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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李风雷,杜琳编著
  • 出 版 社:青岛:青岛出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7543616440
  • 页数:448 页

Aa,an 1

able,capable 2

ability,capacity 2

about,of,on 3

above  4

absolute,despotic,arbitrary,tyrannical   4

absolutely 5

absolutes 5

absolve,aversion 5

accident,event,occurrence,incident,adventure,casualty,chance 5

accompany 6

accord,accordance,according,accordingly 7

accost  8

accusation,recrimination   8

accused  8

ache,pain,pang,smart  8

acknowledgement 9

acquaint 10

act,action 10

active voice,passive voice 11

acute,chronic 12

A.D.,B.C. 12

ad 13

adage 13

adapt 13

add an additional 14

addict,devote 14

addicted to,subject to 14

address 15

adept 15

adequate 15

adhere,cohere 16

adjacent,contiguous 16

ad-lib 17

admittance,admission 17

advance warning 17

advance,advancement,progress,proceed 17

adverbs 18

adverse,averse 20

adviser,advisor 20

affair,business,matter 20

affect,effect 21

affinity 22

affirmative,negative 22

afford 22

aforementioned 23

afraid 23

after,behind 24

aftermath 25

afternoon 25

agenda 26

aggravate 26

agnostic,atheist 26

ago,before,since 27

agree 27

ahold 28

aid,aide 28

aim,purpose,object,end,goal 28

alibi 29

all 30

allow 30

all ready,already 31

all right 32

all-(a)round 32

all that 33

all the farther 33

all together,altogether 33

allude,elude,refer 33

allusion,illusion 34

alone,lonely 34

also 35

altar,alter 35

alter,change 36

alternative(ly),alternate(ly) 36

alumnus 37

amateur,dilettante 37

ambiguous,equivocal 37

ambivalence,vacillation 38

among,between 38

amoral,immoral,unmoral 39

amount,number 39

ampersand 39

analogous,analogy 39

and,but 40

and/or 40

and so forth,and the like 40

and which,but which 41

angry,annoyed 41

another 41

ante- 42

anticipate 42

anxious,eager 42

anyone,any one 43

anymore 43

any old port in a storm 43

anyone else 44

anyplace 44

anything but,nothing but,all but 44

any time,anyone,anybody 44

anyway 45

apostrophe 45

apparent 45

appear,look,seem 46

appositives 46

appreciate,enjoy 46

apprehend,comprehend 47

approve 47

apropos 48

arbitrate,mediate 48

as 48

as,like 49

ascent,assent 49

as far as,so far as 50

as follows 50

as good as 51

as good as or better 51

as if,as though 51

as per 52

assay,essay 52

assemble 52

asset 52

assuage 53

assume,presume 53

asterisk 53

as to 54

as to whether 54

as well as 54

at 55

at,in 55

at about 55

at present 55

audience 56

author,host 56

authority,authorities 56

avenge,revenge 57

avoid,evade 57

awake,wake 58

awful 58

awhile 59

Bback of,at the back of,in back of 60

backward,backwards 60

bad,badly 61

bade 61

balance of the day 61

baleful,baneful 62

ball,dance 62

bandit,thief,robber,pirate,burglar,pickpocket 62

bank,beach,coast,shore 63

bank on 64

barely 64

Barmecide feast 64

base,basis,foundation,ground,reason 64

based on 65

because 66

because,for,since,as,inasmuch as,in that 66

become,make,get,grow,wax,turn,go 67

before long,long before 69

before,prior to 69

begin,commence,start 69

beg to advise 69

behalf 70

behave 70

being as 70

belabo(u)r 70

believe,feel,think 70

believe,believe in 71

below 71

beneficence,benevolence 71

benefit,advantage,profit 72

beseech 72

beside,besides 73

besides,moreover 73

be sure and 73

be that as it may 73

better 73

better,best 74

better,well 74

between,from 74

between each(every) 74

between you and I 75

bi-,semi- 75

biannual,biennial 75

big,great 75

bilk 75

bimonthly,biweekly 75

bind,tie,fasten 76

bisect,dissect 76

bite 76

blame 76

blatant,flagrant 77

blond,blonde 77

born,borne 77

both,each 78

both...and 78

both were not 78

bourgeois,proletariat 79

brag,boast 79

breach,breech 79

breath,breathe,breadth 79

bridegroom,groom 80

brief,short 80

bring,take,carry,fetch 80

broach,brooch 80

brother-in-law 80

bulk of 81

burgeon 81

burglarize,burgle 81

