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中国农业博物馆建馆十周年论文选集  1986-1996
中国农业博物馆建馆十周年论文选集  1986-1996

中国农业博物馆建馆十周年论文选集 1986-1996PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王广智,陈军主编;中国农业博物馆编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国农业科技出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7801192990
  • 页数:400 页
《中国农业博物馆建馆十周年论文选集 1986-1996》目录

中国农业博物馆十年回顾与展望&白鹤文 1

The Review of the The Years and Prospect in China Agriculture Museum&Bai Hewei 1

History of Science and Technology in Agriculture 4

Technology of Dry Farmland Cultivation in Ancient China&Peng Zhifu and Wang Chaosheng 4

浅析我国古代旱作栽培管理技术&彭治富 王潮生 4

农业科技史 4

Utilization of Waterpower in Agricultur of Ancient China&Min Zongdian 12

水力在中国古代农业上的应用& 闵宗殿 12

Achievements of the Technology in the Seed Selection and Treatment in Ancient China&Wang Chaosheng 19

我国古代农作物选种及种子处理技术成就&王潮生 19

The Measures of Fertilizing Paddy Field in Ancient China &Liu Yanwei 27

我国古代水稻土的培肥措施&刘彦威 27

海外农作物的传入和对我国农业的影响&闵宗殿 33

Introduction of the External Crops and Its Influence Upon the Agriculture of China&Min Zongdian 33

The Experience of Breeding Farm Cattle in Ancient China& Wang Chaosheng 45

浅谈我国古代饲养耕牛的经验&王潮生 45

晋陕蒙接壤区土地利用与土壤侵蚀之历史管窥&刘德雄 52

The History of Use of land and Soil Erosion in the Joint Area of Shanxi,Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia&Liu Dexong 52

晋陕蒙接壤区气候变迁与农牧业生产关系&方配贤 61

The Relationship Between Climate Changes and Agriculture,Livestock Raising in the Joint Are of Shanxi ,Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia&Fang Peixian 61

《齐民要术》中树木栽培管理技术初探&王潮生 75

Technology of Tree Cultivation in Qi Min Yao Shu &Wang Chaosheng 75

Diet Culture of the South and North Dynasties as Seen From Qi Min Yao Shu &Xiao Kezhi and Zhang Hewang 83

从《齐民要术》看南北朝时期饮食文化&萧克之 张合旺 83

Random Notes After Reading“Jiu Huang Ben Cao”(The Edition of Nong Zheng Quan Shu )&Min Zongdian 89

读《救荒本草》(《农政全书本》)札记&闵宗殿 89

Doubts About the Theory of the Quotation of Tu Jing Should be Tu Jing Ben Cao &Min Zongdian 94

《三农纪》所引《图经》为《图经本草》说质疑&闵宗殿 94

Wu Qijun s Style of Study and His Work Zhi Wu Ming Shi Tu kao &Xu Ping 99

吴其浚的学风与《植物名实图考》&徐萍 99

简述民国时期几种粮食作物的病虫害防治&刘彦威 102

Activities Against Diseases and Insect Pests in Grain and Cotton Crops in the Republic of China&Liu Yanwei 102

中国近代家畜疾病防治研究综述&徐旺生 110

A Brief Introduction to Research on Prevention and Cure of Livestock Diseases in Modem China&Xu Wangsheng 110

The Physiocrat Thought and Policy in Ancient China&Peng Zhifu and Wang Chaosheng 119

Agriculture Economy History 119

中国古代的重农思想与重农政策&彭治富 王潮生 119

农业经济史 119

Study on the History of Agricultural Development in the Joint Area of Shanxi Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia&Wang Guangzhi,Chen Jun et al 131

晋陕蒙接壤区农业发展史研究&王广智 陈军等 131

A new Comment on the Nature Origin of Chinese Agriculture&Xu Wangsheng 156

中国农业本土起源新论&徐旺生 156

The Forestry in the Pre-Qin Times&Wang Chaosheng 165

论先秦时期的林业&王潮生 165

西藏原始农业初探&徐旺生 169

Study on the Primitive Agriculture in Tibet&Xu Wangsheng 169

The Features of the Rural Economy Viewed in the Han Carved Stones&Lin Zhengtong 174

从砖石画像看汉代农业经济特点&林正同 174

Research on Military Supply of Grain in the Northwestern Border in the Tang Dynasty&Wu Weiguo 184

唐代西北边郡和籴问题再探&吴卫国 184

The Practice of Agricultural Money Tax in the Ming Time&Li Sanmou 192

明代农业货币税的推行问题&李三谋 192

明代庄田的经济性质及租额问题&李三谋 201

The Economical Nature of the Landlord s Land from Emperor s Besto waland the Volume of Rent-roll&Li Sanmou 201

