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唱起来  英语歌曲122首
唱起来  英语歌曲122首

唱起来 英语歌曲122首PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈枝英,陈平兴等编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:1973
  • ISBN:7560002757
  • 页数:207 页
《唱起来 英语歌曲122首》目录
标签:起来 歌曲

Joe Hill(乔·希尔) 1

Jarama(雅拉玛) 3

I ve Been Wukkin on De Railroad(我曾工作在铁路上) 4

The Farmer Is the Man(农民进城) 5

Kevin Barry(凯文·巴利) 6

Black and White(黑人和白人) 8

Cook House(伙房) 9

Friendship Blossom by the Sunshine(乒坛盛开友谊花) 10

Little Boxes(小房屋) 11

Sunlight and Freedom(同志们,勇敢地前进!) 13

There Is Cheese(有奶酪) 14

Which Side Are You on?(你站在哪一边?) 15

We Shall Not Be Moved(我们坚决不动摇) 16

What Did You Learn In School Today?(你今天在学校学到了什么?) 17

America,the Beautiful(美丽的亚美利加) 19

Columbia,the Gem of the Ocean(哥伦比亚·海上的明珠) 21

Dixie(迪克西) 23

Hold the Fort(坚守堡垒) 25

Just Before the Battle,Mother(战场思亲) 26

John Brown s Body(约翰·布朗的遗体) 28

My Maryland(我的马里兰) 30

The Battle Cry of Freedom(自由战斗的呼声) 32

This Land Is Your Land (这土地是你的土地) 34

Tramp,Tramp,Tramp(健儿们,前进!) 36

Yankee Doodle(扬基歌) 38

I m on My Way (我要上路) 40

Deep River(深深的河) 43

Nobody Knows the Trouble I ve Seen(没有人知道我的痛苦) 44

Follow the Drinking Gourd(跟随那北极星) 45

Heab n(天堂) 48

Jim Crow(黑人要自由) 50

Massa s in De Cold Cold Ground(马萨长眠在冰冷的地下) 52

My Old Kentucky Home(我的肯塔基故乡) 54

Old Folks at Home(故乡的亲人) 57

Ol Man River(老人河) 59

Old Black Joe(老黑奴) 62

Swing Low,Sweet Chariot(马车从天上下来) 64

Water Boy(挑水的孩子) 66

The Loreley(洛列莱) 68

While Strolling Through the Park One Day(有一天我漫步在公园) 70

Londonderry Air(伦敦德里小调) 72

Irish Lullaby(爱尔兰摇篮曲) 74

The Twelve Days of Christmas(圣诞节的十二天) 76

Oh,No,John(噢,不,约翰) 78

Home on the Range(牧场上的家) 80

Cradle Song(摇篮曲) 82

Jingle Bells(铃儿响叮当) 83

The Spanish Cavalier(西班牙骑士) 85

Silver Threads Among the Gold(两鬓丝丝白发生) 87

Annie Laurie(安妮·罗莉) 90

Home,Sweet Home(可爱的家) 92

Making Hay(晒牧草) 94

The Blue- tail Fly(马蝇) 96

Oh,My Darling Clementine!(克里门泰因) 98

Song of Cocoanut Isle(椰岛之歌) 100

Beautiful Solo(梭罗河) 103

The Linden Tree(菩提树) 105

In the Gloaming(黄昏来临) 107

Believe Me,If All Those Endearing Young Charms(即使你的青春美丽都消逝) 109

Oh,Mari!(噢,玛丽!) 111

There s Music in the Air(音乐在空中回荡) 113

My Bonnie(我的爱人) 114

Auld Lang Syne(友谊地久天长) 116

Loch Lomond(罗梦湖) 118

Beautiful Dreamer(美丽的梦神) 119

Oh,Susanna(噢,苏珊娜) 121

Land of the Silver Birch(白桦树家乡) 123

My Heart Is in the Highlands(我的心怀念高原) 124

The Minstrel Boy(少年歌手) 125

Song My Mother Taught Me(母亲教我的歌) 127

The Blue Bell of Scotland (苏格兰的蓝铃花) 128

Santa Lucia (桑塔·露琪亚) 129

My Sunshine(我的太阳) 130

Aloha Oe(骊歌) 132

Stars of the Summer Night(夏夜星光) 134

The Last Rose of Summer(夏天最后一朵玫瑰) 135

Long,Long Ago(多年以前) 136

Love s Old Sweet Song (古老的情歌) 138

Juanita(幻妮塔) 140

Come Back to Sorrento(重归苏莲托) 141

Cielito Lindo(美丽的天堂) 142

Carry Me Back to Old Virginny(把我带回弗吉尼亚故乡) 143

Over the Summer Sea(夏日泛舟海上) 145

Oh!Danny Boy (啊,丹尼) 147

Rose of Tralee(特罗里的玫瑰) 148

Red River Valley(红河村) 150

The Ash Grove(梣丛) 152

When You and I Were Young,Maggie(梅姬,当你和我年轻的时候) 155

Zuni Sunrise Song(黎明的召唤) 157

Adieu(再见) 158

Big Rock Candy Mountain(巨石糖果山) 159

Hear the Wind Blow(听风声阵阵) 161

The Quilting Party(针线晚会) 162

When the Moon Comes over the Mountain(当月儿高挂山巅) 163

The Rio Grande(里奥格兰河) 164

The Curtains of Night(夜幕) 165

When It s Spring Time In the Rockies(当春天来到山间) 166

Roll Along prairie Moon(草原上的月) 167

Moonlight on the Colorado(科罗拉多河上月光明亮) 168

My Favourite Thing s(我心爱的东西) 170

Edelweiss(宝雪花) 172

Do-Re-Me(哆?咪) 173

The Sound of Music(音乐之声) 175

Climb Ev ry Mountain(爬遍群山) 177

Counting Song(学算术) 178

Read and Write(读书写字) 180

ABC(字母歌) 181

Robin Redbreast(知更鸟) 182

Graduation Song (毕业歌) 184

Work,for the Night Is Coming(工作吧,夜将临) 186

Good Night,Ladies(姑娘们,再见) 188

Early Mornin Rain(清晨的雨) 189

If I Could(假如我能) 191

Sing(唱吧) 193

Puff,the Magic Dragon(波伏吟) 195

Sing a Song of Sixpence(唱支六便士的歌) 197

Try,Try Again(再试试看) 198

Whatever Will Be,Will Be(应该怎样,就怎样) 199

I m Dreaming of the White Christmas(我向往那白色的圣诞节) 201

I Could Have Danced All Night(我多想通宵跳舞) 202

Paper Roses(一束纸花) 204

Click Go the Shears(羊毛剪子咔嚓响) 206