burned,burnt 81

but him(he) 81

but that,but what 82

buy,purchase,pay 82

by and large 83

by the same token 84

by,through,with 84

CCaesarean 85

calculate 85

calligraphy 85

callus,callous 85

can,may 85

cancel 86

candelabra 86

canine 86

cannot help but 86

can't seem to 87

capital,capitol 87

car 87

carat,karat,caret 87

careless 87

case 88

catholic 88

cause is due to 88

cavalier 88

-cede,-ceed,-sede 88

cement,concrete 89

censor,censure 89

center on 89

centigrade,Celsius 89

ceremonial,ceremonious 89

chaos 90

character,reputation 90

Chief Justice of the United States 90

childish,childlike 91

Chinese,Chinaman 91

choose,select,elect 91

chronic 92

claim,demand,request 92

classic,classical 93

clauses 93

cleave 93

climactic,climatic 94

climax,acme 94

climb up,climb down 94

close,near 94

close,shut 94

close,proximity 95

close to 95

co- 95

coed 95

cohort 95

coiffeur,coiffure 96

coincidence 96

collaborate 96

collective elements 96

collective nouns 96

collide 97

colon 97

colo(u)r,dye,tinge,stain 97

comma,parenthesis 98

comma splice 98

commas with dates and places 98

commitment 98

commit,consign,entrust 99

commonly,generally,frequently,usually 99

compare 99

comparisons 99

compass directions 100

complacent,complaisant 100

complected 100

complete 100

compose,compile 100

comprise 101

compulsive,impulsive 101

concur in,concur with 101

condign 102

confidant,confidante 102

confine,contain 102

conjunctive adverbs 102

connected with,in connection with 103

connive,conspire 103

connoisseur 103

conscious,aware 103

consecutive,successive 103

consensus of opinion 104

consider,regard 104

considerable 104

considering 104

consist in,consist of 104

consume entirely 105

contact 105

contemporary 105

contemptible,contemptuous 105

continue on 106

continue to remain 106

continuous,continual 106

contrast 106

contumacy,contumely 107

convince,persuade 107

cooperate,coordinate 107

cope 107

copulative verbs 107

corespondent,correspondent 108

corps 108

corpus delicti 108

could 108

countenance,physiognomy 108

counter- 108

counterpart 109

countries,nations 109

coup 109

coupe,coupé 109

couple 109

credible,creditable 109

crisis 110

criterion,standard 110

criticism 110

critique,criticize 110

crucial 110

crumple,rumple 110

customary practice 111

cute 111

cut in half 111

Ddais,podium,lectern 112

dangling participles 112

data 112

date 113

date from 113

daughter-in-law 113

de- 113

deal 113

death,demise 113

debar,disbar 114

debut 114

decided,decisive 114

decimate 114

decisive,incisive 114

deduce,deduct 115

deduction,induction 115

defensible,defensive 115

definite,definitive 115

degree,extent 115

deism,theism 116

delusion,illusion 116

demean 116

denote,connote 116

deprecate,depreciate 116

desert,dessert 117

despair,desperation 117

despite,in spite of 117

destroy 118

deter 118

develop 118

devil's advocate 118

devoted,devout 118

diagnose 119

diagram,program,kidnap 119

dialect,idiom,jargon,vernacular 119

dichotomy 119

diction 119

different 119

differ from,differ with 119

digress,deviate 120

dilapidated 120

diminish,minimize 120

direct,directly 120

direct quotations(sequence of tense) 121

disappointed 121

disbeliever,unbeliever 121

disclose,reveal 121

discomfit,discomfort 121

discover,invent 122

discreet,discrete 122

disgruntled 122

disinterested,uninterested 122

distasteful,tasteless 123

distinct,distinctive 123

divers,diverse 123

divulge,disclose 123

do 123

do,did 124

do,have 124

doff,don 124

dollar sign 124

donate 124

double entendre 125

double negatives 125

double possesive 125

doubt,doubtful 125

doubtlessly 125

dozen,dozens 126

drastic 126

drunk,drunken 126

due to 126

dumb 127

during 127

Eeach 128

each and every 128

each other,one another 128

easy 128

economic,economical 128

effete 129

egoism,egotism 129

egregious 129

either 129

either...or 129

elapse,lapse 130

elder,older 130

