高中标准英语读本 第4册 1951年新编本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:林汉达编著
- 出 版 社:时代出版社
- 出版年份:1956
- ISBN:9013·72
- 页数:133 页
1.Honest Work(Common Grammatical Errors:Error of Nearness) 7
2.Compulsory Labour(Subject Followed by With or As Well As) 10
3.The Underhand Friend(1)(Subject Modified by Every,Each) 14
4.The Underhand Friend (2)(Subject Connected by Either Or,Neither Nor) 18
5.The Underhand Friend(3)(Relative Pronouns as Subjects) 24
6.Robinson Crusoe and His Man Friday(1)(Relative Pronouns Who,Whose,Whom) 29
7.Robinson Crusoe and His Man Friday(2)(Pronouns and Antecedents) 35
8.The Modern Savage(Prepositions and Object Pronouns) 40
9.How Scientists Solve Problems(Pendent Subject) 43
10.Letters of Recommendation(Pendent Verb) 48
11.Letters of Introduction(Agreement of Compound Predicate with Subject in Person and Number) 51
12.Sleepyhead(1)(Agreement of Tense in a Compound Predicate) 55
13.Sleepyhead(2)(Pendent Participles) 59
14.One of the Kings of the Republic(1)(Order of Words in Direct and Indirect Questions) 63
15.One of the Kings of the Republic(2) (Verbs Understood) 67
16.One of the Kings of the Republic(3)(Correct Use of Words:Like,As) 71
17.Survival of the Fittest(Thousand,Thousands;Men,Persons,People,Peoples) 77
18.Her Family(1)(Die,Dead,Death;Happen,Meet;Remember,Memorize) 79
19.Her Family(2)(Because,Because of;Very,Very Much;Clean,Clear) 84
20.The People's Republic of China Proclaimed(Ago,Before;Answer,Reply;Between,Among) 90
21.The Democratic Women's Movement(Belong to;Since,From;Wake,Waken,Awake,Awaken) 94
22.A Priest of Morality(1)(During,When;Interested,Interesting,etc.) 97
23.A Priest of Morality(2)(Few,A Few;Little,A Little;Don't,Isn't,etc.) 102
24.Is the Chinese People's Republic an Aggressor?(Defend,Resist;Consider,Regard;Consist of;Formed by) 108
25.Is Another World War Inevitables?(Success,Successful,Succeed;Scare,Fear;Yes,No) 111
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