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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王占礼,吴万千,刘宁主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787508462370
  • 页数:318 页

Part One Hull Construction 船体 1

Lesson 1 Decks and Hatches 甲板与舱口(盖) 1

Lesson 2 Bulkheads and Pillars 舱壁与支柱 14

Lesson 3 Shell Plating and Framing 外板和骨架 28

Lesson 4 Plate and Section Preparation 板材与型材加工 39

Lesson 5 Prefabrication and Outfit Modules 预制和舾装 47

Lesson 6 Welding and Cutting 焊接与切割 56

Lesson 7 Corrosion and Its Prevention 腐蚀及其预防 64

Lesson 8 Engineering Materials 工程材料 74

Lesson 9 Spar Platform 平台 83

Part Two Ship-borne Machinery and Equipment 船机 95

Lesson 10 Diesel Engine(Ⅰ) 内燃机 95

Lesson 11 Diesel Engine(Ⅱ) 内燃机 103

Lesson 12 Transmission System 传动系统 113

Lesson 13 Marine Pumps and Piping System 船用泵和管系 121

Lesson 14 Marine Boilers and Fresh Water Generator 船用锅炉和造水机 130

Lesson 15 Marine Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 船舶制冷和空调 136

Lesson 16 Steering Gear 舵机 144

Lesson 17 Deck Machinery 甲板机械 152

Lesson 18 Marine Electrical System 船电系统 158

Lesson 19 The Application of Automation on Board 船舶自动化 165

Part Three Ship Repair Quality Standards and Specifications 船舶修理规范Lesson 20 Ship Repair Contract 修船投标条款 177

Lesson 21 IACS Repair Quality Standard for Existing Ships(Part Ⅰ) IACS修船标准 188

Lesson 22 IACS Repair Quality Standard for Existing Ships(Part Ⅱ) IACS修船标准 194

Lesson 23 IACS Repair Quality Standard for Existing Ships(Part Ⅲ) IACS修船标准 201

Lesson 24 Structural Steelwork 钢结构修理工程 205

Lesson 25 Hull Coating and Anode Replacement 船体涂装和锌板换新 211

Lesson 26 Tank Coating and Anodes Replacement 舱柜涂装和锌板换新 217

Lesson 27 Main Engine Repair(Part Ⅰ) 主机 223

Lesson 28 Main Engine Repair(Part Ⅱ) 主机 228

Lesson 29 Boiler Plant Repair 锅炉维修 234

Lesson 30 Electrical Repair Work 电气维修 240

Lesson 31 Propeller Removal/Replacement 螺旋桨拆装 245

Lesson 32 Steering System Reconditioning 舵机系统维修 249

Lesson 33 Anchor and Windlass Reconditioning 锚和锚机维修 254

Lesson 34 Pump and Pipe Work and Valve Reconditioning 管系和阀维修 259

Lesson 35 Miscellaneous Repair Work 杂项维修工作 265

Part Four Appendices 附录 275

Appendix A Work-done List 完工单 275

Appendix B Signs of Warning and Caution 警示标志 277

Appendix C Useful Words and Expressions in Ship Repair 船舶修理常用词汇和短语 281