-elect 130

elect,appoint 130

element,factor,feature,phase 130

elemental,elementary 131

elicit,illicit 131

eliminate 131

elusive,illusive 131

emerge,immerge 131

emigrant,immigrant 132

emphatically,decidedly 132

enclose,inclose 132

end result 132

English,levels of 132

enhance 133

enjoy 133

enormity,enormousness 133

enough 133

ensure,insure 134

enthuse 134

entitle,title 134

entrust 134

envelop,envelope 135

epigraph,epitaph,epigram 135

equable,equitable 135

equally 135

equivalent 135

eradicate 135

ergo 136

erstwhile 136

eruption,irruption 136

escape 136

especial,special 136

esquire 136

essential 137

estimate,estimation 137

estimated to be about 137

etc. 137

etymology,entomology 138

euphemism,euphuism 138

even 138

eventuate 138

-ever 138

ever so often 139

every...and every 139

everybody,everyone 139

every day,everyday 139

everyplace 140

every so often 140

everywhere 140

every which way 140

evidence,testimony 140

ex-,former 140

exact 141

exceed,excel 141

exceedingly,excessively 141

except,excepting 141

exceptional,exceptionable 142

exchange 142

exhaustive,exhausting 142

exhibit,exhibition 142

explicit 143

extemporaneous,impromptu 143

extent,extant 143

exterior,external 144

Ffabricate,manufacture 145

face up to 145

fact 145

factitious,fictitious 145

fail 146

fairly,quite,rather 146

faker,fakir 146

famous,notorious 146

farther,further 146

fatal,fateful 147

fault 147

faze 147

feasible,possible 147

feel bad,feel badly 148

feel like 148

fellow employee,fellowman 148

fever,temperature 148

few 148

fewer,less 149

fiancé,fiancee 149

fight with 149

figure 149

figures 149

final,finale 149

firstly,lastly 150

firstly,secondly 150

first two,last two 150

flair,flare 150

flaunt,flout 150

flotsam and jetsam 151

flounder,founder 151

foot,feet 151

forbear,forebear 151

forbid,prohibit 152

forceful,forcible 152

forego,forgo 152

foreseeable future 152

for ever,forever 153

foreword,forward 153

forte 153

fortuitous,fortunate 153

for 153

Fourth Estate 154

fraction 154

fractions not hyphened 154

Frankenstein 154

free gift 154

friable 154

frightened,scared 154

frolic 155

funny 155

furnish 155

Ggambit 156

gantlet,gauntlet 156

gaol,jail 156

gauge 156

gay 156

gender 156

genial,genius,genuine 157

gerund 157

gibe,jibe 158

gift,present 158

gild,guild 158

given name 158

glamour 159

glance,glimpse 159

glass,glasses 159

gleam,glimmer 160

gloaming 160

go,get 160

go Dutch 161

go+...ing 161

go on doing,go on to do 161

good and 161

good,goods 162

good-humoured,humorous 162

goodly 162

good,well 163

goods,commodity 163

gourmet,gourmand,glutton 163

graceful,gracious 164

graffiti 164

gratuitous 164

Great Britain,United Kingdom 164

grieve,lament,mourn 164

grisly,grizzly 165

group 165

guarantee,guaranty 165

guilt 165

guy 166

gypsy,gipsey 166

Hhabit,custom 167

habitable,inhabitable 167

had better 167

hail,hale 168

half-mast,half-staff 168

handle,manage 168

hanged,hung 169

harbor,port 169

hardly...when,scarecely...when,no sooner...than 169

harmony,melody 170

hate,dislike,abhor 170

have it coming 170

have to,must 171

healthy,healthful 172

height,altitude 172

help,assist,aid 172

hemi-,semi- 173

here is,here are 173

heredity,heritage,inheritance 173

herewith 174

high,tall,lofty 174

hire,employ 175

historic,historical 175

hit or miss 176

homely,comely 176

homicide,manslaughter,murder 176

homonym,homograph,homophone 176

house,home 177

how,what 177

how come... 177

how ever,however 178

human,humane 178

hurricane,typhoon,cyclone 179

hyphen 179

I-ics 180

identical 180

idiot,imbecile,moron 180

if worst comes to worst 181

ill,sick 181

illegible,unreadable 181

illiterate,ignorant 181

imaginary,imaginative,imaginable 182

immature,premature 182

immunity,impunity 182

immure,inure 183

impassable,impassible 183

imply,mean,insinuate 184

impracticable,impractical 184

impromptu 184

implement,instrument,tool 185

