许国璋《英语》 第3册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:许国璋主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7560006671
- 页数:567 页
1.Text:The Art Scholarship (Scene Ⅰ) 9
2.Text:The Art Scholarship (Scene Ⅱ) 19
3.Text:A Sweet Potato Plot 30
4.Text:Golden Trumpets 43
5.Text:Killers of Bacteria 57
6.Text:The Blind Men and the Elephant 71
7.Text:Africa—Land and Civilization 84
8.Text:The Study of English 97
9.Text:Lenin in London 119
10.Text:Heart Transplants 134
11.Text:A Doctor Sent by Chairman Mao 148
12.Text:Our Earth 164
13.Text:The Great Hall of the People—A Foreign Visitor’s Impressions of Peking 181
14.Text:To China at Ninety 196
15.Text:The Cop and the Anthem 219
16.Text:The Financiers 237
17.Text:The Financiers (Continued) 255
18.Text:Robinson Crusoe Makes Himself a Boat 271
Appendix 285
1.Vocabulary 285
2.Idioms and Expressions 299
3.Proper Names 302
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- 《北京审计学会主编怎样查帐和调帐》刘大贤,傅磊 1990
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