- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:交通部公路科学研究院编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民交通出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787114072536
- 页数:231 页
发展历程篇 3
第一章 近年来我国道路交通事故主要特点 3
一、我国道路交通事故发展变化历程 3
二、近年来我国道路交通事故总体特点 4
三、近年来我国道路交通事故的主要特点 5
第二章 我国道路交通安全形势 10
一、世界道路交通安全发展历程分析 10
二、我国道路交通安全形势 15
第三章 我国道路交通事故致因分析 16
一、道路交通参与者的交通安全意识淡薄 16
二、车辆可靠性和安全性不高 17
三、道路安全防护设施相对不足 19
四、交通安全管理体制和运行机制存在缺陷 22
五、道路交通应急处理和救护水平偏低 23
现状热点篇 29
第四章 2007年道路交通安全形势 29
一、2007年机动车保有量状况 29
二、2007年道路交通安全总体情况 30
三、2007年道路交通事故的主要特点 31
四、部分省份道路交通事故情况 33
第五章 2007年道路环境安全形势 38
一、环境变化对道路安全影响分析 38
二、汛期道路安全回顾 40
三、2007年道路环境安全形势 41
四、2007年道路环境安全主要特点 46
五、2007年公路气象灾害致因分析 48
第六章 2007年道路交通安全热点 50
一、《道路交通安全法》修订 50
二、校车安全问题 56
三、农村公路交通安全问题 59
四、交通事故赔偿标准城乡差异问题 64
措施研究篇 71
第七章 2007年改善道路交通安全的主要措施 71
一、道路交通安全法律法规 71
二、全国道路交通安全工作部际联席会议 74
三、交通安全专项整治 75
四、与交通安全相关的重要活动及工程 76
第八章 科技改善安全——2007年道路交通安全研究进展 108
一、国内道路交通安全相关实验室及研究机构研究成果概述 108
二、重要学术会议情况 113
三、国际合作 125
四、国内合作 130
五、重要学术研究与产品开发成果 132
建议篇 173
第九章 下一步工作建议 173
一、制订国家交通安全战略是有效治理道路交通事故的基础 175
二、加大道路交通安全领域的研究,通过科技改善交通安全 176
三、交通安全文化建设是治理交通事故的根本 177
四、提高国产汽车的性能和舒适性 179
五、尽快完善道路交通安全的标准和法规 179
六、优化道路交通安全规划与建设 180
七、加强高速公路日常和维修施工期间的交通安全管理 181
八、提高医疗及紧急救助水平,完善医疗及紧急救助体系 181
英文版(简本) The Blue Book of Road Safety in China(2006~2007)Chapter one Road safety trend in China 185
Section one Summarize of road development in China 185
Ⅰ.The development course of Chinese road construction 185
Ⅱ.The growth course of the number registered motor vehicle in China 186
Ⅲ.The number growth trend of vehicles drivers 188
Section two Change course of road traffic accidents in China 189
Ⅰ.From the beginning of the country foundation to the end of the"first five-years plan" 189
Ⅱ.During the"Great Leap Forward"and"the second five-years plan" 190
Ⅲ.Ten years of Cultural Revolution 192
Ⅳ.Traffic accident during 1979 to 1990 192
Ⅴ.Traffic accident during 1991 to 2003 193
Ⅵ.Traffic accident from 2004 194
Section three The main characteristics of road traffic accidents in China recent years 195
Ⅰ.Motorists traffic offence is the main reason of accident 195
Ⅱ.Two/Three grade Highway account for larger proportion accident death 196
Ⅲ.Freeway traffic accidents happened frequently 196
Ⅳ.Casualties of pedestrians and bicyclists were severe and casualties in traffic accidents has been main part in the rural area 197
Ⅴ.Severe traffic accidents which caused lots of casualties happened frequently 198
Ⅵ.The differences of traffic accidents between regions 199
Section four Analysis about situation of road traffic accidents in China 200
Ⅰ.Road traffic safety situation in China 200
Ⅱ.Problems of road traffic safety in China 201
Ⅲ.Forcast of road traffic safety situation in China 201
Ⅳ.The measures of improving the status of road safety in China 202
Chapter two Road safety in 2006 and 2007 204
Section one The Traffic accident in 2006 204
Ⅰ.General Situation 204
Ⅱ.The characteristics of traffic accident in 2006 204
Section two The General Situation of Road Traffic Safety in 2007 205
Ⅰ.General Situation 205
Ⅱ.The Main Declining Aspects 205
Ⅲ.The Main Increasing Aspects 206
Ⅳ.Extraordinarily serious Traffic Accident 206
Chapter three The main measures of improving road safety 207
Section one Statutes about road safety 207
Ⅰ.《Guangdong Province Road Safety Action》 207
Ⅱ.《Ningxia Huizu Municipality Road Safety Action》 207
Ⅲ.《Chongqing Road Safety Action》 208
Ⅳ.《The Measures of Implementing People's Republic of China Road Safety Action Hunan Province》 208
Ⅴ.Henan Province Road Safety Action》 208
Ⅵ.《Zhejiang Province Road Transportation Management Ordinance》 208
Ⅶ.《Qinghai Province Road Transportation Management Ordinance》 209
Ⅷ.《Shanxi Freeway Management Ordinance》 209
Ⅸ.《Liaoning Province Administerial Responsibility Judgment Statute of Road Traffic Accidents》 209
Ⅹ.《Hainan Irregularity Action Punishment Statute of Traffic Accident》 209
Ⅺ.The Emendation of Clause 76 of"Law on Road Traffic Safety"shows its people oriented and fairness principle 210
Ⅻ.The Emendation to Rate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Liability Compul sory Insurance 210
Section two The mutil-ministry joint board on traffic safety 211
Ⅰ.Mutil-ministry Joint Board on National Traffic Safety 211
Ⅱ.Mutil-ministry Joint Board on Traffic Safety local governments 211
Section three Special Projects to Improve Road Safety 212
Ⅰ.Special action for Preventing Serious Road Traffic Accident 212
Ⅱ.Battle of 70 Days,Hard War of Preventing Serious Road Traffic Accident 212
Ⅲ.Unified Action to Renovate the Expressway Traffic Order 213
Section four Improving the Road Traffic Condition 213
Section five Rural highway traffic safety 214
Section six Golden week and summer vacation time tour traffic safety 215
Section seven School bus traffic safety 216
Ⅰ.The School Bus Manages Regulation 216
Ⅱ.Special projects to improve School bus safety level 217
Section eight Treatment of over-Limitation and over-Loading for vehicles 217
Ⅰ.Government measurement 217
Ⅱ.Tolling by weight 218
Section nine Training and Management of Vehicle drivers 218
Section ten Vehicles Safety and Technical Management 219
Section eleven Danger transportation safety management 219
Section twelve Road safety propagation and education 220
Ⅰ."Protect Life,Safe egress"traffic safety propagation and education project 220
Ⅱ.Traffic safety propaganda and education for students 220
Ⅲ.Traffic safety education for pedestrian and non-motor vehicles 221
Ⅳ.Propaganda of road safety joined by social famous people 221
Ⅴ.The propaganda of road safety joined by common people 221
Ⅵ.The propaganda of road safety joined by corporation and social organization 222
Ⅶ.The other forms propaganda of road safety 222
Section thirteen Emergency Reaction and Rescue for Traffic Accidents 222
Chapter four Suggestions of next work 224
Section one Constitute national road safety strategy 224
Section two Expansion and deepening of road safety publicity and education 225
Section three Improve the standards of road transport infrastructure safety 225
Section four Strengthen the supervision to transportation of passengers and dangerous goods 226
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