in addition to,with the exception of 185

inasmuch as 185

incline 186

income,revenue 186

in connection with,in this connection 187

in consequence of 187

incredible,incredulous 187

inculcate 187

indiscriminate,undiscriminating 188

indisposed,undisposed 188

individual,personal,private 188

induce,lure,tempt 189

inductive,deductive 190

in effect,in fact 190

ineffective,ineffectual 190

in excess of 190

infectious,contagious 191

inferior to,superior to 191

inflammable,flammable,inflammatory 191

indifferent 191

infamous 192

infinitive without to 192

informer,informant 193

ingenious,ingenuous 193

injure,wound,damage 193

in lieu of 194

inner,inward,internal 194

innumerable,numerous 195

in order to,in order that 195

insignia 195

insofar 195

insurance,assurance 196

inter-,intra- 196

in the air,on the air 196

in the course of 196

in the filed,on the filed 196

in the light of 197

intrinsic,extrinsic 197

invaluable 198

irrevocable,irreversible 198

it goes without saying 198

it's,its 198

Jjail,prison 199

job,position 199

Jr.,Sr. 199

judge,adjudge 200

judge,jurist 200

judicial,judicious 200

juggernaut 200

jump,leap 200

junction,juncture 201

junta 201

just 201

just,justly 202

just as 202

Kkeen 203

keen on 203

kind,sort 203

kind of 204

king of,rather,somewhat 204

kith and kin 204

knot 204

know,know of 205

know,recognize 205

knowledge 205

kudos 205

Llack 206

lama,llama 206

large portion of,large number of 206

last,latest 207

last,final 207

lately,recently 207

latter,former 207

laudable,laudatory 208

lawful,legal 208

lay,lie 209

least,lest 209

leave,quit 210

legendary,mythical 210

-l endings 210

let alone,to say nothing of 210

libel,slander 211

lighted,lit 211

lightening,lightning 211

like,as 212

likely,probable 212

limit,delimit 213

limp,limpid 213

lineament,liniment 213

listen,hear 213

literally,figuratively 214

livid,lurid 214

loads of 214

loath,loathe 215

locate,find 215

longshore man 215

look(at),watch,see 215

lots of,a lot of 216

lunch,luncheon,tiffin 216

lusty,lustful 216

luxuriant,luxurious 217

lyric 217

Mmachinery 218

mad 218

madam,madame 218

madly 218

main,chief,principal 218

Majesty,Grace,Excellency 219

malapropism 219

malice 219

malnutrition 219

mammoth 220

manage,try 220

mannequin 220

manner,method,way 220

manners 221

manuscript,typescript 221

many a 221

many a time 222

many's the 222

market,mart,fair 222

marry 222

masterful,masterly 223

material,matter,substance 223

mature,ripe 224

may,might 224

may well,may as well,may as well...as 225

maybe,perhaps 225

meadow,pasture 225

mean,imply 226

media 226

meet,meet with 226

melancholic,melancholy 227

memorandum 227

metaphor,simile 227

method,methodology 227

million 228

mimic,panic 228

milieu 228

mischief,prank,trick 228

mishap,accident 228

mist,fog 229

misuse,abuse 229

moderate,temperate 229

modern,modernistic 230

modest,demure 230

momentary,momentous 230

moose,fish 231

moral,ethical 231

more than,over 231

more than one 232

most,a most,the most 232

most,almost 232

much(still)more,much(still)less 232

much,very 233

must 233

mutual,common 234

mystify 235

Nnaive 236

naked,nude,bare 236

name after,name for 236

naught,nought 237

nauseated,nauseous 237

naval,navel 237

navy 237

near,close,nigh 237

necessity,need 238

nee 238

need 239

neglect,negligence 240

neither,neither of 240

neither...nor 240

nemesis 241

never 241

nevertheless 242

new,novel 242

news 242

nexus 243

nice 243

no...and no 243

no,none 243

no more,not any more,no longer,not any longer 244

no more...than,not more...than 245

not only...but also... 245

nostalgia 246

not so…as,not as&as 246

notable,noted,noticeable 246

notice,mind,note,remark 247

nothing but 247

no use 248

nourish,nurture,nurse 248

now that,seeing(considering)that 248

number 249

numbers 249

OO,oh 251

obiter dictum 251

object,oppose 251

obligate,oblige 252

oblivious 252

