状元笔记·教材详解 高中英语 必修6 人教版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵炳河主编
- 出 版 社:北京:龙门书局
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787508820415
- 页数:331 页
Unit 1 Art 1
目标要览 1
芝麻开门 2
基础知识全解 2
Warming up 2
Reading 7
Comprehending 29
Learning about language 29
Using language 30
Workbook 36
学习策略 38
语法精讲 40
三年高考两年模拟 45
单元测试 46
答案与提示 53
语法专练答案与解析 53
单元测试答案与解析 54
教材课后练习答案与解析 57
Unit 2 Poems 72
目标要览 72
芝麻开门 73
基础知识全解 73
Warming up 73
Pre-reading 74
Reading 76
Comprehending 91
Learning about language 92
Using language 95
Workbook 101
学习策略 103
语法精讲 105
三年高考两年模拟 108
单元测试 109
答案与提示 115
语法专练答案与解析 115
单元测试答案与解析 116
教材课后练习答案与解析 119
Unit 3 A healthy life目标要览 136
芝麻开门 137
基础知识全解 137
Warming up 137
Reading 141
Comprehending 157
Learning about language 158
Using language 162
Workbook 166
学习策略 168
语法精讲 170
三年高考两年模拟 175
单元测试 176
答案与提示 183
语法专练答案与解析 183
单元测试答案与解析 183
教材课后练习答案与解析 186
Unit 4 Global warming目标要览 201
芝麻开门 202
基础知识全解 202
Warming up 202
Pre-reading 205
Reading 205
Comprehending 219
Learning about language 220
Using language 220
Workbook 227
学习策略 230
语法精讲 232
三年高考两年模拟 235
单元测试 236
答案与提示 242
语法专练答案与解析 242
单元测试答案与解析 243
教材课后练习答案与解析 246
Unit 5 The power of nature目标要览 260
芝麻开门 261
基础知识全解 261
Warming up 261
Pre-reading 264
Reading 267
Learning about language 281
Using language 286
Workbook 290
学习策略 293
语法精讲 295
三年高考两年模拟 308
单元测试 309
答案与提示 315
语法专练答案与解析 315
单元测试答案与解析 316
教材课后练习答案与解析 319
A 275
absolutely 275
Absolute Structure 278
abstract 4
account 284
accustom 149
add 92
addicted 148
adopt 18
a great deal 20
agree 214
aim 12
alongside 269
apart from 229
appeal to 33
appoint 271
appreciate 222
as 150
as...as 24
aspect 74
as/so long as 224
as well as 6
at risk 164
attach 292
attempt 26
B 156
before 156
benefit 153
bore 270
break away from 22
break down 230
build up 216
burn to the ground 272
by the way 148
C 226
carry out 226
come about 209
come across 163
compare 208
concentrate 17
concern 138
concrete 81
consequently 11
consider 29
consume 203
convey 79
convince 19
count 225
create 13
D 88
day by day 88
deal with 160
delight 81
determine 153
diversity 288
doubt 210
due to 145
E 23
eager 23
either...or 73
emotion 79
enough 145
enthusiastic 280
especially 205
evaluate 272
even if 217
every two years 35
excuse 91
experience 274
F 10
faith 10
feel like 154
find oneselF 283
find out 266
fit 143
force 263
G 161
get into the habit 161
give up 146
go up 213
H 292
had been doing 292
however 262
I 264
imagine 264
improve 228
influence 9
inspire 97
in spite of 158
intend 98
in the flesh 30
introduce 94
issue 137
J 284
join 284
K 218
keep on 218
L 21
lead to 21
likely 96
live 265
look forward to 100
M 223
make a difference 223
make one's way 277
make sense 75
make up 86
manage 151
match 101
matter 209
measure 219
might 1
more than 34
O 222
on behalf of/on one's behalf 222
only 286
oppose 216
P 289
pick up 289
popular 87
possession 19
potential 280
prefer 36
protect 270
provide 220
put on 276
Q 27
quality 27
quantity 212
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quite a few 275
R 159
rather than 159
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represent 13
respect 14
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risk 267
run out of 85
S 15
scene 15
scores of 25
shadow 23
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subscribe 211
T 85
take it easy 85
take off 84
tend 213
that is(to say) 26
too much 158
tough 147
try out 99
try to do 18
turn up 224
U 93
used to 93
V 16
value 16
W 273
when 273
while 83
worth 33
would rather 5
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