与总统共舞 美国外交舞台上的第二力量 the second force in U.S. foreign policyPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李期铿著
- 出 版 社:北京:世界知识出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:7501233578
- 页数:408 页
Introduction 1
Chapter One Constitutional and Institutional Framework 46
Ⅰ.The Constitutional Framework 46
Ⅱ.Congress'Powers in Practice 49
Ⅲ.The Two Party System 55
Ⅳ.Executive Base Values 56
Ⅴ.Congressional Base Values 58
Ⅵ.The Central Role of Standing Committees in American Legislature 61
Ⅶ.The Senate Foreign Relations Committee 65
Ⅷ.The Role of Committee Chairman 70
Ⅸ.Factors Affecting the Influence of Committee Chairmen 74
Chapter Two Cushman Kellogg Davis(1897-1900) 86
Ⅰ.Davis'Political Career 86
Ⅱ.Davis'Perceptions on Foreign Policy and His Foreign Policy Experience Prior to His Ascension to the Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee 88
Ⅲ.Davis'Personal Qualities 101
Ⅳ.Davis'Relations With the Republican Party and the President 107
Ⅴ.Cases Analysis 110
Ⅵ.Summary 123
Chapter Three Henry Cabot Lodge(1919-1924) 127
Ⅰ.Lodge's Perception on Foreign Policy and His Foreign Policy Experiences Prior to 1919 127
Ⅱ.Lodge's Perception on the Role of the Senate in Foreign Affairs 130
Ⅲ.Lodge's Personal Qualities 133
Ⅳ.Lodge's Relations with the President 136
Ⅴ.Lodge's Relations with His Own Party 138
Ⅵ.Cases Analysis 140
Ⅶ.Summary 161
Chapter Four Key Pittman(1933-1940) 166
Ⅰ.Domestic Context During Pittman's Tenure as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee 166
Ⅱ.Pittman's Foreign Policy Experiences and Perceptions 176
Ⅲ.Pittman's Perceptions on the Role of the Senate in Foreign Policy 186
Ⅳ.Pittman's Personal Qualities 187
Ⅴ.Pittman's Relations with the Executive Branch 194
Ⅵ.Pittman's Ways of Operation and His Influence 199
Ⅶ.Case Analysis 201
Ⅷ.Summary 211
Chapter Five Arthur H.Vandenberg(1947-1948) 216
Ⅰ.Vandenberg's Reputation and Foreign Policy Experience Prior to 1947 216
Ⅱ.Vandenberg's Personal Qualities 222
Ⅲ.Vandenberg's Relations with the Executive Branch 225
Ⅳ.Relations with His Own Party 229
Ⅴ.Particular Methods of Operation and His Influence 231
Ⅵ.Analysis of Selected Foreign Policy Proposals 234
Ⅶ.Summary 259
Chapter Six J.William Fulbright(1959-1975) 266
Ⅰ.Fulbright's Experience and Public Image Prior to Ascension to Chairmanship 266
Ⅱ.Fulbright's Personal Qualities 272
Ⅲ.Fulbright's Relations with the Executive Branch 275
Ⅳ.Fulbright's Relations with His Own Party 280
Ⅴ.Fulbright's Particular Methods of Operation and Perception of His Role 281
Ⅵ.Cases Analysis 284
Ⅷ.Summary 299
Chapter Seven Jesse Helms(1995-2001) 304
Ⅰ.Jesse Helms as a Hard Right 304
Ⅱ.Jesse Helms as the"Senator No" 313
Ⅲ.Helms'Personal Qualities 315
Ⅳ.Helms'Relations with the Executive Branch 320
Ⅴ.Helms'Relations with His Own Party 324
Ⅵ.Relations with Democratic Senators 325
Ⅶ.Helms'Perception on His Role and His Particular Mode of Operation 326
Ⅷ.Cases Analysis 329
Ⅸ.Summary 352
Conclusion 357
Bibliography 380
Appendix 1 401
Appendix 2 404
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