obscure,vague,ambiguous 252

observation,observance 253

obsolete,obsolescent 253

obstacle,obstruction,hindrance 254

obstinate,stubborn 254

obverse,reverse 254

occur,happen,take place 255

oculist,ophthalmologist,optometrist,optician 255

of all 255

offer,propose 256

officer,official 256

official,officious 256

often,frequently 257

OK,okay 257

Olympic 257

on,above,over 258

once 258

one,you 258

only 259

only,but 260

only,alone,single 260

onward,onwards 261

opportunity,chance 261

opposite 261

or 262

oral,verbal 262

order,command 262

origin,original 263

other,another 263

out of 264

overcome,conquer 264

oversea,overseas 265

oversee,oversight 265

owing to,due to 265

own 266

Ppact,compact 267

pained,painful 267

pair,couple 267

paper,papers 268

pardon,excuse 268

park,parking 269

part,portion,section 269

particular,peculiar 270

partly,partially 270

passed,past 271

patricide,matricide,parricide 271

pay,wage,salary 271

peaceful,placid 272

penalty,punishment 272

pendant,pendent 273

penetrate,pierce 273

penny,pennies,pence 273

people,race,nation 274

persecute,prosecute 274

personally,in person 275

perspective,prospective 275

perspicuous,perspicacious 276

perturb,disturb 276

peruse 276

pessimistic,gloomy 277

phantom,phantasm 277

phase down,phase out 277

phone,call 278

physician,doctor 278

pick,choose 278

pizza 278

place,put 278

plaintiff,defendant 279

play,game,sport 279

plentiful,plenteous 279

plenty,abundance 279

poetic,poetical 280

point at,point out,point to 280

politic,political 281

possible,likely,probable 281

practice,practise 281

practicable,practical 282

praise,commend 283

precede,proceed 283

precipitate,precipitous 284

predict,foretell 284

predominant,paramount 284

prefer 285

prescribe,proscribe 286

presently,immediately,instantly 286

pretence,pretense 287

pretty 287

prevail 287

price,charge,cost 287

pride,conceit 288

principal,principle 288

produce,product,production 289

propensity,proclivity 290

proper 290

property,properties 291

prophecy,prophesy 291

propose 292

protean 292

prove,testify 292

provided,providing 293

psychiatrist,psychologist 293

public 293

pull up your socks(slacks) 294

pure and simple 294

purposely,purposefully 294

puzzle,riddle 294

Pyrrhic victory 295

Qqueer,old,strange,quaint 296

query,question,problem,issue 297

questionable,questioning 298

questionnaire 298

quick,fast,rapid,swift 298

quite 299

quiver,shiver,shudder,tremble 300

Rrailroad,railway 302

rain,rains,rainfall 302

raise,lift,elevate 303

raise,rear,bring up 303

raise,rise 304

rare,scarce,rarely,scarcely 304

rather,fairly 305

rational,reasonable 306

ravage,ravish,ravishing 307

ravel,unravel 307

re- 307

readable,legible 307

real,really 308

rear 309

reason 309

rebound,redound 309

rebut,refute 310

recall,recollect,remember 310

receive,accept 310

recur,reoccur 311

reference,testimonial 311

refrain,abstain 311

refurnish,refurbish 312

refuse,decline,reject 312

regard,regards 312

regretful,regrettable 313

regularize,regulate 313

rehabilitate 313

relation,relative 314

release,relieve 314

remain 315

remainder,remains 315

remediable,remedial 316

remembrance,reminiscence 316

remind 317

repairable,irreparable 317

repel,repulse 317

repent,regret 318

repertoire,repertory 318

replica 319

repute,report 319

request,require 319

resemblance,similarity 320

reserve,keep,preserve 320

residence,residency,resident 321

respectful,respective 321

responsible,responsive 322

restive,restless 322

restrain,restrict 323

result from,result in 323

résumé,resume 323

reticent,taciturn 324

reverse,invert 324

revolve,rotate 324

ride,drive 325

right,rightly 325

right away,right off 325

rob,steal 325

robber,thief,burglar 326

Romance languages 326

round,around 326

rural,rustic 326

SSabbath,Sunday 328

sailor,mariner,seaman 328

same,similar 328

sample,specimen 329

sanction 329

sanguinary,sanguine 329

sarcasm,irony,satire 330

