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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杨应选等编著
  • 出 版 社:重庆:重庆出版社
  • 出版年份:1988
  • ISBN:7536603630
  • 页数:394 页
标签:铜矿 编著

Preface 1

Abstract 1

Foreword 1

英文摘要 1

一、沉积建造的构造属性划分及其序列 8

(1)Tectonic property and tectonic sequence of sedimentary formation 8

1.Formation feature and sequence of Precambrian 8

I.A Summary of regional geological setting 8

第一章 区域地质背景概述 8

第一节 前寒武纪地层建造特征及其层序划分 8

(2)Division and correlation of Precambrian sequence 11

二、前寒武系群、组划分及层序对比 11

2.Magmatism and its evolutionary trend 12

一、岩浆活动期次的初步划分 12

第二节 岩浆作用特征及其演化趋势 12

(1)Preliminary division of phases of magmation 12

二、岩浆作用特征及演化规律 15

(2)Characteristics and evolutionary regularity of magmatism 15

一、前寒武纪的基底和构造一建造层的划分 16

第三节 区域构造演化及构造格局 16

(1)Division of Precambrian basement and tectonicformation units 16

3.Regional tectonic evolution and tectonic framework 16

二、经、纬向构造与古裂陷构造的发育 22

(2)Development of latitudinal and longitudinal fractures and palaeoaulacogens 22

(3)Tectonism evolution and overall tectonic framework 29

三、构造作用演化及总体构造格局 29

II.Time -space distribution and genetic classification of the stratabound copper deposits 34

1. Time -space distribution of the stratabound copper deposits 34

(1)Principal copper-bearing horizons and their distribution 34

第二章 铜矿时空分布及矿床成因分类 34

一、主要含铜层位及其分布 34

第一节 铜矿的时空分布及其特征 34

(2)Time distribution of the copper deposits 35

二、铜矿的时间分布及其特征 35

三、含铜层位的富集度及铜矿富集期 39

(3)Enrichment degree and phases of copper ore 39

四、铜矿的空间分布及其特征 40

(4)Space distribution of the copper deposits 40

一、细碧-角斑岩火山建造中铜矿 44

第二节 含铜地层“相序结构”分析 44

(1)Facies sequence structure in spilite-keratophyre formation 44

2.Facies sequence structure analysis of copper-horizons 44

二、陆源碎屑-碳酸盐建造中铜矿 48

(2)Facies sequence stucture in terrigenous clastic Sedimentary-carbonate formation 48

第三节 铜矿研究现状及矿床成因分类 59

一、铜矿研究现状及存在问题 59

(1)The present situation of the research and existing problems 59

3.The present situation of the research on the stratabound copper deposits and their genetic classification 59

二、铜矿建造系列及矿床类型的划分 61

(2)Deposit series and genetic classification of the stratabound copper deposits 61

III.The st ratabound copper deposits occurring in terrigenous sedimentary formation 65

1.Dongchuan type stratabound copper deposits 65

第一节 “东川式”铜矿 65

第三章 陆源沉积岩建造中的铜矿床 65

(1)Regional geological setting 66

一、区域地质背景(以东川铜矿为例) 66

(2)Geological-geochemical characteristics of the deposits 70

二、矿床地质地球化学特征 70

三、东川式铜矿含矿围岩的褪色化作用 86

(3)Decolorization of the host rocks 86

(4)Reformation and the related deposits 90

四、东川式铜矿的改造作用及其有关矿床类型 90

(5)Ore control factors 94

五、成矿控制因素 94

六、 矿床成因探讨 95

(6)Approach to the genesis of the deposits 95

(7)Ore-forming process and genetic mechanism of the deposits 98

七、东川式铜矿的成矿作用及形成机理 98

(1)Regional geology 101

2.Lixi type stratabound copper deposits 101

一、区域地质概况 101

第二节 “黎溪式”铜矿 101

(2)Geological-geochemical characteristics of the deposits 106

二、矿床地质地球化学特征 106

(3)The relation of organic material to the ore-formation 114

三、有机质与铜矿的关系 114

(4)Metallogenetic condition nd mettallogeny 116

四、黎溪式铜矿的成矿条件分析及矿床成因 116

第四章 富钠火山-沉积变质建造中的铜矿床 118

第一节 区域地质背景 118

1.Regional geological setting 118

IV.The stratabound copper deposits occurring metamorphosed in Na-rich volcanic-sedimentary formation 118