明清时期太湖地区农业发展的道路&闵宗殿 214

The Way of Agricultural Development in Tai Hu Area During the Ming and Qing Times&Min Zongdian 214

清代北方农地利用特点&李三谋 225

The Way of Use of Land in Northern China During the Qing Dynasty&Li Sanmou 225

清代南方永佃制和额租制的关系问题&李三谋 230

Relationship Between“Yong Dian Zhi (A Rural Tenancy System)and E Zu Zhi (A Quota Land-Rent System)in Southern China in the Ming Time&Li Sanmou 230

清代的人口问题及其农业对策&闵宗殿 238

The Population Problem and Countermeasure in Agriculture in the Qing Dynasty&Min Zongdian 238

The Investigation and Research of Agricultural Natural Resources in the New China&Du Fuquan 248

新中国的农业自然资源调查研究概述&杜富全 248

农业资源评价与开发利用 248

The Appraisal,Exploitation and Utilization of Agricultural Resources 248

The Comment on Both Water and Soil Resources and Their Development in China&Wang Guangzhi 260

我国水土资源的评述和开发研究&王广智 260

Research on Development Mode on Slopping Field in Various Areas of China&Wang Guangzhi 266

我国不同区域坡耕地开发模式研究&王广智 266

Introduction of Collection of the Crop Germpiasm Resource and Investigation in the Main Areas of China &Ma Hongbo 284

我国作物种质资源的征集与重点考察概况&马洪波 284

The Production of Bio -gas in Rural Family in China&Xia Henglian 293

中国农村户用沼气的生产&夏亨廉 293

Characteristics and Development of the Agricultural Resources of the Black Gold Triangle in the Loess Plateau&Chen Jun 299

黄土高原“乌金三角”资源特点及合理利用&陈军 299

The Development Mode and Characte ristics in Agriculture with High-output ,High Efficiency and Good Quality in Different Areas&Wang Guangzhi 308

不同区域高产优质高效农业发展模式及策略&王广智 308

我国茶业生产布局的研究&王广智 319

Research on Distribution of the Tea in China&Wang Guangzhi 319

The Appraisement and Development of the Chinese Gooseberry Resource&Wang Guangzhi 333

我国猕猴桃遗传资源评价与开发&王广智 333

The Further Fruit Development of the Poor Areas in Guangxi Province&Zhang Bujiang 339

浅谈广西贫困山区水果发展的方向&张步江 339

The Preliminary Investigation in the Ecological Environment of Aibi Lake and Suggestion in Its Environmental Protection&Zhao Peng 343

艾比湖生态环境初步考察及生态保护之我见&赵蓬 343

The Courtyard Economy and the Utilization of Farmland and Labor Resources &Zhong Ping 349

庭院经济与土地、劳动力资源的利用&钟萍 349

A Introduction to the Rare Rice Varieties and Their Potential in Exploitation and Utilization&Wang Jianying 352

浅谈珍奇水稻珍奇品种及其开发潜力&汪建英 352

The Present Situation and Development Trend of the Fishery in Rice Field in China&Ren Jianhuang 356

我国稻田养鱼的现状及发展趋势&任建煌 356

Study on Fish-disease Prevention with Immune Way Under Water-tank feeding Condition&Liang Xiangyun 360

水箱养鱼的鱼病免疫防治初探&梁样云 360

The Characteristics and Feeding Methods of the Giant Salamander&Dong ShangWen 366

大鲵的特性及人工饲养方法&董尚文 366

Introduction to Technologies in the Aquatic Feeding in Modem China&Liang Xiangyun 368

我国现代的水产养殖技术概述&梁样云 368

Display,Collection of Exhibits and Others 377

Research and Display of Agricultural History&Wang Chaosheng 377

农史研究与农史陈列&王潮生 377

陈列、藏品与其他 377

Enlightenment Obtained by Making Preparations for the Exhibition of Agricultural Natural Resources and Zoning &Zhao Shutian 381

办“农业自然资源与区划展览 ”得到的启示&赵树恬 381

A Few Opinions About Museum and Education in School&Zhou Shaoying 385

浅谈博物馆与学校教学&周绍英 385

A Humble Opinion on Exhibit Collection of Agriculture Museum&Lin Zhengtong 389

农业博物馆藏品征集工作管见&林正同 389

The Current Situation and the Way to Deal with of the Natural Agricultural Specimens &Lin Zhengtong and Li Zhen 392

农业自然标本保护的现状与对策&林正同 李震 392

The renovation of the Veined Copper Quadripod with Sleeping-tiger Design in Shang Dynasty&Jia Wenzhong 395

商代兽面纹卧虎铜方鼎的修复&贾文忠 395

The Industry of Relic Renovation in Beijing and the Problems on Training Technicians in the Field &Jia Wenzhong 398

北京的文物修复业与文物修复人材的培养&贾文忠 398
