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组织行为手册  英文版
组织行为手册  英文版

组织行为手册 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)阿恩特·佐尔格(ArndtSorge),(美)马尔科姆·沃纳(MalcolmWarner)主编
  • 出 版 社:沈阳:辽宁教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7538254110
  • 页数:752 页
《组织行为手册 英文版》目录

Introduction 3

Organization behaviour,Arndt Sorge 3

List of Contributors 7

Acknowledgements 11

Foreword 12

Organization behaviour,history of,Malcolm Warner 21

Theoretical approaches and paradigms 33

Organization paradigms,Gibson Burrell 33

Organization types,Richard Butler 48

Aston Group,Jerald Hage 57

Agency,markets and hierarchies,Anna,Grandori 64

Managerial theories of the firm,R.L,Marris 79

Evolutionary theories of the firm,Geoffrey M.Hodgson 88

Labour process,Chris Smith 95

Growth of the firm and networking,Edith Penrose 104

Human relations,Pauline Graham 113

Organizing,process of,Barbara Czarniawska 120

Deconstruction analysis and management,Karen Legge 136

Strategic choice,John Child 144

Intemal contexts and external environments,Arjen van Witteloostuijn 163

Organizing in its contexts and environments 163

Business systems,Richard Whitley 173

Organizational convergence,Derek Pugh and David Hickson 187

Organization culture,Geert Hofstede 193

Inter-organizational relations,Jorg Sydow 211

Communication,cross-cultural,Joo-Seng Tan 226

Organization networks,Hakan Hakansson 232

Organization populations,Rolf Ziegler 241

Corporate govermance,Jay Lorsch and Samantha K.Graff 252

Accounting and organizations,Jeremy F.Dent 262

Technology and organizations,Ray Loveridge 283

Specific fields in organization 297

Organizational information and knowledge,Kenneth Lanudon and William H.Starbuck 297

Decision making,Richard Butler 308

Co-ordination and control,Armand Hatchuel 330

Leadership,Frank Heller 340

Managerial behaviour,Rosemary Stewart 350

Crisis management,Simon Booth 367

Guru concept,Andrzej Huczynski 374

Organization structure,Cas Vroom 384

Multinational corporations,organization structure in,Daniel Sullivan 395

Public sector organizations,Jean-Clavde Thoenig 421

The Organizational microcosm 433

Occupational psychology,David Guest 435

Work ethic,Frank Heller and S.Antonio Ruiz-Quintanilla 453

Motivation and satisfaction,Andr e Biissing 459

Conflict and politics,Jean-Francois Chanlat 472

Power,Stewart R.Clegg 481

Groups and teams,Friso den Hertog and Thera Tolner 492

Hawthome experiments,Jeffrey A.Sonnenfeld and Jennifer M.Myatt 502

Success,change and evolution 509

Organizational performance,Peter Clark 511

Innovation and change,Johannes M.Pennings 524

Organizational learning,Silvia Gherardi 542

Organization development,Diether Gebert 552

Organization decline and failure,Marshall W.Meyer 570

Organization evolution,Alfred Kieser 580

Biographies 589

Barnard,Chester Irving,Sheila G.Rothwell 591

Fayol,Henri,Adrian Campbell 597

Follett,Mary Parker,Pauline Graham 603

Ford,Henry,Ian Glover 608

Herzberg,Frederick,Philippe Bernoux 618

Hofstede,Geert,Monir Tayeb 624

Ishikawa,Kaoru,Mohamed Zairi 631

Lawrence,Paul Roger and Lorsch,Jay William,Geoff Mallory 637

Lewin,Kurt,Frank Heller 641

March,James Gardiner and Cyert,Richard Michael,Geoff Mallory 647

Maslow,Abraham H.Adrian Campbell 651

Mayo,George Elton,Richard Gillespie 655

Mintzberg,Henry,Charles Hampden-Turner 661

Simon,Herbert Alexander,Richard Butler 665

Sloan,alfred Pritchard,Jr,Ian Glover 669

Taylor,Frederick Winslow,Malcolm Warner 680

Trist,Eric Lansdown,Richard Trahair 685

Ueno,Yoichi,L.I.Okazaki-Ward 691

Weber,Max,George Ritzer 699

Woodward,Joan,Sandra Dawson 705

Index 713
