汉英对照 宋词一百首PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:姚育言编译
- 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787568145107
- 页数:270 页
1.(赵佶)宴山亭·北行见杏花I see apricot blossoms on my northbound way 1
2.(钱惟演)木兰花From atop the bailey,noisy chirps do blackcaps send 4
3.(范仲淹)渔家傲In fall the frontier has,different from home,the sights 6
4.(范仲淹)苏幕遮The sky appears celeste with clouds in white 9
5.(范仲淹)御街行The fretful falling leaves caress the grassy steps 11
6.(张先)千秋岁Cuckoo,cuckoo,cuckoo 13
7.(张先)菩萨蛮She plays on the zither song of Xiang Rill 16
8.(张先)醉垂鞭On dress hers flutter two embroidered butterflies 18
9.(张先)一丛花When will I end ascending high to yearn for the far? 20
10.(张先)天仙子Goblet in hand,I list to Melody of Eau 23
11.(张先)青门引It just gets warm,so there’s a nip 26
12.(晏殊)浣溪沙I taste so new a poem with a cup of wine 28
13.(晏殊)浣溪沙A people’s lifetime fleets as gone is an instant brief 30
14.(晏殊)清平乐In the letter red the words are close and fine 32
15.(晏殊)清平乐The autumn wind is cool and light 34
16.(晏殊)木兰花After gone swans and swallows orioles migrate 36
17.(晏殊)木兰花The pond is blue and vernal breezes warmly blow 38
18.(晏殊)诉衷情The wind from east is blowing willows nicely green 40
19.(晏殊)玉楼春An arbor stands by a road through verdant willows and lawn 42
20.(晏殊)破阵子Swallows arrive on sacred rites to village gods 44
21.(晏殊)踏莎行Our farewell was made in a long kiosk with songsand toot 46
22.(晏殊)踏莎行The paths with scattering blows 48
23.(晏殊)蝶恋花To verdant willows clings the winding balustrade 50
24.(韩缜)凤箫吟My parting grief do grasses comprehend 52
25.(宋祁)木兰花The east of the city has a better and better view 55
26.(欧阳修)玉楼春Since parting theirs,of where her husband isshe’s dim 57
27.(欧阳修)生查子Last Lantern Festival night this while 59
28.(欧阳修)采桑子Though blooms are sear 61
29.(欧阳修)诉衷情An early morning found her lift her frosted screen 63
30.(欧阳修)踏莎行The mumes inside the pothouse have but blossomends 65
31.(欧阳修)蝶恋花A gate within a gate and again, how many thresholds deep? 67
32.(欧阳修)蝶恋花Who says I have for long abandoned languors mine? 69
33.(欧阳修)蝶恋花These days where’s it,the rack on roam? 71
34.(欧阳修)渔家傲Two oars are heard amain to knock fromunder blows 73
35.(欧阳修)浪淘沙Inviting east I pledge my wine 75
36.(欧阳修)青玉案In all the year how many vernal days are there? 77
37.(柳永)倾怀Wild ducks alight upon a frost-bit cay 79
38.(柳永)安公子On yonder river bank does the rainfall wanes 82
39.(柳永)曲玉管Atop the mountains clouds in flight 85
40.(柳永)雨霖铃Fall cicadas made sad cries 88
41.(柳永)蝶恋花In cottony breeze by the rails upon the tower 90
42.(柳永)采莲令With moonlight off 92
43.(柳永)浪淘沙慢I’m bang awoke 94
44.(柳永)定风波This springtime 97
45.(柳永)少年游On Chang’an road,a crock do I slowly ride 100
46.(柳永)戚氏In latest fall at dusk 102
47.(柳永)夜半乐The clouds are dark 107
48.(柳永)玉蝴蝶The rain abates and clouds disperse away 111
49.(柳永)八声甘州At dusk a douse of rain is from the River’s sky in winds 114
50.(柳永)迷神引My shallop’s sail is low withdrawn 117
51.(柳永)竹马子I climb atop a forlorn redoubt 120
52.(王安石)桂枝香I overlook at the height I ascend 123
53.(王安石)千秋岁引At inns the washers beetle clothes 126
54.(王安国)清平乐The spring can not be urged to stay 128
55.(晏几道)玉楼春Again the easterly plays a scheme which lacksof ruth 130
56.(晏几道)临江仙When I awoke from a dream,the tower was underlock 132
57.(晏几道)蝶恋花During my dream I waded waterways 134
