- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张艳仑主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:湖北教育出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7535110088
- 页数:332 页
目录PART Ⅰ LITERATUREA Letter to God Gregurio(Mexico) 3
Why Tortoise's Shells Is Not Smooth Chinua Achebe(Nigeria) 11
A Matter of Honor Mark Twin 18
The First Piano in a Mining Camp Sam Davis 27
The Man and the Snake Ambrose Bierce 38
Moxon's Master Ambrose Bierce 46
The Pins Guy De Maupassant(France) 56
My Favorite Season 69
The Snob Morley Callaghan(Canada) 75
Over a Cup of Coffee R.K.Narayan(India) 87
The Last Leaf O.Heary 96
PART Ⅱ SOCIAL SCIENCEThe Shadowland of Dreams Alex Holey 111
Overcoming an Invisible Handicap Thomas J.Cottle 118
The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse Adapted from “It Started with Mickey Mouse” 125
My Wild Irish Mother Mary Higgins Clark 134
Thatcher's Narrow Escape William Burger 145
I Want a Wife Judy Syfers 158
Magnetic,Magnificent Meryl Brad Darrach 164
Who Killed Sue Snow? Donald Daled Jackson 176
Education—A Wise Investment In Tomorrow Stanley Rives 192
Peril and Promise(Ⅰ) John Chancellor 199
Peril and Promise(Ⅱ) John Chancellor 208
Personal Codes Through the Ages Robert E.Allen 216
PART Ⅲ NATURAL SCIENCESimple Ways You Can Help Save the Earth The Earth Works Croup 231
How Noise Can Harm You Lowell Ponte 240
Kingdom of Dust Richard H.Schneider 251
The Man on the Street and the Man on the Moon Adapted from“America in Space” 262
White Wolf Jim Brandenburg 271
Birds on the Wing Jeff Rennicke 280
Nature's Incredible Night Show Lowell Ponte 288
Stepping Out At 10,000 Feet Michael Parfit 299
Conquering Cancer:The Latest Advances John Pekkanen 310
A Participant's Diary of the 7th International Conference on AIDS Perri Klass 320
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