- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄建滨,金忍冬主编;周亚红,陈伶俐,焦华红,阮丹副主编
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787308174909
- 页数:171 页
Chapter 1 The Nation 1
1.Administrative Divisions in China 2
2.The General Situation of China's Electoral System(Part One) 4
3.The General Situation of China's Electoral System(Part Two) 6
4.Military Service 8
5.Women in China 10
6.Higher Education in China 12
Chapter 2 History 15
1.A Brief Introduction to the Qin and the Han Dynasties 16
2.A Brief Introduction to the Period from the Jin to the Sui Dynasties 18
3.A Brief Introduction to the Period from the Tang to the Yuan Dynasties 20
4.A Brief Introduction to the Ming Dynasty 22
5.A Brief Introduction to the Qing Dynasty 24
6.The May Fourth Movement 26
Chapter 3 Food 29
1.Delicious Chinese Cuisine 30
2.Shandong Cuisine 32
3.Hui Cuisine 34
4.Wonton 36
5.Jiangsu Cuisine 38
6.Tonic Food 40
Chapter 4 Tourism 43
1.The Three Gorges of the Changjiang River(Part One) 44
2.The Three Gorges of the Changjiang River(Part Two) 46
3.The Potala Palace 48
4.Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes 50
5.The Detian Waterfall 52
6.Yellow Crane Tower 54
Chapter 5 Art 57
1.Millennial Traditional Cultural Elements:Seals 58
2.Jingtailan 60
3.Chinese Bronze Ware Culture 62
4.Huangmei Opera 64
5.Suzhou Pingtan 66
6.Dutar 68
Chapter 6 Famous People 71
1.Yuan Longping(Part One) 72
2.Yuan Longping(Part Two) 74
3.Ai Qing 76
4.Bai Juyi 78
5.Xu Guangqi(Part One) 80
6.Xu Guangqi(Part Two) 82
Chapter 7 Health 85
1.Xingyi Quan 86
2.Massage(Part One) 88
3.Massage(Part Two) 90
4.Guasha(Part One) 92
5.Guasha(Part Two) 94
6.Guasha(Part Three) 96
Chapter 8 Zhejiang 99
1.Hangzhou's West Lake(Part One) 100
2.Hangzhou's West Lake(Part Two) 102
3.The Administrative Assistants from Shaoxing(Part One) 104
4.The Administrative Assistants from Shaoxing(Part Two) 106
5.Mount Yandang(Part One) 108
6.Mount Yandang(Part Two) 110
Chapter 9 Traditional Architecure 113
1.Tulou(Part One) 114
2.Tulou(Part Two) 116
3.Diaojiaolou 118
4.Arch Bridge(Part One) 120
5.Arch Bridge(Part Two) 122
6.Cable Suspension Bridge 124
Chapter 10 Legend 127
1.Cowherd and the Weaving Maid 128
2.Mazu(Part One) 130
3.Mazu(Part Two) 132
4.Mazu(Part Three) 134
5.Mazu(Part Four) 136
6.Ancestor Worship 138
Key to the Exercises(Exercise One) 140
Vocabulary 145
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