- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(澳)麦克纳马拉著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7810806580
- 页数:141 页
SECTION 1 Survey 1
1 Testing,testing...What is a language test? 3
Understanding language testing 4
Types of test 5
Test purpose 6
The criterion 7
The test-criterion relationship 10
Conclusion 11
2 Communication and the design of language tests 13
Discrete point tests 13
Integrative and pragmatic tests 14
Communicative language tests 16
Models of communicative ability 17
Conclusion 21
3 The testing cycle 23
Understanding the constraints 24
Test content 25
Test method 26
Authenticity of response 27
Fixed and constructed response formats 29
Test specifications 31
Test trials 32
Conclusion 33
4 The rating process 35
Establishing a rating procedure 36
The problem with raters 37
Establishing a framework for making judgements 38
Rating scales 40
Holistic and analytic ratings 43
Rater training 44
Conclusion 44
5 Validity:testing the test 47
Threats to test validity 50
Test content 50
Test method and test construct 52
The impact of tests 53
Conclusion 54
6 Measurement 55
Introduction 55
Measurement 56
Quality control for raters 56
Investigating the properties of individual test items 59
Norm-referenced and criterion-referenced measurement 62
New approaches to measurement 64
Conclusion 65
7 The social character of language tests 67
Introduction 67
The institutional character of assessment 68
Assessment and social policy 68
Assessment and educational policy 69
The social responsibility of the language tester 70
Ethical language testing 72
Accountability 72
Washback 73
Test impact 74
Codes of professional ethics for language testers 75
Critical language testing 76
Conclusion 77
8 New directions-and dilemmas? 79
Computers and language testing 79
Technology and the testing of speaking 81
Dilemmas:whose performance? 83
SECTION 2 Readings 87
SECTION 3 References 121
SECTION 4 Glossary 131
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