澳大利亚华人社区发展报告 2018PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:澳大利亚华人总工会编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787207114662
- 页数:398 页
第一部分 General Report 3
第二部部分 Survey Report 79
Religious Life of the Chinese Community in Comtemporary Australia&Yu Tao;Theo Stapleton 79
Risk factors profiles for non-communicable diseases among Chinese immigrants in Australia&Kai Jin;Ding Ding 123
Student employment:issue of exploition and its impact on graduate ex-pectation in Australian labour market&Minhua Li 148
Are the Chinese responsible for the declining of housing affordability in Australia?&Mona Chung; Bruno Mascitelli 191
第三部分 Community Study 229
The Associations of Ethuic Chinese’s Roles in Sino-Australian Rela-tions——The Perspective of Public Diplomacy&Yu Changsen;Wu Nan 229
The Path to Improve the Influence of Australian Chinese Community on Public Policy Formulation&Zhao Chang 248
What Impacts will the Implement of the Identity Card System for Over-seas No-Citizenship Chinese exert on Australia’s Chinese Community and Sino-Australia Relationships?&Yan Ting; Zhang Yujie 266
The Evolution of Multicultural Policy in Australia&Yang Honggui 281
Sino-Australian Relations:Implications to the Chinese Community In Australia&Liao Kai;Zu Haoyue 297
A Study of the Operation of Chinese-language Newspapers and Maga-zines in Australia&Jianjun Zhu;Mingming Feng 312
第四部分 Chronicles/大事记 331
The Chronicle of the Chinese Community in Australia since 1818 to 2018&King Fong;Tiffany Ho 331
中澳关系大事记&许善品 348
第五部分 Appendix/附录 361
杰出华人列传 361
李崴简介 361
慈善济世 创造光明——黄肇强医生侧记&吴景亮 362
无悔·无怨·无私——专访获新南威尔斯大学“优秀校友奖”&潘南弘/吴景亮 364
星星之火可以燎原——记澳大利亚悉尼般若院住持般若法师&海南三亚南海佛学院般舟 367
孙忠伟简介 371
Friends of Chinese Community 373
Introduction——The Hon Graham Perrett MP 373
Introduction——Curriculum Vitae of Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong 374
Introduction——The Hon Professor Bob Carr 376
Introduction——The Hon Jodi McKay MP 378
Introduction——The Hon Julia Finn MP for Granville 380
Introduction——The Hon Julie Owens MP 382
Introduction——The Hon Linda Burney MP 384
Introduction——The Hon Luke Foley MP 387
Introduction——The Hon Michelle Rowland MP 389
Introduction——FWO 391
南京市侨联简介 393
鸣谢 395
免责声明 397
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