(1)Correlations of stratigraphy and copper-bearing formation 119

一、地层及含矿建造的对比 119

(2)Regional tectonic conditions 121

二、区域构造环境 121

(3)Magmatism 122

三、岩浆活动 122

第二节 大红山铜矿床 124

2.Dahongshan stratabound copper deposit 124

一、含矿建造及火山岩 124

(1)Copper-bearing formation and volcanics 124

二、矿床地质地球化学特征 138

(2)Geological-geochemical characteristic of the deposit 138

(1)Copper-bearing formation and volcanics 153

3.Lala strata bound copper deposit 153

第三节 拉拉铜矿床 153

一、含矿建造及火山岩 153

二、矿床地质地球化学特征 163

(2)Geological-geochemical characteristics of the deposit 163

4.Volcanic exhalative-sedimentary mechanism of the genesis of Dahongshan and Lala stratabound copper deposits 182

第四节 大红山铜矿床和拉拉铜矿床的火山喷气-沉积成矿机制 182

V.The stratabound copper deposits occurring in volcanic-sedimentary(black shale-carbonate) formation (Yimen type opper eposits) 184

1.Regional geological setting 184

第五章 火山沉积-黑色页岩—碳酸盐建造中的(易门式)铜矿床 184

第一节 区域地质背景 184

2.Shishan subtype stratiform copper deposits 188

(1)General geology 188

第二节 狮山型层状铜矿床 188

一、矿区地质简述 188

二、含矿建造 189

(2)Copper-bearing formation 189

三、火山岩 197

(3)Volcanics 197

(4)Geological-geochenrical characteristics of the deposits 201

四、狮山型层状铜矿床的地质地球化学特征 201

(5)Volcanic exhalative-sedimentary genesis of S hishan subtype stratiform copper deposits 218

五、狮山型层状铜矿床的火山喷气-沉积成因 218

(6)Brief conclusions 223

六、简短的结论 223

3.Fengshan subtype stratabound copper deposits 224

(1)Geological-geochemical charactevistics of the deposits 224

一、凤山型层控铜矿床的地质地球化学特征 224

第三节 凤山型层控铜矿床 224

(2)Regeneration genesis of Fengshan subtype stratabound copper deposits 236

二、凤山型层控铜矿床的再生成因 236

1.Trace element geochemistry 240

(1)Geochemistry of cobalt and nickel 240

VI.Regional geochemis of the strata bound copper deposits 240

一、钴 、镍地球化学 240

第六章 区域矿床地球化学 240

第一节 微量元素地球化学 240

(2)Geochemistry of lead and zinc 243

二、铅、锌地球化学 243

(3)Geochemistry of arsenic 244

三、砷地球化学 244

(4)Geochemistry of gold and silver 245

四、金、银地球化学 245

(5)Geochemistry of selenium and tellurium 248

五、硒、碲地球化学 248

(6)Courelation of the trace elements in the sulfides 250

六、硫化物中元素的相关性 250

七、含矿地层稀土地球化学 255

(7)REE Geochemistry of the copper-bearing herizons 255

第二节 铜同位素地球化学 262

2.Lead isotopic geochemistry 262

(1)Lead isotopic composition and giagenetic-metallogenetic age of the stratabound copper deposits in Central Yunnan region 263

一、滇中地区层控铜矿铅同位素特征及成岩成矿年龄 263

二、西昌地区层控铜矿铅同位素 274

(2)Lead isotopic composition of the stratabound copper deposits in X ichang region 274

第三节 硫同位素地球化学 277

3.Sulphur isotope geochemistry 277

(1)Snlphur isotopic composition of the different deposits 278

一、不同矿床硫同位素 278

(2)Influence of metamorphism on sulphur isotopic composition of the stratabound copper deposit 283

二、变质作用对矿床硫同位素组成的影响 283

1.Relation o f the primary concentration of Cu to horizon and lithofacies 284

第七章 区域控矿因素及富集规律分析 284

第一节 层位及岩相与铜矿的初始富集 284

一、不整合面在矿源层和含铜层位形成中的意义 284

(1)The role of unconformity in the formation of the source-bed and copper-bearing horizons 284

VII.Re gional copper ore control factors and concentration regularity of Cu 284

(2)Optimum lithofacies assemblage pattern and facies sequence structure ore control 287

