴所造朗如南部地区遭雪灾后之牲畜存亡清册 52
A draft of the order on a distributed plan of the relief for purchasing sheep supported by the emper 54
藏历第十四绕炯土鼠年(公元1828年)藏北地区雪灾 54
摄政为羌日地区特大雪灾由皇帝支银购羊分配事之令稿 54
The snow damage in North Tibet in Land-Rat year of the fourteenth cycle(Raojiong) in Tibetan calenda 54
嘉黎喇嘛和阿杂百姓因雪灾匪患无力支差事呈噶厦文 56
藏历第十四绕炯铁虎年(公元1830年)嘉黎地区雪灾 56
The snow damage in Lhari area in Iron-Tiger year of the fourteenth cycle(Raojiong) in Tibetan calend 56
A report from some Lamas in Lhari and people in Aza to Tibetan Gaxia government because they could n 56
The snow damage in three areas,Zhe,Pian and Ce, in Iron-Hare year of the fourteenth cycle(Raojiong) 58
阿里地区办事官达、吉二人为调查折、偏、桑三地遭大雪灾牲畜死亡事呈噶厦文 58
藏历第十四绕炯铁兔年(公元1831年)折、偏、桑三地遭雪灾 58
Two officers,Da and Jie,in Ali area reported to Tibetan Gaxia government on many livestocks died aft 58
The snow damage in Nagqu area in Land-Monkey year of the fourteenth cycle(Raojiong) in Tibetan calen 60
A report on praying for avert the snow disaster by Sajia Fatai to Tibetan Gaxia government 60
萨迦法台因藏北地区遭大雪灾念经禳除灾事呈噶厦文 60
藏历第十四绕炯土猴年(公元1848年)那曲地区雪灾 60
A report on an error of judgement concerned with the livestocks died in a snow damage from some peop 62
公元十九世纪下半叶嘉黎地区雪灾 62
嘉黎阿杂百姓因遭雪灾牲畜死亡查断不公事呈噶厦公禀 62
The snow damage in Lhari area during the second half of the 19th century 62
公元十九世纪下半叶帕里地区雪灾 65
帕里宗本因帕里地区雪灾牲畜大量死亡故无力支应运米事呈噶厦文 65
A report to Tibetan Gaxia government from the chief(Zongben) on that the food was hardly translated 65
The snow damage in Pagri area during the second half of the 19th century 65
公元十九世纪下半叶聂拉木雪灾 67
A report on many people and livestocks died in the snow damage over Nyalam area 67
The snow damage in Nyalam area during the second half of the 19th century 67
聂拉木地区因雪灾人畜大批死亡报告 67
索部落百户次旺绕丹因羌日地区降大雪牲畜饿毙事呈那曲头人文 68
公元十九世纪末那曲地区雪灾 68
A report from the head(Baihu) of the tribe Suo,Ciwang Raodam to the chief of Nagqu area on some live 68
The snow damage in Nagqu area during the end of the 19th century 68
藏历第十五绕炯铁牛年(公元1901年)那曲地区雪灾 70
噶厦为那曲地区遭雪灾牲畜严重死亡减免酥油税事批复稿 70
The response draft of Tibetan Gaxia government on deducting the buttered duty because of many livest 70
The snow damage in Nagqu area in Iron-Ox year of the fifteenth cycle(Raojiong) in Tibetan calendar(1 70
藏历第十五绕炯火羊年(公元1907年)阿里折、偏、桑三地雪灾 72
噶厦就阿里折、偏、桑三地遭雪灾牲畜严重死亡减免畜税给噶伦萨炯的呈文 72
A document on deducting the livestock duty since many livestocks died in the snow damage over three 72
The snow damage in three areas,Zhe,Pian and Ce, in Fire-Sheep year of the fifteenth cycle(Raojiong) 72
藏历第十五绕炯火虎年(公元1926年)波错地区雪灾 73
噶厦就阿里地区波错牧民遭雪灾赏给生计粮事批复稿 73
The snow davnage around Bocuo area in Fire-Tiger year of the fifteenth cycle (Raojiong) in Tibetan c 73