58.(晏几道)蝶恋花Of what was like in squiffedness in the revel house 136
59.(晏几道)鹧鸪天A jade-like cup in hand,to me, you pledgedbooze 138
60.(晏几道)生查子His dreams repair through many a pass and ghaut 140
61.(晏几道)浣溪沙I paint my brows in long to win my mateys every day 142
62.(晏几道)木兰花At dusk the swing yard found her plies of curtains fall 144
63.(晏几道)清平乐I hard persuaded him to stay but failed 146
64.(晏几道)阮郎归Remnant odours smell its former flavour 148
65.(晏几道)阮郎归The dewdrops frost the distant joss-held copper tray 150
66.(晏几道)六幺令The springtime terminates in foliage lush 152
67.(晏几道)御街行South to the street is full of floss from verdanttrees 155
68.(晏几道)虞美人Beyond the winding parapet skies are water-blue 157
69.(晏几道)留春令On painted screen the scene extends to thewelkin side 159
70.(晏几道)思远人With maples red and yellow mums,an autumnend array 161
71.(苏轼)八声甘州·寄参寥子A Letter to Master Can Liao 163
72.(苏轼)卜算子·黄州定慧院寓居作Written at the abode in the Dinghui Courtyard in Huangzhou 166
73.(苏轼)念奴娇·赤壁怀古Reflection on the Red-Clif’s story 168
74.(苏轼)水龙吟·次韵章质夫杨花词To the tune of Ode to Catkins by Zhang Zhi-fu 171
75.(苏轼)水调歌头Since when is the moon in the sphere? 174
76.(苏轼)永遇乐Moonlight hoar 177
77.(苏轼)洞仙歌Her skin as smooth as ice and limbs as fine as jade. 180
78.(苏轼)青玉案·送伯固归吴中Written to Bogu who returns to the middle Kingdom Wu 183
79.(苏轼)临江仙At Eastern Slope I drunk,awoke,and again in rum 185
80.(苏轼)定风波Don’t perpend to the flicks,on bosquets,made by rain 187
81.(苏轼)江城子·乙卯正月二日夜记梦A diary on a dream on the night of lunar January the 20th,1075 190
82.(苏轼)贺新郎Squab swallows fly across the pompous house 192
83.(秦观)桃源忆故人A wife is left by her he in tower deep and serene 195
84.(秦观)望海潮The plain and elegant blooms of mume are sparse 197
85.(秦观)八六子Against an alcove high I lean 201
86.(秦观)满庭芳Clouds that are fleecy touch the mountains high 204
87.(秦观)鹊桥仙The tender clouds display the weaving lady’s knack 207
88.(秦观)满庭芳Clouds at the daybreak lift 209
89.(秦观)减字木兰花I bear a spleen for long upon his roving far 212
90.(秦观)浣溪沙Lethargic chill ascends upon the tower small 214
91.(秦观)阮郎归The Xiang’s skies in winter bring forth the earliest wind and rain 216
92.(晁元礼)绿头鸭Dusk clouds disappear 218
93.(赵令畤)蝶恋花She wills to, but for chill,reduce her wear 222
94.(赵令畤)蝶恋花In catkin scud with wind the vernal nip begins to end 224
95.(赵令畤)清平乐Like the old is vernal wind 226
96.(晁补之)水龙吟·次韵林圣予《惜春》The same characters for rhyming as Sigh for the Lapse of Spring by Lin Shengyu 228
97.(晁补之)忆少年·别历下A goodbye to Li Xia 231
98.(晁补之)洞仙歌·泗州中秋作Composed in Sizhou on Mid-autumn Festival 233
99.(晁冲之)临江仙During the old time we drank at the Jinming Mere 236
100.(舒亶)虞美人 The blooms of lotus passé,waters lick the sky 238
词汇表Vocabulary 240
主要参考书目 270
- 《清代宋词学研究》曹明升著 2019
- 《宋词小札》刘逸生著 2019
- 《北宋词闺阁书写之研究 下》张嘉惠著 2015
- 《中国关键词 19大篇 汉英对照 2 权威解读当代中国》中国外文出版发行事业局,当代中国与世界研究院,中国翻译研究院著 2018
- 《北宋词闺阁书写之研究 上》张嘉惠著 2015
- 《中华之美丛书 诗经与诗意画 汉英对照》秦慧敏责任编辑;(中国)许渊冲 2019
- 《唐五代两宋词简史》郑振铎著 2019
- 《马克思主义中国化进程中经典著作编译与传播研究》王海军著 2019
- 《中国传统文化关键词 汉英对照》(中国)《中华思想文化术语》编委会 2019
- 《人体解剖图谱 汉英法拉对照》(法)J.M.布尔热里,N.H.雅各布著;徐坤译 2018
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《中国地方艺文荟萃 华北东北卷 第1辑 3》《中国地方艺文荟萃》编委会编 2018
- 《中国地方艺文荟萃 华北东北卷 第1辑 1》《中国地方艺文荟萃》编委会编 2018
- 《复旦大学新闻学院教授学术丛书 新闻实务随想录》刘海贵 2019
- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《唐代营州与东北边疆经略》宋卿著 2019