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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:司富珍主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787520312059
  • 页数:446 页
图书介绍:本文集以句法制图为研究主题,内容涉及三个主要的方面:一是理论探索,以Luigi Rizzi教授关于左缘(Left Periphery)结构的理论探索和Richard Larson关于层级特征和层级投射的研究为代表。二是汉语的句法制图研究,内容涉及汉语句法与语义、语用、韵律及形态等多个层面的接口问题。三是跨语言的研究,以日本学者关于日语及日外对比研究的成果为代表。文集的主要贡献者既有句法制图理论的奠基人之一Luigi Rizzi教授,语壳结构(shell structure)理论的创始人Richard Larson教授,也有对汉语、意大利语、荷兰语、日语、阿拉伯语等语言有着丰富研究成果的前沿学者和专家,以及在学术研究活动中暂露头角的青年学人。文集成果在很多方面代表了国际语言学界在句法制图研究方面近两年的最新研究成果。

Introduction&Fuzhen Si 1

Part Ⅰ Theoretical Foundations 9

The Left Periphery:Cartography,Freezing,Labeling&Luigi Rizzi 9

Hierarchies of Features vs.Hierarchies of Projections&Richard Larson 47

Part Ⅱ Cartographic Syntax:Chinese Studies 75

Modal Licensing and Subject Specificity in Mandarin and Taiwan Southern Min:A Cartographic Analysis&Wei-Tien Dylan Tsai&Ching-Yu Helen Yang&Seng-hian Lau 75

A Cartographical Account of Prosodic Syntax in Chinese&Shengli Feng 105

Null Subject,Null Topics and Topic Prominence in Mandarin Chinese and Beyond&Waltraud Paul 134

The Postverbal ACQ and its Alethic Modality&Gong Cheng 163

Two Types of Chinese Possessive Structures&Fuzhen Si 197

Optional Projections in the Left-Periphery in Mandarin Chinese&Victor Junnan Pan 218

The Syntax of Negative Questions and Their Answers in Chinese and English&Xuhui Hu 250

On the Syntactic Distribution of Temporal and Aspectual Adverbs in Mandarin Chinese&Han Wu&Yang Shen 284

Part Ⅲ Cartographic Syntax:Cross-linguistic Studies 303

Variation in English Subject Extraction:The Case of Hyperactive Sub-jects&Liliane Haegeman&Lieven Danckaert 303

Subjectless Sentences in Conversation and the Defectiveness of Their Syntactic Structures&Akihiko Sakamoto&Keita Ikarashi 336

Japanese Particle Wa with a Focal Stress Provokes Exhaustive Identifi-cational Focus&Koichiro Nakamura 352

Apparent Omission of Inflectional Endings in Japanese Adjectives&Masaharu Shimada 371

On Defective CPs in Persian&Negin Ilkhanipour and Ali Darzi 386

Syntactic Cartography Plays a Role:Modal Environment in Subordinate Clauses&Takashi Munakata 403

“Complementizers”and the Right Periphery of Japanese&Tomio Hirose&Hiroyuki Nawata 425