二、成矿最佳岩相组合形式及相序结构控矿 287

一、含铜层位中的生物标志及其分布 291

第二节 生物及有机质在铜矿富集中的作用 291

(1)Organic marking in copper-bearing horizons 291

2.The role of organism in concentration of Cu 291

(2)The relation of concentration of Cu to algal stromatoli ?e 292

二、藻叠层石的分布及与铜矿富集的关系 292

(3)The relation of concentration of Cu to high-carbon horizon 296

三、高碳质层的分布及与铜矿富集的关系 296

(4)The relation of the formation of sulfide concretion to organic agency 299

四、硫化物结核体的形成与生物作用 299

(5)The sulphur isotopic composition of the sulfides comparing with that of organogenic deposits abroad 303

五、硫 同位素组成特征及与国外生物成因矿床的比较 303

(1)Regional faulted struture and copper-bearing sedimentary basin 307

一、区域裂陷构造与含铜沉积盆地的形成 307

第三节 构造及其组合与铜矿的再造富集 307

3.The relation of copper ore reconstruction enrichment to structure or composite structure 307

二、挤压变形带和组合构造与铜矿的再造富集 309

(2)The relation of copper ore reconstruction enrichment to compression deformation zone and composite structure 309

(3)The relation of copper ore reconstruction enrichment to piercement (diapirs) structure 316

三、刺穿构造 与铜矿的再造富集 316

4.The relation of copper ore reconstruction enrichment to subvolcanic intrusion and composite breccia 321

(1)The relation of copper ore reconstruction enrichment to basic-intermediate subvolcanic intrusion 321

第四节 次火山-侵入岩和复成角砾岩与铜矿的再造富集 321

一、中、基性次火山-侵入岩与铜矿的再造富集 321

(2)The relation of copper ore reconstruction enrichment to composite breccia 326

二、不同成因角砾岩与铜矿的再造富集 326

(1)Metamorphic trait and regressive metamorphism of copper-bearing strata 327

5.The role of metamorphism in secondary concentration of Cu 327

第五节 变质作用与铜矿再造富集的关系 327

一、含铜地层的变质特征及退化变质作用 327

(2)Thermodynamic mark of regressive metamorphism of some minerals 328

二、某些矿物退化变质的热力学标志 328

(3)Chemical reaction of regressive metamorphism 331

三、退化变质的矿物化学反应方式 331

第六节 成矿作用阶段及成矿作用演化 332

一、同生沉积与后生改造的关系 332

(1)The relation of syngenetic sedimenration to hysterogenetic reformation 332

6.Phases and evolution of the ore -formation 332

(2)Composite pattern and evolutionary model of the ore-formation 334

二、成矿方式组合与成矿作用演化模式 334

一、大红山(河口)群中铜矿 337

第一节 层控铜矿区域成矿远景分析 337

第八章 区域成矿远景预测及找矿方向 337

VIII.The regional metallogenic perspective prognosis and the direction of the search for t he str atabound copper deposits 337

1.The regional perspective analysis of the search for the stratabound copper deposits 337

(1)The perspective of the search for the copper ore in Dahongshan (Hekou) Group 337

二、昆阳(会理)群中铜矿 338

三、震旦系中铜矿 343

(3)The perspective of the search for the copper ore in Sinian 343

2.The estimation of the potential ore in some copper-bearing rock zones 347

(1)The principle, method and parameters of analog estimation 347

第二节 某些含矿岩带潜在远景估算 347

一、模拟估算的方法、原则及参数 347

二、某些含矿岩带潜在远景储量的估算 348

(2)The estimation of the potential ore in some copper-bearing rock zones 348

3.The main direction of the search for the deposit and the prognosis of the perspective sectors 352

(1)The main direction of the search for the deposits of the principal deposit series 352

第三节 找矿主攻方向及远景地段预测 352

一、主要成矿系列的找矿主攻方向 352

(2)The Preliminary prognosis of the perspective sec?ors 353

二、找矿远景地段的初步预测 353

(1)Synthetic search of minerals and synthetic evaluation 361

第四节 综合找矿及深部找矿 361

一、综合找矿及综合评价 361

4.Synthetic search for minerals and the search for the blind deposit 361

(2)The search for the blind deposit and enlargement Perspective 364

二、深部找矿与扩大远景 364

(3)The application of new technique to the prognosis of the blind deposit 368

三、盲矿预测与新技术的应用 368

结论 370

References 375

参考文献 375

Explanation of plates 378

(2)The perspective of the search for the copper ore in Kunyang( Huili) Group 378

图片说明 378

Plates 383

图版 383