The response draft from Tibetan Gaxia government on relief food to the herdsmen suffered in the snow 73
藏历第十五绕炯火虎年(公元1926年)山南专区加查县曲科杰雪灾 75
The suow damage in Qukejie,Gyaca county,Shannan prefeeture in Fire-Tiger year of the fifteenth cycle 75
曲科杰堪布、基苏就拉木拉日雪崩拉新遭毁事呈噶厦文 75
A report on Laxin destroyed in a snow slide by Lamu Lari from Kanbu and Jisu to Tibetan Gaxia govern 75
An order from Tibetan Gaxia government to the chief in Langru area on loans and relief food after a 77
藏历第十六绕炯火兔年(公元1927年)郎如地区雪灾 77
The snow damage in Langru area in Fire-Hare year of the sixteenth cycle(Raojiong)in Tibetan calendar 77
噶厦为郎如北部地区长期降雪成灾贷粮事复朗如头人示 77
The snow damage in Nagqu area in Fire-Hare year of the sixteenth cycle(Raojiong)in Tibetan calendar( 79
A report to Dalai Lama,prince regent and Tibetan Gaxia government about the need to deduct corvee fo 79
藏历第十六绕炯火兔年(公元1927年)那曲地区雪灾 79
藏北六部民众就雪灾牲畜死亡过多减免差役事呈达赖、摄政、噶厦公禀 79
噶厦就那曲地区大雪灾赈济灾民事呈禀达赖文 80
A report of Tibetan Gaxia government to Dalai Lama on relief after the heavy snow in Nagqu area 80
调查员宇妥色等为那曲遭雪灾查核清单 82
A list by surveyors,Yutuse and others,on the snow damage in Nagqu area 82
A report to Tibetan Gaxia government on some yaks died in the snow damage by Amdo area 88
安多八部头人百姓为遭雪灾政府差牛倒毙事呈噶厦禀贴 88
噶厦为依次对羌日八牧场减免差税事之批复 89
A response of Tibetan Gaxia government to deduct corvee for Eight pasturelands,Qiangri 89
噶厦为雪后赈灾事复饬羌日百姓文 90
A notice of Tibetan Gaxia government to all people of Qiangri area on relief after the snow damage 90
藏历第十六绕炯火兔年(公元1927年)阿里地区雪灾 91
堆噶本就妥钦达错所属霍堆、霍嘉巴二部落雪灾前后牲畜数目呈噶厦盖印文 91
The snow damage in Ali area in Fire-Hare year of the sixteenth cycle(Raojiong)in Tibetan calendar(19 91
A report with stamp to Tibetan Gaxia government on the livestock s numbers before and after the snow 91
堆地二噶本就堆地区雪灾牲畜死亡调查事呈噶厦文 97
A report to Tibetan Gaxia government from two leaders(Gaben) on the survey result of the died livest 97
A report with stamp from two leaders(Gaben) on the livestock s numbers before and after the snow in 98
堆地二噶本就桑仓达错、霍麦二部雪灾前后牲畜数目呈噶厦盖印文 98
A report from the leader (Gaben) to Tibetan Gaxia government about the local people suffered from th 114
霍麦桑仓驿站百姓遭受雪灾疾苦情形经堆噶本呈噶厦文 114
A report to Tibetan Gaxia government on the livestock s numbers before and after the snow in three t 117
托钦达错所属普兰觉姆、阿岗诺诺等三小部落雪灾前后牲畜数目呈噶厦盖即文 117
A list of the livestock s numbers before and after the snow damage in the Pagada Lake to Tibetan Gax 122
阿里二噶本转帕噶达错牧民雪灾前后牲畜头数变化情形呈噶厦文附盖印清册 122
A report from the leaders(Gaben) of Ali area to Tibetan Gaxia government on relief for many livestoc 131
阿里噶本为雪灾牲畜死亡赈济事呈噶厦文 131
A list of the livestock s numbers before and after the snow damage in the tribe Huobangri from the l 135