savant,savoir 330

save,deliver,rescue 330

savings,saving 331

scan 331

scarify 331

scene,scenery 332

scissors 332

score 332

scrutinize,inspect 332

seasonable,seasonal 333

see(to it)that... 333

seem 333

sensible,sensitive 334

sensual,sensuous 335

shade,shadow 335

shape,form 335

sharp,sharply 336

ship,boat 336

should,ought to 336

sight,spectacle 337

sin,crime,vice 338

size up 338

slogan,motto 338

slow,slowly 339

small businessman,small-business man 339

smell,stench,scent 339

so-and-so,so-so 339

so-called 340

so far as...is concerned 340

so that,in order that 340

sojourn 341

sometime,some time,sometimes 341

sort of,kind of,type of 342

speak,say,tell,talk 342

specie,species 343

spill,pour,pore 344

spit,expectorate 344

the spitting(the spit and)image of 344

split infinitive 344

sprain,strain 345

stanch,staunch 345

statesman,politician 345

stationary,stationery 346

stay,stop 346

stigmatize 346

stimulant,stimulus 346

straight,strait 347

strain,stress,tension 347

strata 347

strategy,tactics 348

strip,stripe 348

subsequent,consequent 348

subsist,exist 348

substitute,replace 349

succinct,concise 349

such,so 350

suffice it(to say)that 350

suit,suite 350

supposed to 351

supposedly,presumably 351

sure,surely 352

surpass,supersede 352

surprise,astonish,amaze 352

surround 353

Ttable d'h?te,á la carte 354

take in,take on 354

take it(things)easy 354

take stock in 355

talent,genius 355

tall,high 355

tangle 355

tantamount,equal 356

taste 356

tasteful,tasty 356

tasteless 356

teach one's grandmother to such eggs 357

technique,technology 357

temerarious 357

temerity,timidity 358

tend 358

terrible,terrific 358

terribly 358

than 359

thank 359

that 360

that,which 360

that,who 362

that is(to say),namely,viz.,i.e. 362

the 363

theater,theatre 364

therapy 365

therefor,therefore 365

there is,there are 365

thesaurus 366

thesis 366

thick,dense 366

think 367

this,that 367

though,although 368

through,throughout 368

throw,cast 369

tight,tightly 369

till,until 370

time,times 370

timetable 371

tinge,tint 371

tiring,tiresome 371

together with,along with 371

to infinitive 372

tolerate,bear(with),endure,stand,brook,put up with 372

to my knowledge,to the best of my knowledge 373

too 373

too,also,either 374

tortuous,torturous,tortious 374

total 375

trace,track 375

trade,business,occupation,profession 375

translate,transliterate 376

translucent,transparent 376

transpire 376

transport,convey 377

trip,journey,voyage,tour,travel 377

triumphant,triumphal 378

truth,reality 378

turbid,turgid 378

turn,revolve,rotate 378

type 379

Uultra- 380

umpire,referee 380

unavoidable,inevitable 380

unaware,unawares 381

unbeknownst 381

uncomparable,incomparable 381

unconscious,subconscious 382

under,below 382

understand,comprehend 382

under these(the)circum-stances,in these(the)circumstances 383

under the sun 383

under way 383

undoubtedly,doubtlessly 383

uneatable,inedible 384

unexceptional,unexcep-tionable 384

unfrequent,infrequent 384

university,college 384

unless,if...not 384

unresponsible,irresponsible 386

unsatisfied,dissatisfied 386

unsocial,unsociable 386

upward,upwards 387

urban,urbane 387

use,utilize 387

used to,be used to 388

utter 389

Vvacant,empty 390

vacation,holiday 390

vacillate,fluctuate 391

valuable,valued 391

variety,variance,variation 391

venal,venial 392

venture,adventure 392

veracity,truth 393

verify,corroborate 393

verse,stanza 393

verso,recto 394

very,much 394

via 395

visit,call on(at),drop in 395

vulgarize,popularize 395

Wwage 396

wait,await 396

want,need 396

warm,warmly 397

wax,wane 397

way 397

weak,feeble 398

weather,climate 399

wedding,marriage 399

wet,damp,moist 399

whether,if 400

while,as,when 402

who,whom,whose 403

wish 404

with 404

worth,worth(one's)while,worthy 405

would,used to 406

wrong,wrongly 407

Yyet,already 408

Yiddish 408

young,youthful 408

youth 409

Zzenith,nadir 410

zero 410
