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大学核心英语  读写教程  第2册
大学核心英语  读写教程  第2册

大学核心英语 读写教程 第2册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杨惠中,张彦斌主编;孔庆炎等编写
  • 出 版 社:北京市:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:518 页
《大学核心英语 读写教程 第2册》目录

Unit 单元1 1

Reading Skills 阅读技能 1

三种阅读方法 Three Reading Strategies 1

Reading Passages 阅读材料 6

(A)The Symbolic Process 6

(B)Secret Messages(I) 14

(C)Secret Messages(II) 21

Writing Skills 写作技能 26

动词的补足关系 Complementation of Verbs 26

Unit 单元2 37

Reading Skills 阅读技能 37

如何领会不同体裁文章的主要内容 How to Grasp the Main Ideas of Different Forms of Writing 37

(A)The Freezing of Human Bodies(I) 39

(A)What Is REM(Rapid Eye Movement)Sleep? 40

Review Exercises 40

Reading Passages 阅读材料 40

Writing Skills 写作技能 40

(B)Hypnosis 49

(C)Acupuncture 54

Writing Skills 写作技能 58

从句作主语、宾语、表语和介词宾语 Clauses as Subject, Object, Complement and Prepositional Complement 58

Unit 单元3 63

Reading Skills 阅读技能 63

区分主要内容和细节 Distinguishing between Main Idea and Details 63

Reading Passages 阅读材料 69

(A)English, English Everywhere 69

(B)How to Pass Oral Exams(I) 79

(C)How to Pass Oral Exams(II) 84

Writing Skills 写作技能 90

从句作名词后置修饰语(1)Clauses as Noun Phrase Postmodiners(I) 90

Reading Skills 阅读技能 97

基本参照技能 Basic Refenence Skills 97

Unit 单元4 97

Reading Passages 阅读材料 103

(A)Calling for Equality with Men 103

(B)Should Women Return to Their Kitchen? 112

(C)Female Roles in Britain 118

从句作名词后置修饰语(2)Clauses as Noun Phrase Postmodifiers(II) 122

Writing Skills 写作技能 122

Reading Skills 阅读技能 128

(A)Waste Disposal 128

Reading Passages 阅读材料 128

Unit 单元5 128

(B)Air Pollution 135

Unit 单元6 150

Reading Skills 阅读技能 150

段落的种类Different Types of Paragraphs 150

Reading Passages 阅读材料 153

(A)Problems of the Computer Age 153

(B)Say AAAH…for the Computer 162

(C)Hello, I m DoCtor Computer 167

从句和非限定动词词组作状语 Clatises and Nonfinite Verb Phrases as Adverbials 172

Writing Skills 写作技能 172

Unit 单元7 179

段内关系(1)Inside the Paragraph(I) 179

Reading Skills 阅读技能 179

Reading Passages 阅读材料 183

(A)Burial Customs in Ancipnt Egypt 183

(B)Seven Wonders of the World(I) 192

(C)Seven Wonders of the World(II) 198

Writing Skills 写作技能 202

状语从句与时态Adverbial Clauses and Tenses 202

Unit 单元8 207

Reading Skills 阅读技能 207

段内关系(2) Inside the Paragraph(II) 207

Reading Passages 阅读材料 210

(A)Spectator Sports 210

(B)Tennis as a Maior Sport 219

(C)Origin of Dancing 224

Writing Skills 写作技能 228

时间关系和条件关系 Relationships of Time and Condition 228

Unit 单元9 235

Reading Skills 阅读技能 235

段内关系(3)Inside the Paragraph(III) 235

Reading Passages 阅读材料 239

(B)The Freezing of Human Bodies(II) 248

(C)How Doctors Look at Death 253

Writing Skills 写作技能 257

让步关系与因果关系 Relationships of Concession and Cause and Effect 257

Unit 单元10 264

Reading Skills 阅读技能 264

Reading Passages 阅读材料 264

(A)The Metric System Measures up 264

(B)To Measure the Stars 273

Writing Skills 写作技能 279

Review Exercises 279

Unit 单元11 288

Reading Skills 阅读技能 288

段落的组织(1) Organization of the Paragraph(I) 288

Reading Passages 阅读材料 293

(A)Hostels 293

(B)Leaving Home 300

(C)Contrasts in Living Standards 306

Writing Skills 写作技能 310

类比关系 Relationships of Sirn?arity and Cornpatison 310

Unit 单元12 316

Reading Skills 阅读技能 316

段落的组织(2)Organization of the Paragraph(II) 316

Reading Passages 阅读材料 320

(A)The Stock Market 320

(B)The Credit Union Loan 328

(C)What Is a Patent? 334

Writing Skills 写作技能 338

句子与信息(1) Sentence and Information(I) 338

Unit 单元13 344

Reading Skills 阅读技能 344

段落的组织(3) Organization of the Paragraph(III) 344

Reading Passages 阅读材料 347

(A)Vatican City 347

(B)Andorra 356

(C)San Marino 363

Writing Skills 写作技能 367

句子与信息(2) Sentence and Information(II) 367

Unit 单元14 374

Reading Skills 阅读技能 374

段落的组织(4) Organization of the Paragraph(IV) 374

(A)Communication 377

Reading Passages 阅读材料 377

(B)Information Journey 387

(C)Visual Illusions—a Way Our Brain Takes in Information 392

Writing Skills 写作技能 397

从句子到篇章 From Sentence to Discourse 397

Unit 单元15 402

Reading Skills 阅读技能 402

Reading Passages 阅读材料 402

(A)Chinese Land in Antarctica 402

(B)Hangzhou—a‘Paradise on Earth 411

Writing Skills 写作技能 416

Review Exercises 416

附录: 425

1.Glossary 词汇表 425

2.List of Expressions 词组表 507

3.Proper Names 专有名称表 513
