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中国文化背景  民俗风情阅读精选
中国文化背景  民俗风情阅读精选

中国文化背景 民俗风情阅读精选PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李萍主编
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7506235455
  • 页数:276 页
《中国文化背景 民俗风情阅读精选》目录

一、传统节日/Traditional Festivals 2

1.春节(上、下) Spring Festival(Part 1&2) 2

2.元宵节(上、下) Yuanxiao Festival(Part 1&2) 11

3.清明节(上、下) Qingming Festival(Part 1&2) 19

4.端午节(上、下) Duanwu Festival(Part 1&2) 29

5.七夕情人节(上、下) Double-Seventh Day(Part 1&2) 40

6.中秋节(上、下) Mid-Autumn Festival(Part 1&2) 50

7.重阳节 Chongyang Festival 59

8.腊八与八宝粥 Laba and the Eight-Treasure Porridge 64

9.冬至(上、下) Winter Solstice(Part 1&2) 69

二、少数民族风情/Ethnic Minorities 80

1.中国少数民族的名称 Names of China’s Ethnic Minorities 80

2.白族的三杯茶 Three Cups of Tea—A Custom of the Bai 85

3.傣族的泼水节(上、下) Water-Splashing Festival of the Dais(Part 1&2) 90

4.回族 The Hui Nationality 100

5.朝鲜族 The Koreans 105

6.黎族 The Li Nationality 110

7.傈僳族的刀杆节 Lisu’s Daogan Festival 115

8.满族(上、下) The Manchu Nationality(Part 1&2) 119

9.蒙古族 The Mongolians 128

10.纳西族的摩梭人 Mosuo People of the Naxi Nationality 133

11.畲族 The She Nationality 139

12.今日西藏 Tibet Today 143

13.维吾尔族 The Uygurs 148

14.壮族 The Zhuang Natinonality 153

三、文化集锦/Cultural Gallery 160

1.中国人的姓名 Chinese Names 160

2.纸的发明 Invention of Paper 166

3.中国邮票史话 A Review of Chinese Stamps 171

4.华表 The Huabiao 176

5.中国古塔 Chinese Pagodas 180

6.中国瓷器 A World of China 185

7.中国的扇子 Chinese Fans 190

8.旗袍 The Cheongsam 195

9.红旗轿车再度奔驰 “Red Flag”Speeds on Again 199

10.民间艺术中的龙和虎 Dragon and Tiger in Folk Art 204

11.狮子——权力的象征 The Lion—A Symbol of Power 210

12.大熊猫的小花招 Panda’s Tricks 216

13.十二生肖趣谈 The 12 Animals Representing Years 220

14.斗蟋蟀 Cricket Fighting 225

15.烹饪掌故 Dishes and Their Stories 231

1.拔苗助长 To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow 236

四、成语故事/Idioms and Their Stories 236

2.杯弓蛇影 Snake-like Reflection of a Bow in the Cup 239

3.得过且过 To Muddle Along While Circumstances Permit 242

4.画蛇添足 Draw a Snake and Add Feet to It 245

5.刻舟求剑 Trying to Find the Lost Sword by Marking the Boat 247

6.口蜜腹剑 Honey on One’s Lips,Murder in One’s Heart 250

7.滥竽充数 An Unqualified Yu Player Acting as a Stopgap 253

8.两败俱伤 Neither Side Wins and Both Sides Suffer 256

9.请君入瓮 To Pay Someone Back in His Own Coin 259

10.守株待兔 To Sit by a Tree Waiting for a Hare to Come 262

11.熟能生巧 Practice Makes Perfect 265

12.贪小失大 To Covet Small Gains Only to Incur Great Losses 268

13.螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 A Mantis Aiming at a Cicada Oblivious to an Oriole Behind Him 271

14.自相矛盾 Self-Contradictory 274
