- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:彭凡,龚勋主编
- 出 版 社:昆明:云南教育出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787541536496
- 页数:191 页
第1章 生活英语 woderful 10
Name 名字 2
Talk about "name"Name 名字 14
What's your name?Body 身体 16
Do you know our body?Body 身体What's wrong with you? 18
Appearance 外表 20
What does he look like? 20
Appearance 外貌 22
Looking for a girlAge 年龄 24
He is only one year old.Age 年龄 26
Who is sister?Family 家庭 28
A big familyFamily 家庭 30
This is my family.Friend 朋友 32
Meet a new friendMake friends 交友 34
A lovely and happy angelHobby 爱好 36
Do you have any hobby?Ball 球类 38
I only like balls.Football 足球 40
The world's favorite gameSport 运动 42
Do you like sports?Sports 体育运动 44
The Olympic GamesFavorite food 爱吃什么 46
A new friendFood 食物 48
Western foodFood 食物 50
Buy the foodDrink 饮料 52
What do you want to drink?Drinks 饮料 54
Find their homeIce cream 冰淇淋 56
The same ice creamSnack 快餐 58
Do you like hot dog?Fruit 水果 60
Fruit saladVegetables 蔬菜 62
Enjoy your vegetablesFruits and vegetables 水果与蔬菜 64
Can you find right fruits and vegetables?Do or does 日常行为 66
My busy dayTelephone 打电话 68
This is Bangbang Lang speaking.Things 日常物品 70
The things in the classroomThings in school 学习物品 72
Do you have...?Borrow something 借物品 74
I want to borrow a book.Clothes 服装 78
SportswearClothes 服装 78
Different seasons,different clothesEveryday life 日常生活 80
Everyday EnglishShopping 购物 82
Free chocolateShopping 购物 84
Can I help you?Plan 计划、打算 86
I have a new plan.Trip 旅行 88
A very beautiful placeHoliday 休假 90
I want a holiday.Holiday 假期 92
A busy holidayDistraction 娱乐 94
Who is star?Job 工作、职业 96
A new jobJob 工作、职业 98
What do you do?Ask the way 问路 100
Can you tell me the way?Traffic 交通 102
How do you go to school?Vehicle 交通工具 104
The No.11 busHouse 房间 106
Don't come to my house again.Living condition 居住环境 108
It is a good living condition.Building 建筑物 110
Do you know the new building?Place 地点 112
Enough roomDirection 方向 114
Can you find the cat?Direction 方向Is he lost?Time 时间 118
Whar time is it?Time 时间 120
What time is your shower?Date 日期 122
What's the date today?Date 日期 124
When is the school trip?Week 星期 126
The story of the weekMonth 月份 128
There are twelve months in a year.Season 四季 130
Which season do yon like best?Weather 天气 132
What's the weather like today?Weather 天气 134
The weather in UKFestival 节日 136
Which festival do you like best?Christmas Day 圣诞节 138
The Christmas Day's storyBirthday 生日 140
Birthday presentBirthday 生日 142
Planting moneyCity 城市 144
Cities and countriesCountry 国家 146
Where is he from?Countries 国家 148
What countries are they in?Plant 植物 150
What beautiful flowers!Animal 动物 152
Who is he?Animal 动物 154
Mine is the dog.Zoo 动物园 156
Let's go to the zoo.Color 颜色 158
Caps and colorColor 颜色 160
White and happyPublic signs 公共标志 162
Do you know these public signs?Rule 规章制度 164
Do you know these rules?Rule 规章制度 166
The school rules第2章 语法句式easily 168
Doing(do的现在分词)正在做 170
What is he doing?Doing(do的现在分词)正在发生的事情 172
What are you doing?Did(do的过去式)过去的经历 174
What did you do last weekend?Did(do的过去式)过去行为 176
Food to my clothesBe going to 计划、打算做什么 178
Mr.Going-to-doHelp 帮助、求助、请求 180
I can help you.Let's(let us)表示建议做某件事 182
Let's wait for your friends.What Why Who Where When 表示疑问的代词 184
Let's know wh-Can 能和可能 186
Can and mayCan't 不能、不会 188
What can't you do?Direction prep 方位介词 190
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