阿里噶本为霍邦日部落雪灾前后牲畜存亡数呈噶厦之查验清单 135
堆噶本就阿里三围雪灾致使百姓牲畜死亡望削减差税事给噶厦禀帖 140
A report from the leaders(Gaben) of Dui area to Tibetan Gaxia government to apply for deducting corv 140
堆噶本就堆地区雪灾后牲畜死亡重建驿站事呈噶厦禀帖 141
A report from the leaders(Gaben) of Dui area to Tibetan Gaxia government on reconstruction of a post 141
An order of Tibetan Gaxia government on relief for tne stopped post in the snow damage 144
噶厦为堆地区雪灾驿站中断按损失赈济之指令稿 144
藏历第十六绕炯土龙年(1928年)堆门土地区雪灾 149
堆噶本就门士达协及众百姓原有牲畜及雪后残存清册呈噶厦 149
A list of the livestock s numbers before and after the snow damage in Menshi area reported to Tibeta 149
The snow damage in Duimenshi area in Land-Dragon year of the sixteenth cycle (Raojiong) in Tibetan c 149
藏历第十六绕炯土龙年(公元1928)堆丘仓地区雪灾 153
阿里噶本就北部达沃丘仓达措百姓雪灾前后牲畜存亡数及疾苦情形呈噶厦禀帖 153
A report to Tibetan Gaxia government from the leaders (Gaben) of Ali area on the livestock s numbers 153
The snow damage in Duiqiucang area in Land-Dragon year of the sixteenth cycle(Raojiong)in Tibertan c 153
藏历第十六绕炯土蛇年(公元1929年)贡居部落雪灾 156
阿里噶本就霍尔贡居部落原有牲畜和灾后余畜呈厦之“勒”畜清单 156
A list of the livestock s numbers before and after the snow damage in the tribe Gongju,Huoer from th 156
The snow damage in the tribe Gongju in Land-Serpent year of the sixteenth cycle (Raojiong) in Tibeta 156
An official document from Zasa Lama to Tibetan Gaxia government on a heavy snow around the Temple Za 159
The snow damage around the Temple Zashilunbu,Xigaze in Wood-Dog year of the sixteenth cycle (Raojion 159
藏历第十六绕炯木狗年(公元1934年)日喀则扎寺周围雪灾 159
扎寺扎萨喇嘛为扎什伦布寺周围降大雪之事给噶厦的行文 159
藏历第十六绕炯土牛年(公元1949年)甲措地区雪灾 163
噶厦为雪灾贷粮事给甲措溪堆之批示稿 163
A remarked draft of Tibetan Gaxia government to Xidui,Jiacuo on relief food 163
The snow damage in Jiacuo area in Land-Ox year of the sixteenth cycle (Raojiong) in Tibetan calendar 163
藏历第十六绕炯火猴年(公元1956年)那曲地区雪灾 164
译仓为藏北雪灾奉派拉恰门堆巴查办事内府印信手稿 164
A draft with stamp of Yicang about sending Laqimen Duiba to manage thc official affairs during the 164
The snow damage in Nagqn area in Fire-Monkey year of the sixteenth cycle (Raojiong) in Tibetan calen 164
纳木茹头人和百姓为大雪灾致使牲畜饥饿死亡事给噶厦之呈文 168
A report from the chief and local people in Namuru to Tibetan Gaxia government about many livestocks 168
藏历第十六绕炯火鸡年(公元1957年)羌卡多地区雪灾 170
卡多牧场头人百姓为牲畜死亡要求减免事呈噶厦文 170
A report from the chief of the pastureland Kaduo and local people to Tibetan Gaxia government for de 170
The snow damage in Kaduo area in Fire-Cock year of the sixteenth cycle(Raojiong) in Tibetan calendar 170
附录:未收入正文的雪灾 173
Appendix——Some snow damages which are not in the main body of the book 173
注释索引 175
Index of the annotation 175
编者后记 179
Postscript 179
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