深圳旅游手册 汉英对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:深圳旅游协会编著
- 出 版 社:广州:广东经济出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7806323597
- 页数:153 页
深圳写真 1
深圳概览 9
1.美丽的南疆名城 10
2.人文 10
3.宜人的气候 10
4.地形、地貌 11
5.行政区划 11
6.历代变迁 11
7.发展中的深圳旅游业 13
8.特区管理线(简称二线) 14
9.口岸与边检 15
10.如何办理沙头角特许通行证 16
11.旅游者的权利和义务 17
深圳之最 18
A Pararoma of Shenzhen 1
An Overview to Shenzhen 9
1.A Beautiful Famous City in South China 10
2.Humanity 10
3.Pleasant Climate 11
4.Landform and Topography 11
5.Administrative Region 11
6.Historical Change 11
7.The Developing Tourism in Shenzhen 13
8.Forbidden Line(Short for 2nd Line) 14
9.Port and Border Inspection 16
10.How to Obtain Special Pass for entrance of ShatoujiaoTown 16
11.The Rights and Obligations of Tourists 17
The"No.1"of Shenzhen 18
海、陆、空路路皆通 19
1.交通一览 20
2.飞机 20
3.列车 20
4.长途汽车 21
5.市内交通 21
小资料 24
深圳市的士收费规定 24
6.客轮 25
7.深圳站始发旅客列车时刻票价表 26
8.深圳机场最新航班时刻表 29
Cubic Communications 19
1.A Glimpse to the Communica-tion 20
2.Airplane 20
3.Train 21
4.Coach Bus 21
5.Urban Communication 22
Readings 24
Charge Regulations of Taxi In Shenzhen 24
6.Passenger Liner 25
7.Time and Price Table of Passen-ger Train Starting in Shenzhen Station 26
8.The Latest Flight in Shenzhen Airport 29
独具魅力的景点、景区 31
1.中国心、世界情、深圳湾畔“万里行” 32
深圳之最 33
小资料 33
火把节 37
小资料 37
旅游景点入园时间及票价 37
2.野性体验真开心 西丽湖畔“过把瘾” 40
中国旅游年小资料 42
小资料 43
城市风景线 44
3.夏日激情、浪漫海边、水上乐园 44
小资料 48
坪地围龙屋 49
4.异彩纷呈的景点、风景区 49
5.体验高雅情趣的高尔夫球场 52
小资料 55
深圳市高尔夫球场电话、传真如何打高尔夫球 55
6.流连忘返游南山 不辞长作岭南人 56
深圳之最 57
7.名胜古迹 57
深圳之最 59
8.市区公园 61
小资料 63
深圳市旅游景点名录Alluring Scenic Spots and Attractions 31
1.A Tour to the Shenzhen Bay Brings Your Heart Closer to China and the Whole World 32
The"No."1 of Shenzhen 33
Readings 33
Torch Festival 38
Readings 38
The Admission Time and Admis-sion Price of Touring Spot 38
2.Exciting and Terrific!Intoxicate yourself in Thrilling feeling in Xili Lake Safari Park 40
Readings 42
China Tourist's YearReadings 43
City Landscape Line 43
3.Summer Passion and Romance Cuddling the Seashore and Water Park 44
Readings 48
Pingdi Weilong Houses 48
4.The Attraction and Scenic Spot Miraculou s and Enticing! 49
5.Golf Course,Elegant and Ro-mantic 52
Readings 55
Tel and Fax of Shenzhen Golf Clubs Howto Play Golf 55
6.Intoxicated In the Beauty of Nan-shan,I Would Rather Becomea Permanent Settler Here 56
The"No.1"of Shenzhen 57
7.Historical and Cultural Relics 57
The"No.1”of Shenzhen 59
8.Urban Parks 61
Readings 64
List of Shenzhen Touring Scenic Spots龙腾龙岗 65
1.遐迩闻名龙文化 山海风光客家情 66
2.山海作邀函 盼君访大鹏 68
小资料 70
大鹏的传说 71
3.梧桐山下的一颗明珠 71
4.中国客家第一围 72
5.环保、生态、自然 73
6.龙岗特产 73
Dragon Rising and Dance in Longgang 65
1.The Dragon China Glorious and beautiful bring Keja wanderer over water and hill 66
2.Mountain and Sea Issues You the Invitation and You are Expected to Visit Dapeng 68
