- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:叶奕良主编
- 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787301151822
- 页数:297 页
The Manichaean Paintings Buried in the Desert&Chao Huashan 晁华山 1
Tamerlane's Political and Religious Ideas&Cheng Tong 程彤 18
Stories behind"Jindou"&Duan Qing 段晴 26
Herodotus vs.Darius&Gong Yushu 拱玉书 37
On the Copper Weights Displaying Four Scripts in the Yuan Dynasty&Huang Shijian 黄时鉴 51
From Iranian Lands to China and Back:The Eastern Routes of the Silk Road after the Yuan Dynasty&Ralph Kauz 廉亚明 62
Mughultai Ba'atur and the Yuan Troops in the Area of Khotan&Liu Yingsheng 刘迎胜 71
New Study on"The First Voice"in the Chinese Manichaean Hymnscroll(Ⅰ)&Ma Xiaohe 马小鹤 78
New Study on"The First Voice"in the Chinese Manichaean Hymnscroll(Ⅱ)&Ma Xiaohe 马小鹤 110
The Islamic Glass and the Silk Road&Qi Dongfang 齐东方 119
China's Early Connections with Persia and Daqin(Roma)as Seen in Silverwares&Rao Zongyi 饶宗颐 124
Sabao and Sabo:On the Problem of the Leader of Sogdian Colonies During the Northern Dynasties,Sui and Tang Period&Rong Xinjiang 荣新江 148
Nasij in China&Shang Gang 尚刚 163
The Features and Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Sassanian Coins in China&Sun Li 孙莉 192
New Argumentations on the Circulation of Classical Islamic Science in China&Wang Qianjin 汪前进 201
Mahāyāna or Hīnayāna:A Reconsideration of the Yāna Affiliation of An Shigao and His School&Wang Bangwei 王邦维 221
Persian Culture and the Muslim Communities in China&Wang Jianping 王建平 231
Rashīd al-Dīn's Contribution to the Study of Chinese Culture&Wang Yidan 王一丹 243
On the Origins of the Indo-Iranians&Xu Wenkan 徐文堪 254
Two Major and Friendly Nations on the Silk Road&Ye Yiliang 叶奕良 260
Elements of Persian Culture in the Iconography on the Marble Sarcophagus of Yu Hong's Tomb&Zhang Qingjie 张庆捷 282
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