新秩序 各国大使眼中的一带一路中英双语大使原声PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙超著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国发展出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787517707400
- 页数:450 页
决策者 3
“一带一路”是联动发展合作平台而非外援——访全国人大财经委副主任委员、民建中央副主席辜胜阻 3
“Belt and Road” Initiative is a Cooperation Platform for Interconnected Development, not a Foreign Aid Scheme—Interview with Gu Shengzu, Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress Financial and Economic Affairs Committee, Vice Chairman of China Democratic National Construction Association 16
国际组织领袖 33
携手合作,互利共赢——访亚洲开发银行副行长张文才 33
Join Hands and Work Together for Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Cooperation—Interview with Zhang Wencai, Vice President of the Asian Development Bank 41
全球化的2.0版本——访欧洲复兴开发银行董事总经理马蒂亚·罗玛尼 49
Globalization 2.0—Interview with Mattia Romani, Managing Director of Economics, Policy and Governance of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 60
中国走出了一条独特的发展之路——访新开发银行副行长、首席运营官祝宪 71
China’s Unique Development Path—Interview with Zhu Xian, Vice President, COO of the New Development Bank 84
支持中国南南合作,借鉴中国经验——访联合国开发计划署驻华代表处国别主任文霭洁 97
Supporting China’s South-South Cooperation and Transferring China’s Experience to Other Countries—Interview with Agi Veres, Country Director of UNDP in China 106
大使 117
和平的“风筝”——访阿富汗驻华大使贾楠·莫萨扎伊 117
The Peaceful “Kite”—Interview with Janan Mosazai, Ambassador of Afghanistan to China 126
巴林的“辐射”力——访巴林王国驻华大使安瓦尔·艾勒·阿卜杜拉 135
The “Radiating” Power of Bahrain—Interview with Anwar Alabdulla, Ambassador of Bahrain to China 142
捷克之“重”——访捷克驻华大使贝德日赫·科佩茨基 149
The “Heaviness” of Czech—Interview with Bedrich Kopecky, Ambassador of Czech to China 160
埃及的“奇迹”——访埃及驻华大使穆罕默德·奥萨马·塔哈·马格杜布 169
The “Wonder” of Egypt—Interview with Osama Elmagdoub, Ambassador of Egypt to China 179
幸福“小”国以色列——访以色列驻华大使马腾 189
A Happy “Small” Country Israel—Interview with Matan Vilnai, Ambassador of Israel to China 197
“丝绸之路经济带”的起点——访哈萨克斯坦驻华大使沙赫拉特·努雷舍夫 203
The Starting Point of the “Silk Road Economic Belt”—Interview with Shakhrat Nuryshev, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to China 213
科威特的“行动力”——访科威特王子、宫廷事务大臣纳赛尔·萨巴赫·艾哈迈德·贾比尔·萨巴赫 223
Kuwait’s“Yella” Call—Interview with Sheikh Nasser Sabah AI-Ahamed AI-Jaber AI-Sabah, the Prince and Minister of AI-Diwan AI-Amiri Affairs of Kuwait 233
友谊的“木船”——访科威特驻华大使赛米赫·伊萨·焦哈尔·哈亚特 243
The “Boom” of Friendship—Interview with Sameeh Essa Johar Hayat, Ambassador of Kuwait to China 254
在中国的十年——访阿曼驻华大使阿卜杜拉·萨阿迪 263
The Ten Years in China—Interview with Abdullah Saleh Al Saadi, Ambassador of Oman to China 272
巴基斯坦的“愿景2025”——访巴基斯坦驻华大使马苏德·哈立德 281
The “Vision 2025” of Pakistan—Interview with Masood Khalid, Ambassador of Pakistan to China 292
波兰的灵魂——访波兰驻华大使林誉平 303
The “Soul” of Poland—Interview with Miroslaw Gajewski, Ambassador of Poland to China 313
“理性”新加坡的“感性”——访新加坡驻华大使罗家良 323
The “Emotional” Side of “Rational” Singapore—Interview with Stanley Loh, Ambassador of Singapore to China 333
西班牙是光——访西班牙驻华大使曼努埃尔·瓦伦西亚 343
Spain is Light—Interview with Manuel Valencia, Ambassador of Spain to China 351
斯里兰卡的“机遇”——访斯里兰卡驻华大使卡鲁纳塞纳·科迪图瓦库 359
“Opportunities” for Sri Lanka—Interview with Karunasena Kodituwakku, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China 369
地中海上的“珍珠”——访突尼斯驻华大使迪亚·哈立德 379
“Pearl” of the Mediterranean—Interview with Dhia Khaled, Ambassador of Tunisia to China 387
土耳其的“梦想”——访土耳其驻华大使阿里·穆拉特·埃尔索伊 395
The “Dream” of Turkey—Interview with Ali Murat Ersoy, Ambassador of Turkey to China 407
“两廊一圈”对接“一带一路”——访越南驻华大使邓明魁 419
Synergy between the “Belt and Road” Initiative and the “Two Corridors and One Economic Circle” Initiative—Interview with Dang Minh Khoi, Ambassador of Vietnam to China 428
后记一 开放共享 不忘初心——张韶峰 百融金服董事长兼CEO 437
Epilogue Ⅰ: Keep Opening and Sharing, Remain True to Our Original Aspiration—Zhang Shaofeng, Chairman and CEO of Bairong Financial Information Services Co.Ltd 440
后记二 新秩序 444
Epilogue Ⅱ: New Order 447
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