- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:肖鹏编著
- 出 版 社:成都:四川辞书出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7805437769
- 页数:249 页
1. Life [David Spohn] 1
2.GOLDEN FRUIT [A. A. Milne] 1
3.Japan War Apology Is Essential to the Future [S. P. Seth] 3
4.Go On, Break the Chain [Deborah Branscum] 7
5.How I d Run Her [Hank Sheinkopf] 8
6.How I d Beat Her [Stuart Stevens] 10
7.Basketball Legend Michael Jordan Retires 11
8.A Brief History of the Future: Hawking Looks into the Future at the White House 14
9.The Religious Path Can Be Difficult To Follow [Robert Field] 16
10.The Thin Red Line 19
11.The Athleles Are the Games [Carl Lewis] 21
12.Prize Fight [Paul E. Shaw] 24
13.Suicide Saves Us from the Sun [Philip Cohen] 27
14.China Demands for Bombing Probe and Apology [Andrew Browne] 29
15.Probing the Mind of the Virus Writer [Milly Jenkins] 32
16.Back to the Three R s [G. Eddy] 35
17. He Walked Like Us, He Talked Like Us [Mark Miller] 37
18.That Little China Chip [Bettie B. Youngs] 41
19.I Have A Dream Dr. [Martin Luther King Jr.] 44
20.How to Make Your Marriage Last Forever [Babarta Smalley] 50
21.Memory [G. Harrold] 52
22.Fear Anger And Revenge [Becky Ferguson] 54
23.To Achieve Your Dreams, Remember Your ABCs 57
24.Letter to A Young Friend [Hari Bedi] 59
25.Reprieve for Breast Implants [Michael D. Lemonick] 61
26.To Be Or Not To Be A Vegetarian [E. Shaw] 63
27.The American Way: Friendship [Billy Haselton] 65
28. Coming Two Days Shy of Martyrdom [Hohn McCormick] 68
29.Read My Lips [Duncan Graham-Rowe] 69
30.Stressed Out? Get a Life by Sorting Out Your Socks [Andrew Tuck] 71
31.The Naked Ape [Paul Shaw] 74
32.Man at His Best [Jock Elliott] 76
33.Boogie Sites [Joshua Quittner] 78
34.The Pager, the Cellular Telephone and the Personal Cordless Telephone [Samson Lee] 81
35.My Forever Valentine [Pamela U. Altendorf] 84
36.Mr Strongfort [M. Z. Shaw] 86
37. One Life to Live-but Can She Act? [Richard Corliss] 89
38.The Shadows [Bruce Hutchison] 91
39.How to Make a Speech? [Peggy Noonan] 94
40.Nine Days That Shook the World [Patrick shaw] 97
41.Couple Finds Being Two of a Kind Is a Recipe for Happiness [Hester Lacey] 98
42.The Man Who Would Be Judge [James Carney] 101
43.How Dangerous Is Oral Sex? [Christine Gorman] 103
44.Not Much of Me [Abraham Lincoln] 105
45.Women Are Becoming Experts at Home Repairs [Delia M Rios] 108
46.The Lost Soul [Ben Hecht] 111
47.Workers Should Now Expect a New Job Every Two Years [Ric Oram] 117
48.Alexandra Nechita Has Been Called a Child Prodigy [Elizabeth Faxlee] 119
49.Rich Boys [William Davey] 121
50.3-DTV [David Graham] 124
51.Philanthropy [Anna Harris Live] 126
52.Kiss Someone Before You Go [Dag Retso] 128
53.Just Trying to Be Cool [Mike Thomas] 129
54.Things You Pretend to Know (And hope no one will ask) [Lynette Padwa] 132
55.Two Types of Characteristics 134
56.Are You Type-H? [R. Williams V. Williams] 136
57.Trust In God, But Lock Your Car [H. jackson. Brown, Jr.] 137
58.A Stranger in the House [Marijke Hilhorst] 139
59.The Joy of Shopping [Dorian H. Prince] 142
60.Research Into Laughter Is Long Overdue [Susan Bowen] 144
61.Unkindest Cut? [Christine Gorman] 146
62.Is Anybody Out There? [David W. Hughes] 148
63.The Winter Cold [Edwin Way Teale] 151
64.Researchers Get a Gripon Runaway Runways 153
65.When Did Aids Begin? [Christine Gorman] 155
66.Teen Girls Partners Are Boys, Not Men [Laura Meckler] 157
67.Those Who Ride on Two Wheels [Virginia Allen] 160
68.The V sign [Tad Tuleja] 162
69.Mandela s Successor: a New Man for a New Hard Era [Mary Braid] 164
70.A White Wall of Death [Paula Greon] 167
71.Love-15 at the open [Steve Wulf] 168
72.Educating Girls and Women: [Sandra J. Bean] 171
73.A Special Physical Examination [Anonymous] 174
74.The Words of Birds [Jason B. Alter] 177
75.The Turnaround at Fiat 179
76.Teens and a Killer Disease [Mark Bregman] 181
77.Assignment in 2004 [Rebecca Winters] 184
78.Generous Old Lady, or Reverse Racist? [Michael Kinsley] 187
79.How to Change Your Point of View [Caroline seebohm] 191
80.A Little at a Time [John Erskine] 194
81.Why I Want a wife [Judy Syfers] 196
82.The Virtues of Aging [Jimmy Carter] 199
83.Adult Talk [Dave Winer] 202
84.Electric Tales --21st Century Books [Frank Vizard] 206
85.What is NATO? [Collins] 209
86.Humble Folk The Strength of grest Britain [Lance Barryman] 211
87.Youth [Samuel Ullman] 213
88.Wrongly Accused of Rape, Man Freed After 83 Days in Jail [LES KENNEDY] 214
89.It Was a good Barn [Edward Ziegler] 216
90.A Respectable Talent for Murder [Helen Paske] 219
91.Poetry Blooms on the Internet [Sheila Bowen] 223
92.Tribute to Diana, Princess of Wales [The Earl Spencer] 225
93.Death Toll in Turkey Nears 10 000 [Selcan Hacaoglu] 229
94.Murder and Robbery Explode on High Seas [Roert Wainwright] 233
95.Peom for a Cop [Paula Frank] 235
96.Stalin s Double Meaning [Samson Lee] 236
97.Star Search [Paul Shaw] 237
98.Don t Grow up [Audy Meisler] 240
99.Scientists Aim For Deep Impact on Comet With 500kg Bullet [Lucy McFadden] 244
100.Pondering the Unanswered Questions of Biology Dr [William Reville] 245
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