Readings 70
The Legend of Dapeng3.A Pearl under Wutong Mt 71
4.The No.1 Keja Villagein China 72
5.Environmental Protection,Ecology,Nature 73
6.Longgang Local Products 73
农业观光第一处 都市田园新宝安 75
1.欢迎您到宝安来 76
2.光明华侨畜牧场 78
3.云蒸霞蔚万丰村 79
4.宝安名胜 80
小资料 80
“宝安”名称由来The First Choice for Agrical-ture Sightseeing the Urbanidg Llic Funin New Baoan 75
1.Welcome to Baoan 76
2.Guangming Huaqiao Animal Farm 78
3.Promising and Prosperous Wan-feng Village 79
4.Scenic Spots of Baoan 80
Readings 80
How Bao'an Gets Its Name吃在鹏城 美食尽享 81
1.深圳餐饮 82
2.中餐菜系 82
3.外国风味 85
4.快餐店 85
5.大排档 85
6.深圳土特产 85
7.锦绣中华食府 荟萃天下名吃 88
The Soul of Meal Lies in Peng cheng Deicious Foods are Always with You 81
1.Shenzhen Foods and Drinks 82
2.Chinese Foods Series 83
3.Foreign Style and Flavour 85
4.Fast Food House 85
5.Meal Rows in the Open Air 85
6.Shenzhen Local Products 86
7.The Food Mansion of Splendid China with Famous Food in the World 88
住在深圳 宾至如归 89
1.深圳酒店(宾馆)星光灿烂 90
2.选择一个理想的下榻之处 90
3.深圳市星级酒店(宾馆)一览 119
Lodging of Shenzhen Hotels Brings You the Feeling of Family Living 89
1.Star-brilliant Hotels in Shen-zhen 90
2.To Make a Best Choice of your Lodging Sunshine Hotel 90
3.Table of Star Class Hotels(Res-taur-ants)in Shenzhen City 121
多姿多彩的文化娱乐 123
1.图书馆、博物馆、美术馆、艺术中心 124
2.歌舞厅、卡拉OK 126
3.影剧院 127
4.体育健身场所 128
小知识 129
重阳节 130
深圳市部分文化娱乐场所 130
Colorful and Rich Cultural Entertainment 123
1.Library,Museum,Arts Gallery and Arts Center 124
2.Karaoke,Song and Dance Hall 126
Some of Karaoke,Song and Dan-ce Hall 126
3.Cinema and Theatre 127
4.Sports and Bodybuilding 128
Learnings 129
The Double Ninth Festival List of Cultural and Entertainment Places in Shenzhen 130
都市购物风情 131
1.大中型商场、商业街、电器专业市场、免税店、专卖店、会员店 132
2.特区中的特区——沙头角“中英街” 134
小资料 135
沙头角“中英街”内购物须知入沙头角“中英街”手续深圳市商场便览 136
Enjoyment of Shopping 131
1.Large and Medium Scaled Ar-cades,Commercial Streets,Duty-free Shops,Specialized Wholesale Markets,Monopoly Shops 132
2.Special zone in the Special Zone ZhongYing Street in Shatoujiao 134
Readings 135
Guide for Purchasing in"Zhong-Ying Street"in ShatoujiaoFormalities for Enter into"Zhong-Ying Street"in ShatoujiaoGlimpse of Arcades in Shen-zhen 136
参加旅游团 旅途更轻松 137
1.旅行社推介 138
小资料 147
旅游投诉电话 147
2.旅行社名录 147
3.“签好合约才上路”——参团有什么需要注意的吗? 149
小资料 149
常用电话号码邮电、医疗服务机构 149
4.公民申请组团出国旅游须知(节选) 151
Joining Touring Party to Enjoy More Relaxation 137
1.Recommendation to Travel Ser-vice Agency 138
Readings 147
Touring Appealing Telephone No. 147
2.Tourism Corporation 148
3."Signing Contract,Traveling"---Points for Attention for Participa-ting in Touring Party 149
Readings 150
Convenience of Telephone Number Post-tele communications and Hospital 150
4.Guide for Citizens Applying to Organize Group to Travel Abroad(Partly Excerpted) 152
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